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What is the creepiest/spooking thing you came across in the turkey woods...

Started by Sanders153, March 10, 2022, 09:49:54 PM

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Down New Mexico way I came a across this creature traversing a ridge line. It moved like a ghost. It was completely silent and flowed through its environment with the confidence and stealth of an alpha apex predator, Almost snake like. As soon as it appeared it faded away like an eerie, evil, and foreboding mist.  The sight of such a menacing predator sent shivers up my spine. It was all I could do to keep my cool. Sasquatch I thought. Nope I was mistaken. Turns out it was GobbleNut out for a Sunday stroll.
Paul Myrdahl,  Goat trainee

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.". John Wayne, The Shootist.


Quote from: AppalachianHollers on March 12, 2022, 09:03:57 PM

Scouting an archery draw unit in Tennessee, I came across scores of fish carcasses. They were mostly large catfish. I was at least 300 yards from the nearest water, on a hill.

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I found an Eagles nest one time and there was a bunch of catfish skeletons underneath it. I'd look around for a nest nearby.

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Not turkey hunt but was out west elk hunting. Me and my hunting partner were on a ridge top early in the morning waiting to hear a bugle when something in the sky caught my attention. It was a line of lights evenly spaced outflying in the sky. U could hear no sound and the line stretched to no end it seemed. Kinda creepy seeing it go by. Anything from aliens invading to some top secret military experiment went through mind.


Starlink satellites Stoeger.  I had the same thing happen and looked it up. 

WV Flopper

 Nothing out of the ordinary for me but....

Had a guy I went to school with find a dead guy. He was hunting a large piece of ground and was hunting along. He was walking and looked up and seen a guy setting, resting against a tree. He thought it was odd, just the look of it and the surroundings but when a bird landed on the guy he knew something was up.

He eventually got the nerve up to check it out a little closer. Wound up calling cops or something to that nature. The guy had been missing since deer season the November prior.


I was hunting hardwoods several years back with A buddy,we were tuck in tight to A big hardwood tree.We stomped down A single row of the thick vegetation in front of us for A shooting lane,but everything else was pretty tall limiting visibility. There was A old logging road in front of us and we were working A vocal bird. All at once I looked up and A bobcat was less than 2ft from my boot and we were in A stare off. It let out A low growl/hiss and leaned down as if it was going to pounce at our faces. We both hollered and shewed it and it worked, my heart skipped A few beats on that one.

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MISSISSIPPI Double beard

Quote from: Will on March 13, 2022, 09:54:15 AM
Fellas....this is why I won't bow hunt for turkeys...woman making mud pies....old man walking out of no where and naked people deep in the woods! It's comforting knowing I carry a 12 guage...hahahahaha
When I bowhunt I always carry a pistol..period!
They call him...Kenny..Kenny


Quote from: Paulmyr on March 13, 2022, 10:35:49 AM
Down New Mexico way I came a across this creature traversing a ridge line. It moved like a ghost. It was completely silent and flowed through its environment with the confidence and stealth of an alpha apex predator, Almost snake like. As soon as it appeared it faded away like an eerie, evil, and foreboding mist.  The sight of such a menacing predator sent shivers up my spine. It was all I could do to keep my cool. Sasquatch I thought. Nope I was mistaken. Turns out it was GobbleNut out for a Sunday stroll.

:TooFunny: :TooFunny:

High plains drifter

WV Flopper

Didn't think of that, a 30-30 in a trash bag laying under some leak/duff.



I don't have anything in particular while turkey hunting ( I did find what looked like an old homestead grave site with graves stones so old they weren't legible, WAY out in the middle of the woods) but had a good one when I was hunting Ducks.

I was hunting solo in North Texas on big farm pond with my Black Lab and it was still dark (a good deal before daylight) and I already had the decoys out and I just got settled in, waiting for shooting light. I was set up in a layout blind along a the pond dam that was probably 6-8 foot tall behind me. It was really still/quiet but all the sudden my lab jumps up and flips around and his hair on the back of his neck stands straight up, he gets in this defensive looking posture, and starts growling and snarling like crazy so I get out of the layout blind and turn around but can't see anything in the darkness. Keep in mind, there's a ton of coyotes and hogs in this area and he's used to seeing them/hearing them and NEVER acted like this before. So, at this point, I'm definitely on high alert and fumbling for my light with my gun trained back that way. I never heard or saw anything. Anyway, my dog finally settles back down after a few minutes and things go back to normal but I was looking over my shoulder the rest of the hunt. When it finally gets light and we got a lull in the hunting we walked back to the back side of the levee and found a well worn/ dusty deer trail, probably 30-40 feet from where we were set up, and I could clearly make out mtn. lion tracks... I don't know if it was creeping up on us and the dog scared it away or if my dog just smelled/heard it etc, when it was traveling past us but it was enough to make me jumpy every time I hunted that area/property going forward. Either way, I'd never been so thankful to have that dog with me.


