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Turkey Reaping

Started by mookyj, May 29, 2014, 09:32:47 AM

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VanHelden Game Calls

Well this thread did get us talking and I guess thats always a good thing.

Now I did not pay for any subscriptions or request any open records files but I did use GOOGLE.

And out of all the incident stories I have read the number 1 reason for getting shot is a turkey call.  Ove rand over its reported that a hunter shot at what sounded like a turkey.  Second was movement of the victim.

I did not find any reports as of yet that a victim was wearing the wrong colors or actually looked like a turkey.  Most of the shooters all missed the 1st basic gun rule.  All reports are from woodland settings and all victims were wearing camo making them hard to distinguish from the vegetation.

While fanning may seem dangerous, I still think the constant movement involved in the technique, the open areas it is used and the awareness of those engaged in the technique makes it pretty safe. 

Seems calling from a still position wearing camo, giving another hunter time to stalk you and then making a ill timed movement is the real danger.

No law is going to eliminate any of these problems.  Best to focus on gun safety and common sense.


I really don't see where this is a problem. The D***A** people who want to stick a decoy on their head and run around in the woods will eventually all get shot and the unethical people who don't IDENTIFY their target and whats beyond will loose their hunting privileges and not be able to go to the woods anymore. There... problem solved. You can't regulate STUPID!! Be grateful that people have lived and died so that we can get on a public forum and have these discussions. There , now I will get down off my soap box...


Quote from: VaBoy on May 30, 2014, 05:00:32 PM
I really don't see where this is a problem. The D***A** people who want to stick a decoy on their head and run around in the woods will eventually all get shot and the unethical people who don't IDENTIFY their target and whats beyond will loose their hunting privileges and not be able to go to the woods anymore. There... problem solved. You can't regulate STUPID!! Be grateful that people have lived and died so that we can get on a public forum and have these discussions. There , now I will get down off my soap box...

^^^There is a lot of truth to this!^^^
Nothing like seeing a kids eyes light up upon hearing that first gobble.


So someone wants to crawl around with a turkey doll on their head and we're supposed to care if they are removed from the gene pool? If it was the middle of turkey season y'all wouldn't even waste time on this topic. If someone wants to play with turkey dollies or even hide out in a camouflage play house and run one around with a remote control; its their business. Enjoy it for the joke it is. I know I do.


O.k., here my two cents...I think it may be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard putting a gobbler decoy on your head or anywhere near yourself. Makes my skin crawl just thinking about it...The gene pool line of thought is probably valid here. The problem, as I see it, is the principle of seeing what you want to see. Haven't we all seen some inantimant object that we swore was a deer/turkey and realized after some study that it wasn't? I had an incident, hunting, as a young boy, that still scares me in regard to misidentification. That said, I don't know that banning the practice of "reaping" is wise for reasons stated by others. I hope to heaven that I never am involved with someone doing this and "want" to see a gobbler enough to see one where it isn't...I know, I know, no excuse, but it is a documented phenomenon seeing what you want to see when in reality it's something that's not...So, here's my solution...Paint the gobblers head blaze orange. Think that would work? I've heard of guys painting a ball blaze orange and using it to attract gobblers...Just a thought...


Here is my .02. I know a few people that have done this with good success. They are not idiots, or poor turkey hunters. If you have seen any of the videos of this you will see that it is done in the wide open in a field. I wont say there is no way they wouldn't get shot at but I highly doubt that that is going to happen. Anything is possible and some hunters have been shot that have no decoys out while turkey hunting. But if it is legal and somebody wants to do it, I say go for it. I'm to old to be crawling around on my hands and knees anymore but why should I tell someone they couldn't do it if they want. Thats like telling someone they can't hunt out of a blind just because I don't like hunting out of a blind. Until there are several people shot at while doing this, which I don't think is going to happen, I say if its not illegal then hunt however you want. But don't tell me I can't do it just because you don't like it. Thats a general statement and not directed towards anyone. Just my opinion.

RIP Marvin Robbins
