I have several states on my wish list, but until this whole Covid deal is resolved, I'm not making any concrete plans. New Mexico is a given, I believe, unless things really take a nose dive here in terms of a lock-down.
Oklahoma is also almost a certainty, if there is any such thing as a certainty anymore. If things go as planned, I will be in Michigan, Wisconsin, and/or Minnesota in the last couple of weeks of May. If things don't go as planned, I will be looking at a possible trifecta in Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming in the Black Hills region instead. Should all of the above fall apart, I could always hit the closer states of Utah and Colorado again, but those are on my fallback list for this year.
If all of the above fail to pan out for whatever reason, my final "I gotta get outa here and go somewhere" plan is to book and end-of-the-season flight into Spokane and hunt Washington and Idaho.
I suspect any of those states could close their seasons to nonresidents if things start falling apart again this year. Until there is a much clearer picture of the status of the virus, everything is tentative to a degree, for me. Even in the worst-case scenarios, however, I will most likely be able to hunt NM and OK.