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Sheer idiocy

Started by ChesterCopperpot, May 14, 2021, 08:03:22 PM

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I think if I was that starved for attention I'd just stand in front of a Walmart naked. At least that way the most I'd get was arrested not shot in the face because I was stupid and wanted more people to see me online.  I've been turkey hunting since 1974 and that tops every stupid thing I've ever seen.  I agree, that kids picture with his headgear should be used nationwide in every hunter safety class.   Dang, that just makes me cringe to look at it.


I just wish we could get back to the days when a man was a man. Prioritized God, family, and hard work. He stood for something, had some pride and a spine and didn't need to have his every wish granted as easily as possible. And he didn't need attention and validation from everyone. As a matter of fact he welcomed work and perseverance because he knew it made him a better person. There are still a few around and I am proud to know a few. They have a line in the sand on their principles and you aren't gonna get them to cross that line for anything. I also know a few that haven't seen the inside of church in decades but they are true men sure enough and I have a ton of respect for them. Even if I don't always agree with them. They still know right from wrong and you know where they stand. I really wish we had more like them around. I think the internet has hurt more than helped in this case.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


I think the thing I find the most funny about this is that not only did this kid think this was the greatest idea ever, but even first lite was like "oh yea, great caption to push turkey gear". And this picture is never going away hahaha it's going to be in hunter safety classes nationwide  :TooFunny: :TooFunny: :TooFunny:


Quote from: Happy on May 15, 2021, 08:58:40 PM
I just wish we could get back to the days when a man was a man. Prioritized God, family, and hard work. He stood for something, had some pride and a spine and didn't need to have his every wish granted as easily as possible. And he didn't need attention and validation from everyone. As a matter of fact he welcomed work and perseverance because he knew it made him a better person. There are still a few around and I am proud to know a few. They have a line in the sand on their principles and you aren't gonna get them to cross that line for anything. I also know a few that haven't seen the inside of church in decades but they are true men sure enough and I have a ton of respect for them. Even if I don't always agree with them. They still know right from wrong and you know where they stand. I really wish we had more like them around. I think the internet has hurt more than helped in this case.

Very poetically put friend. Those were the days no doubt when it was the norm and not the exception

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk


Quote from: turkeyfool on May 15, 2021, 09:19:52 PM
I think the thing I find the most funny about this is that not only did this kid think this was the greatest idea ever, but even first lite was like "oh yea, great caption to push turkey gear". And this picture is never going away hahaha it's going to be in hunter safety classes nationwide  :TooFunny: :TooFunny: :TooFunny:
what did you expect? bunch of cucks to begin with...
"For thy name's sake, O LORD, pardon mine iniquity; for it is great."



Quote from: Jimspur on May 15, 2021, 07:47:17 PM
Quote from: Pluffmud on May 15, 2021, 06:46:09 PM
I understand yall dont like it. I dont care for it myself. Putting a turkey on your head is stupid. Making it against the law to be stupid, is also stupid. Making blanket laws and bans to protect smart people from stupid people, is stupid. Stupid people will be stupid regardless. Hell, smart people get hurt from other smart people doing safe and legal things. Tell a man in SC he cant use a rifle and a grunt call to hunt deer on his own property because a poacher might trespass and "someone could get hurt." Same goes for turkey hunting with a fan on private ground. See how that conversation goes.

I don't like it. It's not because you or someone else might get shot in the
face. It's because it cheapens the hunt. I want it to be illegal not to save your face from being blown off, but to protect the wild turkey.
A wild turkey is extremely vulnerable to fanning, so much so that any nimrod with a fan can kill a turkey. A rule to outlaw fanning will protect the resource. Sorry you have such a hard time understanding that.

Make no mistake, there are plenty on this forum who have no problem with reaping. They simply dont want to put a target on their back so they are keeping quiet. Thats fine. Ill do it, because I see the hypocrisy, and Im not here to appease the mob.

The argument in this thread has not centered around the effectiveness of a fan.

You guys have been commenting more than once about "my face being cratered by a .270." You say it as if I use a fan myself (like you know anything about how I hunt or my hunting values), as if there is extensive data to show that people are being killed often from reaping, and as if you want it to hapoen to me, simply because I dont agree that it should be illegal on private ground.

If you were all so concerned about yours and others safety and bird numbers, you would all keep your turkey calls at the house. You would all cover atleast 50 percent of your body in blaze orange all the time. You would put up the shotgun and hunt only with a bow. You would have assigned stands on public and private land and you would not leave that stand. Until I see that happen among the turkey hunting community, its all just picking and choosing what you like and forcing it upon others. Its the same "me, me, me" mentality that you are accusing others of.

Psalm 46:10

Howie g

Ok , ok 0k pluffymudd , we get it . You've made your point . You stand for reaping gobblers , social media etc .
That's awesome that you stand for something besides watching your phone and playing silly games on computers .
  Your rite , I don't know you , and don't know how you hunt gobblers ??
But , Let me issue you a challenge... next spring , go after a gobbler with just your calls , no visual aids " deeks " set down call one up to your gun without all the fans , deeks , blinds or whatever else . Call him up and watch the " wildness " of that gobbler . Get him close , real close ,,, not 60 yard close enough for tss close , I mean real close so it doesn't matter what shells your shooting will do fine .  Do this , or try to do it ,  then report back to us and let us know how it felt ??   Oh ,and don't post it social ,  just enjoy it for yourself. Set there for a few , smoke a cigar , or my choice , eat a honey bun and swig black coffee ... after this , if you still want to be a social media reaper ,  then by all means , reap away my friend !!


