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Handloading Section

Started by BandedSpur, July 09, 2012, 09:24:05 PM

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Quote from: gophert on July 10, 2012, 03:23:08 PM
I personally don't feel that the handload section is single-handedly responsible for the decline of the sport of turkey hunting.  I also don't feel that they are the reason people feel like they can successfully kill a turkey over 40 yards either.  

Keep in mind....one of the main companies worshiped on this site has had more influence on actually shooting at a turkey over 40 yards than any of us ever dreamed of having.  75+ yards...If Hevi says I can with a load of STORE PURCHASED ammo than I guess I can.  I think you get my point.  

We also disapprove of this type of advertising as it sends the "WRONG" message to the general hunting public as it has been thoroughly discussed here on OG in the past.  And as you put it not all members of the site live by Hevi-shot or even Nitros.  I personally shoot Winchester loads and stand by them.  I'm not a fan of Nitro or even the Hevi-13 hype.  Who we support or who you support has nothing to do with any of this. It truly is that we want nothing to do with the Long Range Shooting that is taking place by a handful of people. If they want to play with their pixie dust then they can play with it somewhere else but not here on OG.  The Reloaders section was developed for all the members to utilize for loading all types of loads but as time went on it was "abused" by the pixie dust zombies so if you all are going to be upset for the section disappearing then blame those members for not abiding by the wishes of keeping the long distance shooting talk off of the site. That is it in a nutshell......


Old Gobbler

To answer many posts on the subject , Hey I'm not happy about it either - after all I made the section - Its just going to go back to the way it was before , people can post as they used to {minus load formulas and instructional )  

No , kidding I consider myself lucky nothing hasn't happened to someone already - make no joke about it , there are many attorneys that will take up a pro bono case for chits and giggles if they are lucky enough to get some body walk in their office missing fingertips or worse  - and with the level of carless bliss I witnessed - It was just a matter of time ..... these aren't dove loads they are cooking up , we are talking some very heavy duty loads, and people were mod'ing the loads or altering original factory loads - seen it -  its all been reviewed - and flagged -  

I don't appreciate people making threats of violence towards anyone here , I was made aware  that someone made a public threat against one of my staff members .....that pretty much speaks volumes right there for the level of maturity  , this is how someone bans themselves . The rest of the people we asked too many times to tone it down , they just could not resist like a sales pitch , we lost count of how many times they blatantly plugged shooting at gobblers at 88 , 93 and even 110 yards -   Listen , this is nothing new , we know all the tactics - the hard core promoters of that shot material will do anything but address the 110 yard elephant in the room , they divert , they dodge , they point fingers at other people and try and trample their business , seen that too many times - this has been going on for years and years people --  all they had to do is keep the talk of the way, way , way  out shots under control so that people are not influenced to cripple gobblers , that's all ... was that too much to ask for ? 

The shot material , got nothing against it , just what some people are trying to do with it - the company that sold it state side went belly up , so it has to be imported at great cost , and looks to be greater because the price has shot up high and may go much higher ,the vast majority of all Tungsten comes out of China and is basically price rigged by them -  some comes out of other parts of the world , recently people are claiming there are some issues with it -  

Ammo companies are like politicians , they about make any ridiculous claims to get you to come over - the above mentioned add is about as realistic and irresponsible as  Obama saying he is going to fix the economy and everyone is going to have free health care, a free hair cut , and a ice cream cone - not the first time I have seen adds like this ,probably wont be the last I don't approve of it and  about as irresponsible as shooting a gobbler at 93 yards with a shotgun and bragging about it publicly -But like all salespersons  they make tall claims , I cant control those claims cause I do not work for them or have any affiliation , I'm not the complaint hot line, or media relations -These people got to figure out their situations on their own -  The 100 yard drones  will continue to dodge the issues like a politician on the stage at a debate with clever words, diversions - same old tricks    I have ZERO respect for any such person - {notice I didn't say turkey hunter} Anyone who partakes or takes up for a person in shooting at a gobbler with a shotgun at 80 ,100 yards , whatever ,or the like range  is a  total slob , and and a disgrace to the sport of turkey hunting --  

:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....


3" 870 Shell Shucker

Back when I first witnessed the push to silence all discussion of long-range turkey shots on OG, I found it a bit odd, considering the fact that all of the other ongoing discussions concerning our experimentation with different shells, chokes, reloading components, etc. were seeking to maximize lethality at 40 yards, which in turn would also increase everyones' maximum effective range. 

