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Sheer idiocy

Started by ChesterCopperpot, May 14, 2021, 08:03:22 PM

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Quote from: Pluffmud on May 15, 2021, 01:51:03 PM
Obviously there will be no intelligent conversation if you cant see past the strutter hat. The strutter hat is not the point. If you would like to live where you are regulated in every aspect of your life, feel free to pack all your belongings and move to Canada, France, or Mexico. Ill stay here with my strutter hat and have freedoms.
Yeah, I'd hate to be over there with the commies in France and Canada! Worst of all the French Canadians! You're already regulated on how you can hunt and kill turkeys. Name the state you live and I'll Google what you can and can't do. Most of those laws are in place to protect the resource and some of those laws are in place to protect people. Are all those current laws constitutional infringements? Should I be able to shoot a net gun over a winter flock, pick me out a bird flapping and flopping, and club him to death with a tire iron if that winter flock happens to be picking across my property? "People fought and died so I could club this turkey!!! What the hell is this MexEEEco?!?"

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Psalm 46:10


Quote from: Pluffmud on May 15, 2021, 12:12:14 PM
Quote from: HookedonHooks on May 15, 2021, 10:10:04 AM
Quote from: MISSISSIPPI Double beard on May 15, 2021, 09:54:19 AM
All it's going to take is one poacher and that guy will be a statistic!
100%. People like to act like this is okay on private land, but there's trespassers out there using rifles. Just because you're doing something "legal" does not mean it's smart, and even on your own private land you can't assume what others are doing, especially if they're illegally trespassing.

Hopefully more states follow suit to Alabama, Michigan and a couple others and make this totally illegal.

It is ok on private land. Likes on Instagram is a culture issue in the hunting and fishing community right now for sure. What is also an issue, is government over reach, disguised as care and compassion, with intentions to widdle away at the Bill of Rights. If you think likes on Instagram is bad, Ill raise you one and argue that our future generations are softening as men and women due to being handed everything and protected from everything.

You are correct. Poachers poach, and you are not 100 percent safe on your own land. But quite frankly, if its not your land, its really not any of your business. Im assuming a risk when I reap on private land. That's MY decision. No one else should be on my land. They are breaking the law. If I am shot, thats unfortunate. I assumed that risk. It matters nothing to you, and you have no say regarding the matter, as it does not affect you. It is absolutely asanine for the govt to regulate me on my own property.  If I want to pour gasoline on myself and try jumping through a burning tire while rolling on MY property, thats MY business. Is it stupid? Yes. Do others think its safe? No. Is it there business? Absolutely not, and they dang sure aint gonna tell me I cant. Same goes for anything else.

By all means. On public land, where it is for public use, and others safety are in danger, these things should be regulated. Not on private ground. I am responsible for my own safety, and I assume that liabilty. Id rather die a free man at a young age, than an old man who has had his liberties stripped from him.
Wow.   Started turkey hunting in the 1970's. Game laws have always been in place since i started. Always has been a season. Shooting hours. What sex and how many you can take. Had to buy or request a license/tags.  Regulations on types of firearms and even shot sizes came later, no shot larger than 2's . Be safe stickers.
No baiting. Shooting from a vehicle and so on. Some of these regulations were put in place to protect the hunters safety.  Still hunting in 2021 with most of those regulations still in place.
I don't believe nothing gives the antis more to use against hunting than a wounded or dead hunter shot by accident.
Never seen those laws be any different on public or private.
You may own your land but the wildlife regulations and care of it belong to the public. Believe i heard that somewhere.


I am in no means advocating for completley eliminating seasons or wildlife management practices. What I am saying is that, the answer to any issue defaults to more laws and regulations. Laws and regulations are needed. They are not always the answer, and it is a slippery slope. No rifles. No shotguns under 12 gauge. No shotguns period. No decoYs. No use of any turkey calls, whatsoever. One turkey every 5 years, only on private ground. Tags are by lottery, $2500 to enter the draw. Think it cant happen here? Take a good look at Australia. They would have laughed in your face if you told them a decade ago the regs they have now.
Psalm 46:10

tracker vi

I am tired of being told I need to defend stupid sh*t or i'm anti this or that . This is just asinine . Stupid ,stupid and stupid !!!!


Quote from: Pluffmud on May 15, 2021, 03:45:45 PM

I am in no means advocating for completley eliminating seasons or wildlife management practices. What I am saying is that, the answer to any issue defaults to more laws and regulations. Laws and regulations are needed. They are not always the answer, and it is a slippery slope. No rifles. No shotguns under 12 gauge. No shotguns period. No decoYs. No use of any turkey calls, whatsoever. One turkey every 5 years, only on private ground. Tags are by lottery, $2500 to enter the draw. Think it cant happen here? Take a good look at Australia. They would have laughed in your face if you told them a decade ago the regs they have now.

Ok. So lets prevent all that. Maybe by preventing someone from being shot while hunting and giving the anti's something to work with.
Can only imagine what some non hunting people are saying about that pic? Look at the idiot?? What kind of nut puts on a GI helmet with a turkey decoy on it ? He is sponsored by whom?
The public eye is watching! 