Quote from: Howie g on May 16, 2021, 08:01:17 AM
Ok , ok 0k pluffymudd , we get it . You've made your point . You stand for reaping gobblers , social media etc .
That's awesome that you stand for something besides watching your phone and playing silly games on computers .
  Your rite , I don't know you , and don't know how you hunt gobblers ??
But , Let me issue you a challenge... next spring , go after a gobbler with just your calls , no visual aids " deeks " set down call one up to your gun without all the fans , deeks , blinds or whatever else . Call him up and watch the " wildness " of that gobbler . Get him close , real close ,,, not 60 yard close enough for tss close , I mean real close so it doesn't matter what shells your shooting will do fine .  Do this , or try to do it ,  then report back to us and let us know how it felt ??   Oh ,and don't post it social ,  just enjoy it for yourself. Set there for a few , smoke a cigar , or my choice , eat a honey bun and swig black coffee ... after this , if you still want to be a social media reaper ,  then by all means , reap away my friend !!

Wow. Youre right. You dont know me. And, if you have read the entire thread, you only absorbed what you wanted to. As is obvious from your post.

What I stand for is truth and freedom to live with limited government intrusion. There is not truth in suggesting that reaping is more dangerous than calling turkeys. Very few people have been shot while reaping. MANY people have been shot from using turkey calls. Yet, you all still do it, and arent calling to outlaw the use of calls over safety concerns like ive seen over reaping on this post. Its blatant hypocrisy, and just an excuse to outlaw something because its not the way you would do it, which leads to unintend consequences.

Psalm 46:10


Quote from: bbcoach on May 14, 2021, 08:35:56 PM
If this is real, This young man SHOULD NOT reproduce!

Beat me to it.


Everybody has an opinion and I respect that.   But comparing the safety concerns of using a turkey call versus crawling behind a fan is a bit of a stretch.   There are idiots in the woods without a doubt, and you may get shot using either method.   But one would require an idiot to shoot at a sound, the other would require them to shoot at a visual.   Idiots ate idiots!   But I think even idiots would rather have something to aim at.  And statistically it would be like comparing people getting hit while riding a bike across an urban road or walking across a busy interstate.   You can get hit doing either, but I like my chances crossing the urban road.
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
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Quote from: Pluffmud on May 16, 2021, 08:28:47 AM
Quote from: Howie g on May 16, 2021, 08:01:17 AM
Ok , ok 0k pluffymudd , we get it . You've made your point . You stand for reaping gobblers , social media etc .
That's awesome that you stand for something besides watching your phone and playing silly games on computers .
  Your rite , I don't know you , and don't know how you hunt gobblers ??
But , Let me issue you a challenge... next spring , go after a gobbler with just your calls , no visual aids " deeks " set down call one up to your gun without all the fans , deeks , blinds or whatever else . Call him up and watch the " wildness " of that gobbler . Get him close , real close ,,, not 60 yard close enough for tss close , I mean real close so it doesn't matter what shells your shooting will do fine .  Do this , or try to do it ,  then report back to us and let us know how it felt ??   Oh ,and don't post it social ,  just enjoy it for yourself. Set there for a few , smoke a cigar , or my choice , eat a honey bun and swig black coffee ... after this , if you still want to be a social media reaper ,  then by all means , reap away my friend !!

Wow. Youre right. You dont know me. And, if you have read the entire thread, you only absorbed what you wanted to. As is obvious from your post.

What I stand for is truth and freedom to live with limited government intrusion. There is not truth in suggesting that reaping is more dangerous than calling turkeys. Very few people have been shot while reaping. MANY people have been shot from using turkey calls. Yet, you all still do it, and arent calling to outlaw the use of calls over safety concerns like ive seen over reaping on this post. Its blatant hypocrisy, and just an excuse to outlaw something because its not the way you would do it, which leads to unintend consequences.
You're so simple minded on keeping your rights you can't see the difference in anything other than that they are both "legal freedoms".

By no means is using a turkey call against a tree to call a bird to you even remotely close to crawling behind a male turkey decoy. In both instances, if another hunter accidentally shoots the other hunter where would the liability fall? When a guy shoots camo movement behind a bush at a hen call, that's total negligence upon the person behind the trigger not identifying his target, the number one rule of hunter safety. When a guy shoots a small framed person fully hidden behind a gobbler decoy that just crested the hill, there was not total negligence of the person behind the trigger, they identified a moving male turkey and shot.

If you can't see the difference in this and understand that you're a lost cause. You say you can't argue the point with us, and you're right. I'll say it a third time, enjoy getting your face cratered in by a .270, and if not you, be it someone you know. Enjoy the following of that; turkey seasons in your state get questioned about whether they should even take place.

Hunting laws/regulations have existed a long time, assuming banning of reaping leads to total ban of turkey hunting is asinine. Someone getting shot in the face doing something stupid in the turkey woods, maybe that leading to the abolishment of turkey hunting doesn't seem as crazy.

Howie g

I'm going to say this, then I'm out of this useless conversation.  The reason I feel reaping should be outlawed has ZERO to do with safety ...


Quote from: Howie g on May 16, 2021, 09:38:02 AM
I'm going to say this, then I'm out of this useless conversation.  The reason I feel reaping should be outlawed has ZERO to do with safety ...

My sentiments exactly!


Quote from: Howie g on May 16, 2021, 09:38:02 AM
I'm going to say this, then I'm out of this useless conversation.  The reason I feel reaping should be outlawed has ZERO to do with safety ...
Well it should. While not everyone will agree it's not sporting to the turkey's, everyone should agree it is a safety issue, and that safety issue alone is a detriment to our sport. The other side of it not being ethical or sporting holds validity and is also a detriment to our sport for those that see it that way.

Pretty simple to me about why it should be banned/outlawed at least.