I didn't think it would ever be possible to get everyone to scale back all of the "look at my 50 Yard Nitro Pattern" posts.  So much water had already gone under that bridge.  From Lead to Nitros, to Hevishot, to Heviweight, to TSS.

I understand the potential liability issues concerning the posting of load recipes which push the envelope.

OG is one of my favorite websites on the internet.  So much helpful information has been posted here.  I for one have benefited from this website.  I hope OG lives on for many years to come.

Old Gobbler

There was no over 40 issue until some folks started in with forcing the 100 yard BS on the masses like it was sales pitch - things were more or less fine before they started in with it  - all those issues with the 40 , that was because of them  - they like to have people make their little 40.5 yard jokes , and divert { there is that word again} away from the real issue and that is a long going and strategic campaign to ram that 100 yard agenda on the forum members here -
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



 you can see why the plug got pulled   
I have washed my hands of the issue 

The addiction will cost you time and money and alienate those close to you. I can give you the names of a dozen addicts — myself included — whose wives begin to get their hackles up a week before turkey season starts and stay mad until a week after it closes.

—Charlie Elliott


Just curious...What have your attorneys told you about your liability protection as it pertains to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996?


Hey that's good info right there. Thanks for sharing but still doesn't excuse the inappropriate behavior of those that caused the reloaders section to be removed in the first place. Wrong or right and backed up by such section still doesn't protect a site owner from the expense of having to defend themselves of any knowledge of wrong doing in a court of law.


I've debated with myself about posting this, but finally decided to.  This needs to be said.

I can't say that I ever saw a member here promote a 100yd shot on a turkey.  Maybe that happened before I became a member or it happened after and the post got pulled before I saw it.

I know where the 110yd reference came from.  And that person wasn't promoting that shot from what I can remember.  As I recall, he shot @ a gobbler much closer to him that was on or near a rise in a field.  After walking up to the bird, he noticed another turkey flopping much further away.....one that he couldn't see due to the terrain.  He didn't even know that turkey was there.  He was providing an example as to the lethality of TSS shot and nothing more.  I find it disingenuous to claim that he was promoting a 110yd shot.

And what about all of the name calling going on?  Zombies??  Idiots??   Drones??  Where is the level of maturity there??

Let me be clear on this as I don't want anyone thinking differently.......I am NOT promoting long range shooting at a gobbler.  As timbrhuntr said........ " I am one of the TURKEY hunters on this forum that developed a great load from these guys and love it. Sure I can shoot at long distance but that isn't why I did it."  Am I any less of a turkey hunter because I might take a shot from time to time that is over 40yds?  Do you really think I don't know how to use a call?  I may not be the best caller ever or maybe even a good one, but I know how to use one and have called in (in most cases) every single gobbler I've ever shot.  Never had another guy call a bird in for me, so just maybe I know how to use one.   

Are we getting to the point where will bash on deer hunters that take rifle shots over 100, 200, 300 yds?  What if a guys equipment and developed load will shoot with high accuracy @ 1000yds?  Would you be shocked to know a fellow member here on OG has in the last few years taken one shot kills on deer @ over 800yds?  Would you bash him for it?  I'll even take that argument to bow hunters.........Traditional guys are notorious for bashing the guys that use modern compounds and take shots over 20-30yds.  They like to say "you should be a better hunter and get closer".  Do you know that the bowhunters out west routinely practice their shots @ 60, 70 and even 80 yards?  Are they any less of a bowhunter than those eastern hunters who never take shots over 30?

I understand the 40yd rule here and have followed it and I too understand the liability concerns with posting load data, but it just seems to me that this whole situation could have been handled in a completely different manner.  Certain members were banned and others left.  Lots of knowledge and experience went out the door.  It's disappointing really........as OG has been one of my favorite hunting websites as well.  I have learned alot while being here and hopefully, I don't get the boot after posting this.  I only wrote it to put perspective on the whole thing.

Lets just move on....................


The plain and simple fact is that anyone that takes a 100+ yard shot at a turkey truly is an idiot.  This subject has been beaten like an old horse and is no longer up for discussion as we have moved on. End of discussion.. Move on and get over it.