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gonna be slim pickin I'm afraid...

Started by Bwk, March 11, 2021, 08:40:23 AM

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Been out listening several times here in west central Illinois. Not hearing much at all. I'm starting to think its gonna be a tough year. I know its kinda early but the season starts in a month. Time will tell...


The bird numbers where I have been in central are certainly down compared to the peak, some places are really good and others have virtually no birds.  Will not be hunting there this year, hope it turns out good for you!


Went shed hunting last weekend and didn't hear a single gobble. Was out of the truck early enough. I was shocked,I know there are birds in the area and I should have heard something.

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When I turkey hunt I use a DSD decoy


Season is late this year at least down here in the south. I'm in south MS and haven't heard a bird yet. Heck I saw a winter gobbler flock about 3 days ago they haven't even busted up yet. Saw another flock of hens with no gobblers with them.


Very little gobbling here as well. Haven't seen many gobblers in fields either. Good old days are certainly gone. I heard one gobble on roost once and 2 times on ground leaving area.


Here in Northeast, we had easy January, tough Feb. 35 inch storm hit us. Good news, it was 70 yesterday, 95% of snow gone. Long range forecast, little or no snow. 40's, 50's. I am hopeful that the birds weathered the tough Feb. They have seen it before. Let's keep our heads up and see what happens early April when things start popping. Be safe, good luck to all. :turkey2:


   Looks like the Turkeys here in New York State in my area - Southren part have made in through a Tough February  with heavy Ice and Snow blasting weeks on end.


I suspect for you guys in those more northern latitudes that it is a little early for your birds to be very active in terms of gobbling much.  Even here in southern New Mexico, we are still a week or two away from having reliable roost gobbling.  I would bet you will find things to be a little different within a few weeks up your way.  ...Just a thought...  :)

WV Flopper

 Heard six this morning. 1 at edge of hearing to the south, 1 edge of hearing to the north. 4 of them I was under 500 yards on, they were free gobbling at 8:30 when I walked away. Turkeys gobbled well, 56 degrees at 6:00a.m., overcast.


Lot of birds still in winter flocks here in Northern Indiana , haven't been out listening yet but it appears they did OK with the nasty snow we had in February. We were seeing flocks of 100 plus going a long ways to find food when the snow was deep.  Getting ready to head to Kansas / Nebraska for the annual trip next month, I know the numbers are down in the Flint Hills but its still worth a go just to be out there.