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The Public Land Parking Lot- " Question". Has This Happened To You?

Started by quavers59, February 02, 2021, 02:25:15 PM

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   I dont agree with everything Bowguy has written  above.  Often this past Spring,I  walked in at 3.30am because there are plenty more Spring Hunters out due to the Chinese Virus. As the season wore on- 3.45am. Not many guys are willing to do that- but,I  am coming out with my Birds.


I hunt a huge area.  If you walk in a mile though, it is likely you have crossed a road or are closer to one than the one you left.  There are dozens of spots that have, or do, hold birds on any given day.  We always have tons of plans.  I was at a road that dead ends into a non crossable river.  I parked back about 40 yards from the end because it is a better place to park-but got out and walked down to make sure no one was already there..  The river makes a big U around you there and you can hunt to the north or the south of the road. Some young guys pull right past me, after I had stepped out and was headed to where they had stopped.  I walked down and told them I have been parked there for an hour and a half and I was going to the first bird that gobbled on either side of the road (north or south) and they needed to go the other way.   There are 15 pull offs down the main road that are all more or less about the same, but they pulled in so late I was not going to leave at that point. 

I have talked to many folks and made a plan about how we will hunt.  I did back out and leave once and told the guy where the bird had been gobbling the day before.  He had his son with him and although I did not know the guy, I knew his kin.  They killed the bird too and he ran into me later and thanked me for the info.  It was his grandson's first. 

I have been in leases that were worse and less courteous than public too. 
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


I'm normally first to the park area. I sit in the truck til i see lights coming or til it's time to walk. I don't want to talk to folks cause they always got a line a mile long about how they hunted there with their grandpa 20 years ago, had one roosted the day before, on and on..... I leave my truck and get where I'm going well before light, even I time for a nap if need.

Last hunt in Missouri a couple years ago I got to a gate early, left the truck and went down the road to a fork in the road. My buddy was with me, so we had it pretty well covered one down each fork in the road from there. Fella walks up on us at 5am sweated down and toting a sack of what had to be a flock of decoys and indicated he wanted to get on past us. We'd been there an hour waiting on daylight. It was pretty obvious we had walked down the road a mile. Fella was nice enough, but he was way off base. Heck fella, we ain't walked all this way for you to tromp down right to the birds that were roosted 200 yards from us. Some people ain't got no sense. We politely told him he could hunt the mile of woods and road back between us and the truck. He told us there were other people back there.....so we weren't the obit folks he'd walked past. Not only did he park at a parking lot with one truck in it, there were multiple truck in it with only one road coming past the gate. He kicked rocks like a child back up the road towards the truck.

Another time I was in Nebraska. Me and another friend were parked at a small parking spot on some broken up Rez land. If you've ever hunted the Rez, you know that they aren't massive pieces of property usually (at least up there) but they are 40's and 80's that different families own and only some of it you can hunt. We were parked gathering our stuff and these guys wheel in and park on the side of the road not 50 yards from us. I asked them what they were doing, they said they were going to the turkeys. This little piece was only a couple hundred acres, and there was no room for multiple hunters in there. The guy I was hunting with don't get around good and that's what was taking us so long to get away from the truck. I was pissed that day, but really nothing I could do about it. Same group of hunters tried to shoot one from their truck and didn't see me in the woods watching them. I was on some private land I had permission to be on, but the little field the turkey liked to strut in was real close to a dirt public road. I killed the turkey but they ran him off first and I had to sit him out another few hours to get him on the back side of the little field.

I've had some good encounters on public land too. One time in Missouri I was in a walk in area, way back and heard some birds gobbling. I walked toward them and found out they were on private. I sat the edge of the private on the public listening to them and along came a guy hunting. We ended up hunting the rest of the morning together. We didn't get a turkey, but we had a good time.

My observations are:
In general, people are self serving, selfish, and lazy.

The more turkey hunters that try to spread out and hunt different states, the more tightly land in the states that were not traditional turkey hot spots will be controlled.

