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Covid Vaccine

Started by GobbleNut, March 20, 2021, 10:06:27 AM

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Spitten and drummen

I will pass. Thanks for asking.


In still undecided.  My wife and I both had it bad just after Christmas and was basically bed ridden for two weeks.  I just lost my Grandmother and Aunt in the last 15 days both due to covid so I know how bad it can be.  Why I am hesitant is that I believe I should ha e the antibodies from fighting it and basically that's what the vaccine is supposed to do anyway. BTW I'm 41 and in decent health


Nope. Not for me.

Sent from deep in the woods where the critters roam.


I've had both shots. Received second shot back in January. I respect everyone's opinion and choice. However, misinformation is rampant and leads many to choose to avoid the vaccine. As a healthcare provider, I would strongly encourage everyone to take the vaccine. I know many who died from Covid or were extremely sick for a very long time.


Quote from: Rapscallion Vermilion on March 20, 2021, 10:39:52 PM
Quote from: Tom007 on March 20, 2021, 09:59:38 PM
My wife and I had COVID in November. She had mild symptoms, lost sense of taste and smell, and felt tired for about 10 days. I had no symptoms. I am asymptomatic. My wife has her shot scheduled for next week. I am registered, but not eligible yet. I am going to get the shot because I do not want to spread the virus to anyone around me. We are all in this together, thus I owe it to others to get the vaccine. We will all battle this together, hopefully it will disappear. Be safe,
Great attitude about this Tom

Thanks Mike. This whole thing has been tough on all of us. The bright side is that we will beat this virus like we have in the past. It is so sad that loved ones have been lost. Stay well, be safe..


Here's the formula I used to decide about the vaccine:

(331,000,000 people in U.S. / 30,000,000+ cases of covid = 1 in 10 people infected) x

(30,000,000 cases/547,000 dead = 1 in 55 infected died) x (hillybily common sense coefficient) =  one hell of a lot of suffering

The solution:

(1 in 10 chance of getting Covid) + (1 in 55 chance of dying from Covid) x (vaccination) = 0 to very little chance of dying  and getting infected. Solution- back to normal life and one hell of a lot of suffering avoided

Ol timer

Not getting it at age 66 why would I injected a untested vaccine into a healthy body? Not sure why everyone is rushing to get this covid vaccine when the science has no data on how long the vaccine will protect you or it's long term side effects like get Alzheimer's or Diabetes. If I already had the Chinese Virus and now have immunity's against it then why add more risk of unknowns with a few shots like above post ratio it's a .0003% death rate. I wish everyone that got it good health. But I'll pass on this one. My body my right.


Quote from: CAPTJJ on March 20, 2021, 10:27:48 AM
No flu shots for me either and passing on this one for a disease with a high survival rate. This isn't a traditional vaccine, it's really an experimental gene therapy that was first intended as a cancer treatment but was unsuccessful.  One important thing to note is the "vaccines" have not been approved but given an emergency use authorization, big difference. There has been zero study of long term side effects, or how long any protection lasts. The pharmaceutical companies do have another way of making millions though.
^^^This is why I passed on it also. Gonna wait and see what happens. I am a medic and have been around numerous positive cases with no ill effects so far. But if I get a positive result, I do know where I will quarantine

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Great thread, great comments both for and against.  Thanks folks.

I'm 46, in good health with no preexisting diseases, and so is my wife.  I work in healthcare and have taken care of covid patients and it's no joke.  I'm low risk, shoot there's a reasonable chance I've had it already but never had symptoms, but my dad whose got a bad ticker takes insulin and hasn't exercised a second in his life is very high risk.  Along with 90% of the folks I see at Walmart and McDonald's.

Both me and my wife (who also works in healthcare) got it and were happy to have had it.

If you don't want it I respect your choice, but would encourage you to take a second look.

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63 and vaccinated! 

Better safe than sorry.  If it doesn't work and I don't make it, I had a great life!

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73 and vaccinated. Fortunately, we may well achieve herd immunity without those who make the decision not to be vaccinated. It`s interesting and baffling the " information " that many people have used to make decisions concerning these vaccines, none of which even approached a basis in actual immunological science or virology. IMHO as soon as this became politicized, that was the ball game. Instead of treating this virus for what it is, an alien invasion, it somehow morphed into Democrats vs. Republicans. Thank God this thing wasn`t an Ebola or Marburg. We wouldn`t have had the time to stand around to debate and argue with each other. I hope we`ve learned a lesson before the next one. And there is a next one.


No vaccine but I did test positive on March 3rd. The virus hit me pretty hard with all of the symptoms except a fever. I'm almost back to normal other than not having my energy back. Oh and I still don't have my taste or smell. I'm undecided if I am going to get the shot or not on my own. The military might force me to just like a flu shot every year. Time will tell I guess. Either way I hope I never get it again...

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Stoeger M3000


NWTF Booth 1623
One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.


Like I stated earlier, I don't care what choice anyone makes, but one of the factors for me is not wanting to be a carrier and take the chance of infecting anyone.

Also, I know a guy that had it in August pretty bad, got over it, and ended up back in the hospital in November with blood clots in his lungs.

I also work with a guy that had it in May, recovered from mild symptoms and then in June, was rushed to the hospital with a 90% blockage in his heart. The Dr stated it was likely from Covid issues and the natural reaction of the body.

I guess what I am saying is the after effects can be very bad for a person, I've avoided it so far and if the vaccine will continue to let me avoid it, then that is my plan.

Whatever anyone does, I wish them the best health.


My wife and I both got out second Moderna shot two weeks ago. The side effects for me were a little more pronounced than for my wife, we both had a sore shoulder for a couple of days with both shots. The day after the second shot I felt a little nauseous that last about 12 hours which could also have been from one of the meds I take for something else, my wife no effects.  This is the first flu shot of any kind I have ever taken. What made me decide to get the shot was when I see Medical Professionals, such as doctors and nurses, getting the vaccines then I take note. I have always looked to professionals in the field  to find answers to questions.   

There was a very interesting show on History or National Geographic on the development of the vaccine by Pfized about a week ago. Many of the points that were brought up in this thread were refuted by what was in that show. All the Doctors that  were involved said that at the outset when they were tasked with the development of the vaccine they said it was impossible in the time allowed. But due to some innovative ideas and cooperation they were able to get a vaccine. One of the things they did to cut down on the time is the normal process is done in three consecutive steps whereas with this vaccine they did the three steps in parallel.