It used to be legal and I had a 299 acre park with no hunting that had a flock of about 45 birds that roosted in the park and spent their days at back yard feeders.
I'd go in a observe them more then try and call them close, mostly wanted to view their interactions off fly down with each other but I would "test" calls occasionally even those birds that you had to pretty much chase off the road to drive through didn't come running in at the first Yelp. They had piles of hens with them and although they didn't fear gobbling their heads off changing their minds about where they wanted to be wasn't much easier then a full wild bird.
My take aways were not often what made them gobble but how I interacted and effected the hens and what that did for the gobblers, talking with the hens was more beneficial.
I still go and observe them from time to time but no longer carry calls as the laws about it have changed. It's really great in a large flock to see how the dynamics change between boss birds, sub dominant Tom's, and jakes throughout the lead up to spring.
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