The more that states make season changes due to the pressure created by declining populations, the more pressure they can create on neighboring states as an unintended consequence and after a few years of this increased pressure, those states will have to compensate with their own changes.

Should be another interesting Spring with Covid in 2021.


OP, maybe you hunt small chunks of public, but consider this. You hunt where I do..20,000 acres public, gravel parking lot is probably 1/4 acre big and can fit at least 30 trucks. Now I believe if your first one there then by all means, pick an area you want to hunt. But if someone else comes in behind you and asks "the question", why not be kind and just say a general direction.  Like someone else said above, how much area do you think your entitled to? The whole 20,000 acres because you were there first? I'd say you're crazy. Saying your going "where the turkeys are", I'd say well I might see you there then. But if you simply said a general direction or area you were headed, I'd definitely go the other way. Why not communicate with fellow turkey hunters? You don't have to give away your hard earned "scouted" spots. Just say a general direction or area. 

I don't know you so I say all this with the upmost respect.  But I get the impression you are angry or resent other hunters in the woods. Don't get me wrong, I love turkey hunting with a passion, but I'd give the shirt off my back for a fellow hunter. If asked, I'd almost always yield the road to a fellow turkey hunter. And if they're a newbie or novice, who better! Offer to help them!  I've hunted enough and killed enough, it ain't about "gettin one" anymore. Think about it this way, who do you have more in common with or share a similar passion with, than that turkey hunter asking you "the question" in that anxious pre-dawn parking area? You are there for the same passion. Whether their an old pro, a novice, or, maybe even a goober out to steal your spot, when your kind and courtesy, you win. All of us who turkey hunt public are in this together. In my opinion, being kind and courtesy to our other brethren is what will keep this great sport alive. I wish the best for you this season!

Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

Tail Feathers

I've seen it.  I was a WMA and was second at the parking area.  Big place, lots of directions to hunt and a third truck pulled in.  I had just gotten out of my truck and the first guy there was walking down a road, 100' from his truck heading to the woods.  The third arrival guys jumped from their truck and literally sprinted past the guy to get ahead of him.  They never said a word to him.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


 I've hunted mostly public land since I started turkey hunting in 2000. We don't have parking lots or areas. Theres many acres and many gravel roads all throughout the land. I guess I've about seen it all too. It can be really aggrevating for sure. I learned and was taught when you come to a spot you wanted to hunt if no one was there then it's free to hunt. If a vehicle is already there then don't hunt there or anywhere close to it. That's still how I hunt. I'm always courteous of others first and tend to view things from a safety standpoint above all else. I will drive around from spot to spot if its crowded and sometimes never get out of the vehicle before or around daylight. But what I do do is make a mental note of where people are parked and begin stopping long enough spot to spot and listen for gobbling for the first hour after daylight. Then I'll head into town and get some breakfast taking my time and thinking of a game plan. Since I only live ten miles from the WMA's I already know where several birds will be anyway plus I know where they'll move to once the crowds start pouring in. I'll head back out there around 8:30-9:00 and lots of guys will already be gone. It's crazy too because these guys will pull up and park right next to each other and try to hunt the same birds! I've seen as many as five trucks with out of state tags pulled off in a 150 yard straight away in a spot where four birds were all roosted together the days before. Instead of avoiding these places thinking they're boogered up from the intrusion of the other hunters, I'll usually slip right in there after they're all gone and many times kill one.
  The bad thing is these guys don't look at things the same as me. Every year they'll park right by me and come crashing through the woods like they own the place.lol Or try to gather their gear and get gone before me. Many times I'll be there by 3:00am and within minutes they start driving by. Never fails two or three will park right by me or just up from me. If I know where the birds are then i'll often watch and make sure the guy or guys go on the other side of the road from where I want to go and then I'll go on in. If not I'll crank up and then head to plan/spot b,c,or d. Or once again eat an early breakfast!haha


Quote from: quavers59 on February 03, 2021, 06:32:48 PM
   I dont agree with everything Bowguy has written  above.  Often this past Spring,I  walked in at 3.30am because there are plenty more Spring Hunters out due to the Chinese Virus. As the season wore on- 3.45am. Not many guys are willing to do that- but,I  am coming out with my Birds.

