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Forum input time guys !

Started by Old Gobbler, February 19, 2022, 04:35:01 PM

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Quote from: roosterstraw on February 19, 2022, 06:44:37 PM
Off topic... two things I'd like to see that I think would benefit a lot of people is to make it easier to add pictures and a "jump to new" button so you don't have to scroll through the threads to see where you left off.


Outfitter/guide section
Gear review section for things outside turkey calls - vests, binos, pants, boots ect

Not a section but Maybe a sticky thread for pictures of the day where people can upload great photos of hunts, camps, great scenic views, harvests, other wildlife and nature ect 

I volunteer to coordinate the "list my hotspot" section. Please PM me your hotspot and I will verify their accuracy, I will put together a list to be revealed at a later date 24hrs after never

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<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="l4hWuQU"><a href="//imgur.com/l4hWuQU"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


A photo image resizer that guys could go to and make their pictures more comparable to be displayed on here. Some of the pics I see are just too big to really see.

I use one on a other site quite a bit for all the photos I load directly from my computer. The photos use less memory too and I can post more photos per page/post.

I know just enough to be dangerous with this tech stuff, but the resizer is very convenient for me. I just go to the site, choose my photo, and resize it. I then save it to a folder I have to hold all my resized pics. The originals are still there.


It's just a thought and not sure it's possible, but how about a post or thread hall of same so to speak. Call it the strutt zone or something. Have a system where posts/ threads could nominated for the Strutt Zone while or after reading the posts by members. Maybe a vote button on the bottom of the post in the signature area. Take the top 50/100 posts/ threads and put them in a sticky thread. There's a pile of great info just laying around in the old Gobbler archives. It would be nice to somehow pull the best out and and display them instead of having to search the archives for it. Not sure how it would work for past data. I'm sure something cold be figured out for future posts.
Paul Myrdahl,  Goat trainee

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.". John Wayne, The Shootist.


Maybe a classified feedback score attached to your user name. Archery talk has a very nice feedback system, It really helps with trust when buying/selling.


Jump to new, Like button, What state your in, Be able to delete a post with out opening it.


Jump to new,  post rating buttons (like, dislike, agree, disagree, best post ever, etc), outfitter idea seems cool, gear review section is a great idea
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

El Pavo Grande

the Ward

This might end up being a bad idea, but how about a legislative/ political action subforum where members who want to post alerts about upcoming laws and regulations and discuss them to keep any drama off the main general discussion forum? And maybe a general automotive subforum where we can discuss vehicles? Just a couple things i thought of this morning.


Quote from: fallhnt on February 20, 2022, 04:31:17 AM
Post up your hotspot section.

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This could be merged with the YouTube hero page. As they are one in the same

Old Gobbler

The picture posting issue ... I will elaborate , pictures being hosted eat up huge amounts of storage$$$ , I'm having my wife the computer genius evaluate our options , since Photobucket went caput years ago the ability to post up free hostable images became difficult , we are looking into alternatives or freeing up available data

Guides ...a touchy subject , years ago we had a guide section , (a nail , a shingle ,and a Facebook profile) and anyone can declare themselves a bonafide guide ...money does strange things to people , be cautious ..we have seen some incredible feats of shenanigans attempted here and elsewhere ...  I'm desperate not to be involved in the guide rating service , if others wish to say kind words about a outfitter , I have no problem with that -- just make sure they are reputable , have plenty of references and do a Google search on them

Waterfowl hunting has the same issue plenty of reputable individuals and some bad apples that are drawn to your $$ ..be cautious use common sense

:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....


ol bob

There is a reason this forum is the biggest and best, it's for and about TURKEY HUNTING and very little needs changing if you want to discuss duck,deer hunting,cars or politics there are plenty of places for that. This is what it is and if we don't keep it that way it will go the way of all the other turkey forums.

Meleagris gallopavo

I like the "like" button idea.  The skinning shed section idea was good too IMO.  Other than that I'd like to say that this is my favorite forum and I look at it everyday.  It's pretty well made as is.

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I live and hunt by empirical evidence.


I am a fan of the outfitter/ guide section. I got burned years ago and I went back 5 years on my research. But y'all are better references than Facebook etc. The predator section is very interesting as I believe that along with habitat loss are the 2 biggest issues. I consider those egg stealing pests to be a huge problem and not many hunt them.  :z-twocents: Al Baker


Another vote for the ability to Like, Laugh or Thank You a particular post. Something to quickly and simply give a 'tip of the hat' without having to create a post.