My choice is the leading hen... Seems to incite aggression from other hens when upright, and remove the stake and it can be a breeder.
Whether it be duck decoys, or turkey decoys, I am NOT a fan of still decoys in action postures (such as preening or head turning, etc.) I want a decoy that looks natural while being still. Others have different preferences and experiences..
I use decoys less and less, due to being too lazy to use them, and having them work against me as much or more than they have worked for me... But, If I know I am going to be hunting large open areas, I will still decoys, as I have found that birds get nervous when they do not see a bird that should be there... And if I am going to use a jake decoy, more and more I have gone to the Funky Chicken... It works, and it is light and easy to carry.
When I have birds run into those decoys, I still feel like I am cheating though, and it takes some of the sense of accomplishment away...