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Have you shot and missed, then succeeded with follow up shot?

Started by ChiefOsceola, February 19, 2021, 08:42:45 AM

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How many times have your shot at a bird and  missed and you were able to get him with a follow up shot?

What were you shooting with, semi, pump, single shot?

Howie g

Two times come to mind , I hunted with a over /under 20 ga for several years  and had the top barrel chocked really tight and the bottom barrel has a mod choke and I would switch to the mod in close quarters so I would not miss with the tighter choke . Yelped a gobbler up to ten steps one am , and smooth missed him with the tight choke barrel ,  he flew straight up and I killed him with the second barrel ,  I had forgot to switch to the mod barrel .  Similar thing happened one other time ,  but I'd say as a rule of thumb , if you miss the lst shot your chances on a 2nd shot go way down .


Shot a bird last year, missed the first shot drilled him with the second when he flew up. First shot was at about 10 yards. Pump 20 gauge


My gun shoots the Winchester longbeards pretty tight, but center of pattern is about 3" right to POA. I only use this gun now a days when I hunt one of those states stuck back in time that have the dumb shot size laws, thus keeping me from legally using my handloads in my go to 20 gauge. I'm one of those folks that gets real excited when calling a turkey in, and sometimes I forget to hold correct windage to compensate that 3" offset. It matters at close ranges when pattern sizes get smaller.

Called in a big gobbler one morning and he come in about 45 degrees (1:30 to 2 o clock) and I am right handed. He got about 20 steps and I fired on him. Completely forgot to hold off a little bit, so I know that contributes at least some to my miss. That, coupled with the fact that I was about out of breath from working that sucker. At the shot, he ran towards me then veered off to the right and I was able to make a good shot on him running. I'd rather be lucky than good any day.


Not that I can recall.  But I do remember a couple instances of missing all 3 times  ;D



Once on a bird last day of season, but it wasn't all that pretty and not worth retelling.

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A couple times yes. Even got one on the third shot before.

Both semi and pumps

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Yes to the first question. Sometimes yes, sometimes no to the second question. I think most of us have been guilty of not putting our cheek down on the gun. Wood to wood! It's always shocking when a dead bird then either flys away, jumps straight up or runs off at the shot. I whiffed last Spring on an Osceola with my .410 at 25 yds. Smoked him running away at 40. It will happen if you do it long enough.


Two recents come to mind, one a friend and I were end up shooting a double her with the bow and me filming and had the shotgun along, well a pair comes in and she shoots the first tom and the second takes flight, I get on him but miss, he lands and starts to run and then I lay him out. The other I was filming and had a triple come in, put my scope on the first neck and jus before I pull the trigger another bird walks in and their necks cross, I pull the trigger and both go down, now one of them begins to bounce around a bit and gets feet back under himself and quickly follow up with another shot... he dead.


Chad Gus715

Never done that, if i miss, i just chalk it up as a loss for me and a win for him. After he's been educated like that, calling him back in becomes even more challenging, which i throughly enjoy.

Greg Massey



Two years ago, I called in a strutting tom to within about 2 or 3 yards of me. Because of the way he came in, I wasn't able to get a shot as approached. Ended up shooting at him at about 4 yards, missed, and then rolled him on the follow up shot after my pattern had opened up wider than my shotgun barrel.

I also missed my first turkey ever (probably would have been 1998 or 99), and it flew straight up. As it was flying up, I got off the remaining 4 shots. I ran up to him, obviously injured, and then knocked him down with one more shot as he ran away at about 10 yards.


Once I recall. Screwed up and let him get to close watching how good he looked and sounded (20tyds). Shooting an 835 Mossberg pump w/ LB #5. He started that " I shouldn't be here fast walk" after the shot and the follow up put him on the ground at 36 yrds. My buddy kept asking what was I waiting for. lol


Once, however the first shot unfortunately wasn't a miss, I was in an awkward position and shot a bird low, finished him as he hobbled off.

Not my best effort!