I searched and couldn't find anything on the board about this... over the past couple days my Facebook has been getting spammed with a Turkey Hunting Competition ad hosted by an outfit in Kentucky i believe. So my curiosity got the best of me and i clicked on it. I then sent it to a buddy who informed me that he had heard of another similar contest held by a different outfit in Kansas. So i look into both of them and it actually looks pretty intriguing.
2 man teams or 3 man teams hunt for a cash purse over a 2 or 3 day hunt. Highest scoring 4 bird totals takes the purse. There is an entry fee obviously, but it's not much more than you would pay for a typical chance to hunt at a similar lodge i would think.
Has anyone on here competed in such a competition before and if so is it just a gimmick or is it really worth going to take a crack at it?