I know you never do but look back at your old posts. They evolve, change . Your time in changes. Your experiences. Number of birds, size of birds, etc . Why do that. Just speak the truth. Misinformation runs rampant. We can't help people unless we're honest.


Quote from: quavers59 on February 03, 2021, 06:32:48 PM
   I dont agree with everything Bowguy has written  above.  Often this past Spring,I  walked in at 3.30am because there are plenty more Spring Hunters out due to the Chinese Virus. As the season wore on- 3.45am. Not many guys are willing to do that- but,I  am coming out with my Birds.

Maybe I'll see if I can find the post in another forum where you basically complain to the people about guys on here and Shannon in particular for I don't remember what words you used but basically said they're picking on you, bullying you,  for saying exactly where you hunt. Mentioned Shannon personally.  There's good guys on here. You shouldn't spread untruth about them.


   Bowguy,I  recently  just started to post again on this site. With your 2 Posts above-- now you are coming after me on this site as well...
   Bowguy/Foggy Mountain- you currently  have a good 5 members pissed at you over at huntingny.com. Your replys to my Thread in the Turkey Forum-- 80 Yard Turkey Kill- What Next? -- are personal attacks. 
   Bowguy/ Foggy Mountain- over at njwoodsandwaters- you recently  came down on a member who uploaded a Video in the " Lounge" Forum-- Bear Chases Skier.
     All the information, I  post has helped me Kill 121 Turkeys on Crowded Gun Club Lands + Public Lands. I helped a Female Friend  Kill her first 2 Longbeards last May.
    With your 2 posts above- you arendefinitely  going out of your way to come after me. I  might get banned here for defending myself- and if so- so be it.


There is a lot of impatience among turkey hunters for sure. Out of state hunters in particular can create issues. They usually only have 2-3 maybe 5 days to hunt and then they are gone. They don't have much if any scouting done and have spent a lot of money to be there. None of that excuses rudeness or poor ethics, but it does contribute to them doing things they shouldn't. This is problematic on public land across the country and if you travel to hunt you more than likely will suffer from the same factors. It takes discipline and patience to be a good sportsman. Remember, you are the intruder when out of your home ground and in my opinion the outsider gives way to the residents. You don't have to agree, but that is how I approach it.

I'll share one story. I drove to my neighboring state (Ky.) one opening morning and headed right to a spot I knew was good and had hunted many times. To my disappointment two vehicles were there and guys gearing up. I stopped just long enough to ask if they were going on the south side or north side and they said both. I wished them good luck and told one group were I new there were birds and then drove a mile down the road to the next spot. I did not hear a single gobble there. About 11:00 I was back at my truck and decided to drive back to where the guys were and maybe go another mile past them. When I came to the gate They were all standing there, so I stopped and asked if they killed any and they said no. They then told me they busted birds off the roost. I said, well tomorrow morning you will have another chance. One guy spoke up and said they only took opening day off and wouldn't be back. I asked if they would be offended if I parked and went back in hunting where they just came from and they all said no go for it, but we scared they hell out of them birds. One guy shared that he especially appreciated I asked. Well I went right out to the point I knew birds like to hang out on and struck a bird about an hour later and killed him. It turned out to be the heaviest bird I had killed to that point. I hunted two more days and then came back that weekend and ran into those same guys. I told them I killed the bird and they were ok with  that. I then told them exactly where I had heard some other birds. The one guy who seemed to be the most experienced told me he really appreciated that I was willing to work around them. To quote him as best I can, "it's nice to see at least there is one Out-of-stater that isn't a rude arsehole". Sometime you just have to be patient and wait your turn.