I rarely feel spooked if I'm toting a shotgun while hunting turkeys or a rifle for elk or deer.  However, in some areas of Montana, I'm a little more jumpy when bowhunting in the backcountry especially at night.  This one is funny now but made me stop for a while in September last year. 

I had been hiking for a little better than an hour in the dark into an area where I'd been close to a bull the previous weekend.  The trail follows a creek through the timber in a canyon.  You can't hear worth a dang whenever it's close to the creek.  It was probably 30 minutes before daylight and I was moving at pretty good clip.  I was stopped in my tracks by an awful scream that echoed around that sounded like it was within 100 yards. 

I stood there trying to decide what in the world???  I didn't hear it well enough to know what it was but it was loud.  I knew it wasn't a bear.  I thought it could have been a cat, but felt that was unlikely.  I finally decided that it must have been a bull.  I've heard some crazy bugles before that barely resembled a bugle, so that had to be it.

I stayed put to keep the wind in my favor and knew that I couldn't call to it untill daylight.  15 minutes went by and nothing, so now I'm thinking I imagined it.  I start heading down the trail listening and watching because everything was finally turning grey.  After a few minutes the thing screams again finally and I'm still thinking what the heck???  He did it at least once more as I worked my way towards it.  "That's the nastiest bugling bull I've ever heard if that's a bull.  Damn that thing must have blown a vocal chord or something."

I moved forward again and went ahead and bugled a couple times myself.  I finally get a response from higher up the hill.  A good sounding bugle but not as crazy as the first.  I cross the creek and start towards it.  The bull bugles at me again but still not the crazy bugle.  Something didn't seem right, but I kept easing forward trying to figure this out.

50 yards ahead, I can smell elk, there are fresh tracks, and I catch movement to my left 50 yards away.  I had to look at it a few seconds to understand what I was seeing.  My first thought was "elk", then "no, is that a moose? It's dark like a moose.". Then it shook its head and made that God awful noise and I realized what I'd been hearing. 

Some guy from a camp farther in had beat me to the area and was already following the elk but had parked his dang riding mule near the creek.  The mule was apparently none too happy about being left alone.

I turned and just headed back, finally understanding what I'd heard in the dark.  That was definitely a first for me.

Here is what he or she sounded like:.   https://youtu.be/_3QIabRz_kg


We drive by this place on my U.P. MI hunts, well I can't even explain this and even just typing this out gives me the chills. I stopped the truck and took this picture of this old, abandoned farmhouse. Nobody has ever been there in the 30+ years...

You be the judge CAF


Howie g

A Buddy of mine leased a small farm to deer hunt on in the mid west . It had a old abandoned home and barn on it .
Up in the hay loft of the barn was the carcasses of at least 30 dead gobblers . They were fully intact. Some still had beards still attached .
They didn't appear to have been eaten on . It looked like they just either died in there ? Or some body just put them up there ? It was very puzzling and quite spooky .   


   Around the year 2000,I was Hunting off of Famous CLINTON ROAD in New Jersey. Now this was " before",I knew anything  about this Very Dark and Creepy Road and back then Clinton Road was pretty bad as far as ruts + potholes.
   Right around 9am after doing alot of Calling and hearing only Hens and seeing 1-- the Woods grew Silent,I mean Super Quiet! Not a Bird,Squirrel,  or insect...
   I had this Weird Feeling of being Watched and " something" was Close. Muscles now Supercharged, I went with " my Gut" and Sprang up- ready to Shoot and Swing that Shotgun like a Club. I walked Slowly out- looking round at my Backtrail often.
   I figure a Black Bear heard all that Hen Turkey Talk and was Lumbering  Closer for a Look. And North Jersey and Black Bears go together! I have since called up 2 Black Bears while Turkey Hunting.
  Now a few years back,I was in this very same area and killed a Jake. Most Hunters would never go back. I am a - Front Ranks type of Dude though. Back through the centuries going back to ancient Greece- The Cowards were placed in the middle Ranks . Read the Iliad.
   So ,I figure a Big Black Bear was getting close or Bigfoot was taking a rare Daytime excursion  through the The Thick Woods.