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Any senior citizen hunters here?

Started by longislandloco, March 26, 2017, 03:58:07 PM

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My Brother did not make it down this year but I filled both my tags  with 1 tag to go,  He is 71 and I am 75 we still run and gun, so far a great  season...


No senior citizen here.  I am 47, and things have changed for me...

I went back to one of my old haunts this year our of desperation.  Normally does not hold a lot of birds, and it is a bit more physically demanding than other spots...

I ended up somewhere between 1-1.5 miles downhill from my quad, and surprisingly struck success...  About 3 years ago, I killed 2 birds out of this same canyon...  I remember after hauling the second bird out thinking "I need to find a new spot."

This year walking out with a bird up that steep grade, I was thinking "I hope I have cell phone reception for 911..."

I am still young enough to be stupid enough to go back though...  Chased another gobble down there, but did not get a bird.

Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


Well, I don't think I'm a senior citizen yet but may be when I turn 72 in a couple days! My hunting style has always been what the "kids" have dubbed run and gun. I've always just called it walking and calling. I may not cover the ground I used to but can still travel over 5 miles or so in a morning hunt if required....and perhaps at a slower pace now! I try to stay in decent shape by walking 3-5 miles a day at a good pace. I used to mountain hike (Adirondack 46er) but don't do that much anymore. I believe having the proper mental attitude and desire foregoes some of a person's physical shortcomings.

super mag

I am 66 and get around better than I did when I was 56. Lost some weight and had right hip replaced 2015 and left hip replaced 2016. Still can't jump straight up need an assist, but much better than with 2 bad hips. I had to look for the right tree before I sat down so I could hug the tree to get up. I read where a lot of guys use a lounger. What one is best ?


  at 74 I stopped walking with a shell in the chamber, at 75 I got a chair that was 4'' higher and at 76 I searched google earth for spots real close to the road......now 78 and doing duty at home but I'd go tomorrow if I could.....not much thought about missing fall hunting , but missing spring gobbler is painful.. 


To all the senior's out there, I'm only 57 and I'm starting to slow down also. Got my two birds down here in FL. In the past couple years we've had a couple senior's fall dead of heart attack. JS DON'T OVER DO IT.

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The Gobblers I've had the pleasure calling in have never been the same.


I started spring turkey hunting in my late 40s in the Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois when a buddy invited me along. He was a run and gun type hunter, so when he quit hunting, I continued like I'd been taught, taking a gobbler about every third year. I did that for probably 15 years until I read an article by Ray Eye concerning the dominance factor in both the male and female turkeys. I changed my tactics to sitting in a ground lounger with decoys near the roosted birds and trying to sound like a hen that has a new tom suitor. Much to my pleasure, the peck order worked and that's my main approach to turkey hunting still today, usually filling all three Illinois tags. So far this season, I'm 2 for 2 on this approach with my third and final tag opening tomorrow. At the mid-70s mark, it's a lot less strenuous and provides for a nap if there's no action at fly down time. This approach lends itself to the scattered wood lots in my area, but could be successfully used in the big woods.


My 3th and final bird  2017 season   At 75  I hope  2018 will be as good as 2017 was....


I take my cap off & salute all you older turkey hunters. You are the ones I look up to & admire with all that turkey hunting knowledge & experience. I will probably be buried before I become a good one like you guys. I didn't start until I was about 45 so I got a late start. I turned 58 this past February & the passion for it is as strong as ever but bad arthritis, 2 rotator cuff surgeries & a disc fusion in my neck since 2014 has sure caused me to slow down quite a bit the last few years. I just don't cover as much ground as I used to & like others have said it's pretty funny watching me trying to get back on my feet after sitting for a while. Also like others have said I tend to sit longer in one spot than I used to. But when that turkey gobbles in the distance I forget about all those aches & pains. So I'll be back up at 3:00 am in the morning & going at it again for the last time this season. God bless all the older turkey hunters & hope we all have many more years to keep at it.



What I miss when I WAS younger I wouldn't think twice, I'd just GO and have fun
NOW I think twice , sometimes three times .......... OOOOO I MISS THOSE YOUNGER YEARS.."...
Sun Shine State { Osceola }

noisy box call that seems to sound like a flock of juvenile hens pecking their way through a wheat field


 I'm 64 and slowed down, have an altered rt foot, had a triple by-pass. Went out to Ashfield here in Mass. with a friend of mine 51, and his 20 yr old son. Climbed what they call a hill, I call a mountain. Got almost to the top meadow and the 'kid' was waiting for me. He said 'you get around good for a senior citizen' and said he was glad for the breather. His father and I called in five jakes, and they gobbled in unison about 30 times. The dad and son doubled up and I passed. I enjoyed the 'mt top concert and had no desire to harvest one. I find as I get older I like to hook up with a longbeard or limbhangar and have a hunt that makes you think and get involved. I carry a short barreled Rem 870 Super Mag and carry less calls but they are from top makers. I slowed down and enjoy the woods waking up and sharing what I know (which ain't much) with younger and inexperienced hunters and share their victories in the turkey woods. Don't mean to ramble but I love this old style turkey hunting so............  :turkey2:
We wait all year,why not enjoy the longbeard coming in hunting for a hen, let 'em' in close !!!