Worst encounters for me have been permission private land hunters that want to ignore property lines.
As for "the question" we are blessed on public ground around here with lots of access points into big chunks of public ground. I just roll on to the next spot on my route. I don't go super early I get there in time to bounce 3-4 times but I've rarely had to go past my 2nd choice.
I find most guys 1st at a spot are going to the bird that gobbles regardless of the conversation. Also the guy that pulls up next to another vehicle is gonna do that as well. Maybe its the only spot they know maybe they have the bird pinpointed on the limb. Both guys are going to the bird. They have too much invested not to try and make a play on that bird.
I've learned to just leave them to it, I'd rather go get a biscuit and waste my morning than compete with someone over ground. I'll even leave if I was first in, too much ground elsewhere for me to get back into that competition mentality.
I used to be that guy, racing in at 3am trying to hold and block public. Now I basically let everyone declare their spots and go where they aren't. I get way more satisfaction these days from watching another sunrise in the spring. If birds gobble and I get a chance to play the game that's an amazing bonus for the day.
I can only cover about 4-5 miles in a day walking with junky knees so that probably has a lot to do with my perspective these days.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk


My observations are:
In general, people are self serving, selfish, and lazy.

The more turkey hunters that try to spread out and hunt different states, the more tightly land in the states that were not traditional turkey hot spots will be controlled.

The more that states make season changes due to the pressure created by declining populations, the more pressure they can create on neighboring states as an unintended consequence and after a few years of this increased pressure, those states will have to compensate with their own changes.

Should be another interesting Spring with Covid in 2021.

This is pretty accurate.


Quote from: quavers59 on February 04, 2021, 07:15:34 AM
   Bowguy,I  recently  just started to post again on this site. With your 2 Posts above-- now you are coming after me on this site as well...
   Bowguy/Foggy Mountain- you currently  have a good 5 members pissed at you over at huntingny.com. Your replys to my Thread in the Turkey Forum-- 80 Yard Turkey Kill- What Next? -- are personal attacks. 
   Bowguy/ Foggy Mountain- over at njwoodsandwaters- you recently  came down on a member who uploaded a Video in the " Lounge" Forum-- Bear Chases Skier.
     All the information, I  post has helped me Kill 121 Turkeys on Crowded Gun Club Lands + Public Lands. I helped a Female Friend  Kill her first 2 Longbeards last May.
    With your 2 posts above- you arendefinitely  going out of your way to come after me. I  might get banned here for defending myself- and if so- so be it.

The reason I said nothing after you basically told guys how Shannon was threatening to ban you for advertising is because you stopped here. You've done nothing to get imo banned for. You can certainly say what you want , and even do it here,  but don't curse guys.   It kinda ticks me off and I have no respect for someone doing that. I didn't say no respect for a man but certainly an action. He's never been that way w anyone. And use proper information. It's ok not to know something. It's ok to even be wrong. Just for your knowledge I don't desire anything bad for you.  You take corrections that way. Like telling a guy a longer barrel helps in not picking up your head. Not true. Only changes angle. That's just one for instance. Instead of considering that insecurity makes you defend what you said and than Metamorphosis it. We've all got to consider we could be mistaken. And if you want to know something you've got a lot more than couple guys think you're the most ridiculous guy on your sites. That's not my words. Just putting things in perspective. As I said we can't help new folks and I believe that's your intent w erroneous information. We all do make mistakes though. Sometimes you obviously don't know what you don't know and have a prob when someone questions that.  Consider what someone says and decide for yourself if it could be possible as we all should


QuoteI find most guys 1st at a spot are going to the bird that gobbles regardless of the conversation.

Sadly I agree with this statement. Especially if it's the only gobbling bird. I too will no longer rush out 3 hrs before daylight. I want to be there at gobble time, but I'm ok if someone beats me there. In my home state I hunt almost exclusively private controlled ground, but out of state it's mostly public, so I play the game. I do a lot of work looking for out of the way spots. I once stopped at a yard sale and struck up a conversation with a guy. He tells me there is a piece of public ground way back this township road that no one ever goes to, but he says , "I been back there mushroom hunting and maybe once in a great while I'll hear a turkey, there is not many back there. My buddy and I went and checked it out and it was maybe 60 acres of huntable ground, but we took two birds off it in three days and never saw another hunter. We hunt it on a regular basis now. Do some home work the spots are out there.


NWTF Booth 1623
One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.