I did shoot at a large piece of cardboard from the 25 at the very beginning. The pattern wad dead center and a tad high. I felt it was fine because at 40 i would think it would open up a little more and may have an inch or two of drop. If I look at the back of the paper targets I shot at 40, the pattern does look very even. I think that the low and right was just my point of aim on that particular shot. I ended up putting a dead ringer ghost ring - fiber optic sight on which I am pretty pleased with. I like peep sights because it gives you a good field of view and forces you to get your head down on the rear sight. I found out their company is in western NY so I like to support local business when I can. I should have shot a large piece of cardboard at 40 but I seriously could not shoot any more rounds. I have shot hevi before and do not remember them with this much kick. Maybe less oz of shot in previous 3.5's. I have shot straight 6's previously (any turkey I shoot with them does not flop - they drop like a pile of rocks.) I picked up the mags with the rebate bass pro had. I would really like to put a fast fire on but am hesitant to do so because my SBE is not drilled and tapped. I am not sure what my mounting options are but I am hesitant to mess with such a nice gun.