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Gobble Callers

Started by quavers59, March 09, 2016, 01:20:28 PM

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I use a tube call to gobble with. I think it makes a very realistic gobble.



I used to gobble some w a tube. I think the thing we're trying to accomplish which is making a gobbler feel someine has invaded his domain can be done with gobbler yelps or fight calls, and you don't attract unwanted attention. Lots of guys can't discern gobbler yelps n many guys are surprised to know they do it. Fight scenes can be brutal on em n to be honest it's one of my favorite ways to hunt.
Brought in many birds that were stuck or headed the other way w hens


I gobble on a mouth call. Sounds as good or better than a call made just for gobbling. The gobble call can be deadly effective in the right circumstance.


Used a pile of the shaker calls over the years as well as box calls but for a gobble I prefer a Haint. Last year I was hunting the edge of my state. These birds were gobbling good about 200 yards away from me but in a state I didn't have a license for. Flat open patch of timber they love strutting and gobbling in until about 8 when they got all their hens in line. After an hour and a half of listening to them gobble at any noise in the woods I decided to let them know there was a gobbler over by me where they were hearing the hen calling from. As soon as I gobbled two gobbled right back so I gave them one more gobble and went silent. In 5 minutes they were in my lap. I only use it in situations like this where it's a last resort. Started using it 2 or 3 years ago and think its sealed the deal on 3 birds.


If I use a gobble, it's with a tube call. Sounds more realistic than any shaker call I ever heard. I've heard hunters over the years many times with shaker calls, and they just sound so phony in the woods.

Dr Juice

I use one and won't leave home without it. I actually called in a gobbler that walked away from my setup to meet his demise ... Boom!

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Rapscallion Vermilion

I've tried the Haint and am coming to the conclusion it isn't going to work for me, at least not with the "free air" tongue flutter method they teach on the video.  My natural flutter is too rapid.  So I've switched to trying to learn with a tube call.   

For those of you gobbling with a tube call, any tips on technique or latex/reed choice?  Thanks.


I got a gobble box this week from Donny Richards. He shows his calls on Facebook and gives you his phone number if you want to talk to him. I believe they make the most realistic gobble I have heard. He goes by "Come Heah Tuh Me" Turkey Calls.
Here's a pic of mine. It is a stubby box call that is tuned to do one thing and that is gobble.


I have shot quite a number of Gobblers using a wooden tube call, based on the Old Quaker Boy tube call. Last year shot both my Gobblers using my tube Gobbler call, first one first Monday and #2 first Friday. Both birds were in open fields. First one with half dozen hens, and some other longbeards & jakes. The second one by himself, he gobbled once, I gobbled back, and he came in on a string, and at 25 yds. shot him.

You need to keep safety in mine, and would be very careful using it on Public land.