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Turkey Hunting and Gas Question?

Started by Wrangler95, March 07, 2022, 11:00:15 AM

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My work is 15 miles from my house, I typically go to work in AM, then run into town for lunch, back out to work then home at the end of the day. Averaging Driving 55-60 miles per day to go to work and back in my truck that gets 12.5 mpg which averages out to 17 dollars per day with current gas prices around me aggravates me far more than the thousands of dollars I will spend on gas this season while hunting locally and taking a few out of state trips this spring. The gas prices will deter the faint of heart, the die hard's will stick with it. I mean, I'm already spending 1,500+ on licenses and $10 per shell. Why would an increase in gas prices deter me or alter my plans?


It makes shooting $15 shells not seem so bad! But it will affect a lot of us whether we realize it yet or not. If not this year it'll hit us next year.


I load my own shells, haven't bought a call in years, hunt with ancient camo that is now cool and always camp while out of state, been saving for years...haha

Will still be painful filling up for 100$ plus!

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Last year alone, I put over 6,000 miles on my vehicle all for turkey hunting, this includes scouting trips. It's going to get real expensive this year, I'm not happy about it, but I'm ALIVE, and I'm going hunting.


Currently the environment is changing daily. Every time stations refill the price is a lot different

Yesterday morn I filled up at 3.79, this morning that same station since they refilled is 4.19.

I'm think we will easily hit a national average of 5+

Covid took out several refineries (loss of supply) and also most of the tracing industry (lock of supply) yet demand hasn't slowed down.

Add a war on top of that (huge fuel consumer) and the demand related to the supply is astronomically higher.

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You only live once. Only so many turkey seasons. I'm going.Who needs electric or water.....?? Lol

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I work year round on the road as a construction contract worker. I take off every turkey season because that's just me. I save my money for this time of the year. Gas could be 10 bucks a gallon in Mississippi and I'm still going to drive and hunt. Take the good with the bad I guess
"thinnin the flock"


I knew there was a reason to keep my Prius!



I have 3 tags and two weeks vacation I had to schedule back last December, that and Life has severely limited my Turkey time these last two seasons. I pray every day that it works out and I'm able to get in the game this year. I've already decided to scratch one 300 mile public area scouting trip but luckily the other two tags are one hour round trip each and I'll scout those hard.
If work picks up I'll do some overtime to help with the added cost of everything lately at the rate it's goin.


"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


I'm not so worried about gas prices as I am having a job in the construction industry with the pending recession some say is already here. Tough times are coming fellas and I got a feeling $5 a gallon gas is going to seem like a cake walk.
Paul Myrdahl,  Goat trainee

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.". John Wayne, The Shootist.

Tail Feathers

It will take a bigger bite out of my gas budget but I'll spend what it requires to go where I want this spring.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!

Roost 1

Drove over 7000 miles in 5 weeks this past year.


I travel thousands of miles every spring, but I always camp and live like a hobo during turkey season.

saves money and less travel when you camp where you hunt!

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