Quote from: tracker vi on May 15, 2021, 03:50:14 PM
I am tired of being told I need to defend stupid sh*t or i'm anti this or that . This is just asinine . Stupid ,stupid and stupid !!!!
Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep! Me too!
Quote from: owlhoot on May 15, 2021, 04:08:30 PM
Quote from: Pluffmud on May 15, 2021, 03:45:45 PM

I am in no means advocating for completley eliminating seasons or wildlife management practices. What I am saying is that, the answer to any issue defaults to more laws and regulations. Laws and regulations are needed. They are not always the answer, and it is a slippery slope. No rifles. No shotguns under 12 gauge. No shotguns period. No decoYs. No use of any turkey calls, whatsoever. One turkey every 5 years, only on private ground. Tags are by lottery, $2500 to enter the draw. Think it cant happen here? Take a good look at Australia. They would have laughed in your face if you told them a decade ago the regs they have now.

Ok. So lets prevent all that. Maybe by preventing someone from being shot while hunting and giving the anti's something to work with.
Can only imagine what some non hunting people are saying about that pic? Look at the idiot?? What kind of nut puts on a GI helmet with a turkey decoy on it ? He is sponsored by whom?
The public eye is watching!
Absolutely. All it takes is one kid who doesn't know any better, who can't fathom the danger, has no mentor, but LOVES MeatEater and follows First Lite and they see them promoting this garbage so they go crawling through a field with a strutting gobbler on their head and someone shoots that kid in the face with a load of TSS at 50yds. What then?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Then a massive can of worms opens up that we don't need

Howie g

Pluffymud , I think your missing some of our points . To some of us older guys reaping etc cheapens the sport of turkey hunting ,,, period .  To take a gobbler in this fashion In my eyes and most true turkey hunters I know is just despicable to put it lightly... the safety issue of it is a whole other deal .


I understand yall dont like it. I dont care for it myself. Putting a turkey on your head is stupid. Making it against the law to be stupid, is also stupid. Making blanket laws and bans to protect smart people from stupid people, is stupid. Stupid people will be stupid regardless. Hell, smart people get hurt from other smart people doing safe and legal things. Tell a man in SC he cant use a rifle and a grunt call to hunt deer on his own property because a poacher might trespass and "someone could get hurt." Same goes for turkey hunting with a fan on private ground. See how that conversation goes.
Psalm 46:10


Quote from: Pluffmud on May 15, 2021, 03:45:45 PM

I am in no means advocating for completley eliminating seasons or wildlife management practices. What I am saying is that, the answer to any issue defaults to more laws and regulations. Laws and regulations are needed. They are not always the answer, and it is a slippery slope. No rifles. No shotguns under 12 gauge. No shotguns period. No decoYs. No use of any turkey calls, whatsoever. One turkey every 5 years, only on private ground. Tags are by lottery, $2500 to enter the draw. Think it cant happen here? Take a good look at Australia. They would have laughed in your face if you told them a decade ago the regs they have now.

You mention New Mexico and their knee jerk reaction to a poacher illegally trapping.

What do you suppose the knee jerk reaction to your face getting cratered in by a poacher with a .270 on your own private property while reaping? That's right, it don't matter to you it's your RIGHT to get shot in the face, and it will be the other turkeys hunters issue at hand getting their seasons taken away after you're gone. Excellent perspective to have.

You're right though. I'm just a young "softie".


Quote from: Howie g on May 15, 2021, 06:16:58 PM
Pluffymud , I think your missing some of our points . To some of us older guys reaping etc cheapens the sport of turkey hunting ,,, period .  To take a gobbler in this fashion In my eyes and most true turkey hunters I know is just despicable to put it lightly... the safety issue of it is a whole other deal .
There's some young bucks that are right there with you in that train of thought, unfortunately not enough of us though. I've taken buddies first getting into the sport that I grew up with and they all ask the same thing, "can we crawl behind a Tom decoy if they hang up or something? It looks cool in videos I've seen." I simply tell them not if they're hunting with me, and not if they like living life.


Quote from: Pluffmud on May 15, 2021, 06:46:09 PM
I understand yall dont like it. I dont care for it myself. Putting a turkey on your head is stupid. Making it against the law to be stupid, is also stupid. Making blanket laws and bans to protect smart people from stupid people, is stupid. Stupid people will be stupid regardless. Hell, smart people get hurt from other smart people doing safe and legal things. Tell a man in SC he cant use a rifle and a grunt call to hunt deer on his own property because a poacher might trespass and "someone could get hurt." Same goes for turkey hunting with a fan on private ground. See how that conversation goes.

I don't like it. It's not because you or someone else might get shot in the
face. It's because it cheapens the hunt. I want it to be illegal not to save your face from being blown off, but to protect the wild turkey.
A wild turkey is extremely vulnerable to fanning, so much so that any nimrod with a fan can kill a turkey. A rule to outlaw fanning will protect the resource. Sorry you have such a hard time understanding that.


Ive never been brave enough to fan. When i was young and getting my hunters safety course the DNR officer administering the class told us all a very graphic story of man getting shot behind his decoy. Ever since then ive had a hard time understanding why anybody would want to hold a fan while calling like a turkey.
Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr


Quote from: HillclimberWV on May 15, 2021, 08:01:31 PM
Ive never been brave enough to fan. When i was young and getting my hunters safety course the DNR officer administering the class told us all a very graphic story of man getting shot behind his decoy. Ever since then ive had a hard time understanding why anybody would want to hold a fan while calling like a turkey.

It's because nowadays, it doesn't matter how you kill the turkey. It's all about whether you "got it done". The manner in which you took it means nothing anymore. Just gotta get those thumbs up and likes from people that they will never know. Makes me frickin' sick.