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Teams Running Score Thread

Started by reflexl, March 15, 2022, 09:40:49 AM

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I will be more than happy to keep up and post team running scores as I have done in the past unless someone else wants to do it. I also do a big bird tally for birds 65pts and over. If someone else wants to do it just let me know . If not I will just start it on this thread. It makes it nice to check scores at a glance in one place.

2022 Guns N' Hoses                         467.63

2022 Roaring 20's                            486.462

2022 Spur Collectors                        362.6825

The GOATS!!                                    581.4875

2022 Killer B's                                  546.0925

2022 Strut Stoppers                          528.46

2022 Limbhangers                             552.0274

Scattered Flock                                  418.6375

First to 500: Killer Bees

Updated 6/2/22
Big Birds!  65pts and Up- Ill get these up later. Some big birds killed in my absence!
3seasons-Roaring 20s                          80.935
West Augusta-Old Goats                      76.00
Kygobblergetter-Roaring 20s                73.875
Guesswho-Old Goats                           72.625
Chuck1443-Limb Hangers                    71.25
Terry - spur collectors                          69.00
WNY Bowhunter-Team Scattered Flock  68.3125
tanna114 - Scattered Flock                   67.8125                 
muzzy61-Scattered Flock                     67.305
BBR12-Roaring 20s                              66.885
MDTOM84-Strut Stoppers                     66.75
Hennedup-Roaring 20s                         66.627
dzsmith-strut stoppers                         66.595
SpellNJ3-Scattered Flock                      66.35
wvhoyt19-strut stoppers                      66.25
Hooked on Hooks-Limbhangers             66.185
Yoder409-Killer Bs                               66.0625
lacire-Scattered Flock                          65.59
RutnNStrutn Guns & Hoses                   65.5

Award for best looking: Tie between Guesswho and Happy of Team Old Goats.
Largest sabbatical killed- Guesswho of Old Goats. It made the record book with 17.2 points to spare.

Roost 1

Hey Reflexal...... Here's what a 72+ point bird looks like...  oh btw, crusaders are over 400 already.. LOL

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I didn't know Kroger sold them with the feathers still attached. Huh. Learn something every day.


I will try to get this updated later. I have been fighting covid for a week and a half. Back at work today and nearly feel like a human again.



Quote from: reflexl on March 15, 2022, 09:40:49 AM
Big Birds!  65pts and Up- Ill get these up later. Some big birds killed in my absence!
Terry - spur collectors                          69.00
muzzy61-Scattered Flock                     67.305
dzsmith-strut stoppers                         66.595

I'm not feeling the love.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk



Quote from: RutnNStrutn on May 18, 2022, 06:36:18 PM

Quote from: reflexl on March 15, 2022, 09:40:49 AM
Big Birds!  65pts and Up- Ill get these up later. Some big birds killed in my absence!
Terry - spur collectors                          69.00
muzzy61-Scattered Flock                     67.305
dzsmith-strut stoppers                         66.595

I'm not feeling the love.

I know !!!     Right ??     :'(

PA elitist since 1979

The good Lord ain't made a gobbler I can't kill.  I just gotta be there at the right time.....  on the day he wants to die.


Sorry guys. I was down a few weeks with covid and still playing catch up especially at work.  Some awesome birds killed for sure.  It wrecked my season including my Texas trip for rios. I will try to catch everything up in a day or two.



Quote from: reflexl on May 23, 2022, 04:42:19 PM
Sorry guys. I was down a few weeks with covid and still playing catch up especially at work.  Some awesome birds killed for sure.  It wrecked my season including my Texas trip for rios. I will try to catch everything up in a day or two.
Dang, sorry to hear that. Glad you're on the mend. Thanks for doing what you do.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

West Augusta

Prayers sent.  Get well soon.

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No trees were hurt in the sending of this message, however a large number of electrons were highly inconvenienced.


Thanks fellers. As always I enjoy the friendly competition. It really bothered me for a while that I didn't get to add a bird to our team score. I finally realized that it couldn't be helped. This is the worst turkey season I can remember. I can't remember when I was more excited to get after them. Some of yall know I collect antique guns and turkey calls.  I had some old guns and calls that I was all excited about getting on a bird. I barely got started when I got sick. This was my second round with covid. I had it last summer. It wrecked my plans. A buddy and I were supposed to head to Texas rio hunting and I came down with it in time to stop that. My TN hunting had just got started when I got sick. I still don't have my strength all the way back but much better than I was. I am hoping and praying that 2023 is a better season. As a safe guard I am going to plan to hunt some states next year with late seasons. May try to do an early state and late state. Huge congrats to everyone that was successful. I haven't haven't caught up the big birds but there were some awesome birds killed in most of the teams. I don't remember a year with this many birds over 65 points. I will have to go through all the team kill lists but I know one of our guys killed a 76 point bird. That to me is an ostrich.


Glad you are recovering reflexl. Scoring points for a contest isn't a top priority for the GOATS. Talking smack, laughing and enjoying turkey season is our main mission statement. It was a good idea by Jim and Dana to just get a bunch of longtime members who are regulars on OG, known to like to have fun and cut up together to participate. I suspect for most of us on the GOATS, turkey hunting is not a competitive sport other than us vs gobblers so I wouldn't feel bad at all. Sucks that you didn't get to get out and hunt much this spring though.

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Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


We had fun and it was a great group, if we never scored a bird I would still be satisfied....to quote Forest Gump, "That's all I got to say bout That"; and to modify a quote "I just felt like turkey huntin, no special reason". Reflexl you posted and participated and done the team list, your good in my book.