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Is this the BIGGEST and BADDEST show?

Started by bbcoach, January 21, 2025, 09:20:20 AM

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I didn't want to HIJACK Young Gobblers thread, but I've been thinking along the same lines as his previous thread.  Why do we have to have the BIGGEST and BADDEST of everything in order to kill a turkey?  Our forefathers did it with single shot 30" Full choke 12 gauges, with #4 lead in 2 3/4 inch, effectively.  Now it's, $1000 to $2000 semi-auto camoed shotguns, shooting TSS with Super Tight Extra, Extra Full chokes, topped with optics, with 3 and 3 1/2 shells delivering 300 to 600 pellets on target and we still do it mostly at 20 to 30 yards.  Some things to ponder with the snowy cold weather, most of us are experiencing, waiting on our seasons to start.   


After pondering,...Well, I may be getting close to being the BIGGEST (around the middle, that is  ;D ) but I make no claims to being in the "BADDEST" club.

...I do have a $400 camo-ed shotgun with the same choke that I have used for the past 25 years or so...shoot those simple factory beads...but I HAVE gone to shooting TSS (3-inchers...I can't handle the 3 1/2's) just because I want any gobbler I shoot at to have the best opportunity NOT to run off after I shoot at him.  ;D

Admittedly, I did buy a pair of camo pants a while back that cost me more than $20 (but less than $30)...which was a first...but I don't think I have paid over $10 for a camo shirt in my life...and most of the one's I own have a few rips and tears in them. As far as I can tell, the gobblers haven't been able to tell the difference.

...Also, never counted or circled a pellet hole, so I guess I must be a proud member of the "LEAST BADDEST" club of turkey hunters. At this stage of the game, I suppose I am resigned to admitting to it.  :toothy12:  :toothy9:

Greg Massey

I have used a little of everything in chasing gobblers over the years and I have enjoyed all of it along the way.

So the evolution of turkey hunting has been awesome in my opinion.

The friends I've made along this journey of chasing these gobblers over the years are priceless. So my suggestion is enjoy it all if you can regardless if it is the Biggest or Baddest. Make as many memories as you can, because as you get older your memories are pretty much all you have left as you age.

Tail Feathers

Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Ain't no way the way I go into the woods would win a "Biggest & Baddest" award.

Single shot 20 gauge.  4 or 5 calls....2 of which are diaphragms.  No vest.  A pair of binos and a shooting stick (a piece of redbrush I cut along the creek bank).

Over the (many) years, I've has some "biggest & baddest" rigs.  But, I eventually figured out that was more other people's style than mine.  So, I streamlined to the essentials.  Ain't never been happier.
PA elitist since 1979

The good Lord ain't made a gobbler I can't kill.  I just gotta be there at the right time.....  on the day he wants to die.


I LOVE the responses guys.  Keep them coming!


You don't duck hunt or bass fish do you?
Nothing like seeing a kids eyes light up upon hearing that first gobble.


For many years, I didn't spend money on hardly anything.  My family said I was 'tighter than bark on a tree'.  And they were correct.

I have backed off of that a bit in the last few years, realizing that it's ok to spend some money.  So I've upgraded from my 30 year old clothing.  I did buy a new .410 because I have a daughter intrested.  But you'll never see me buying the latest and greatest.  I guess I'm still too much of a tightwad.


Quote from: Gooserbat on January 21, 2025, 01:33:48 PMYou don't duck hunt or bass fish do you?
Absolutely Sam!  I guess we are as BAD about our spending habits as our wives are about buying shoes!  My main Goal when I posted this was to get us thinking, ALL this MONEY and STUFF, isn't necessary to go into the woods and harvest this amazing bird at 20 to 30 yards.  We don't need ALL the latest technology or gear.  K.I.S.S.


Quote from: bbcoach on January 21, 2025, 02:28:43 PM
Quote from: Gooserbat on January 21, 2025, 01:33:48 PMYou don't duck hunt or bass fish do you?
Absolutely Sam!  I guess we are as BAD about our spending habits as our wives are about buying shoes!  My main Goal when I posted this was to get us thinking, ALL this MONEY and STUFF, isn't necessary to go into the woods and harvest this amazing bird at 20 to 30 yards.  We don't need ALL the latest technology or gear.  K.I.S.S.

Well you're kinda right but if we didn't invest in our goods we would never know where it went until we opened the closet and saw shoes
Nothing like seeing a kids eyes light up upon hearing that first gobble.

Tail Feathers

Buying new gear is kinda fun, but there's not much left that I want to carry into the woods.  But I would throw stupid money at a 2.5 lb titanium frame gobbler lounger that would genuinely hold up to 250 lbs. 

Any manufacturers listening? :funnyturkey:

I spend my money these days more on ammo and turkey hunting trips than new guns and such.  That said, I just bought a new choke, trying to get my single shot pattern a bit tighter.
You can tell what a man is passionate about by watching where he spends his money.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Stand still, and consider the wonderous works of God  Job:37:14


I feel most experienced turkey hunters know that one doesn't NEED the biggest, most tricked out, newest, or expensive equipment to get the job done. They invest in gear for a variety of other reasons; some legitimate, some silly.

I think it's a problem when new turkey hunters get the impression that they DO NEED a heavy/expensive investment in gear just to hunt, that they're handicapped without it. Or that they see gear as a needed crutch that makes up for lack of experience.

Old Timer

Hunted with the 835 for years did put a nice nikon turkey scope on it used lead of all sizes. Never had the best of clothes the turkeys didn't  seem to mind. I was always a sucker for trying new chokes and loads. Thing was it always patterned best with stock choke. My vest is old and comfortable haven't  found a better one to replace it. Got a mossberg 20 couple years back that's  sure lighter to carry that's a joy. But that's about it.


For calls, I just have an old box call I got at a sporting goods store for like 12 bucks, a shaker gobble, a bat wing mouth call and wingbone calls I have made.

For clothing, camo T shirts, pants, thermal top, coat, boots and hat from Walmart discounted heavily. Face mask for 5 bucks from Sportsman's Warehouse.

My 20 gauge was around $500 and choke less than 100.

Optics are a must for me and red dot the best for me. I have trouble with open sights and my vision.

I have killed turkeys with 2 3/4" shells with quail and pheasant loads. 3" shells in 6, 5, and 4 loads from all kinds of ammo producers and Longbeard XR's ended up being my preference until I discovered TSS #9. That is where I put my money.

I have never lost a bird with any of the loads I have used. They were all effective in the right circumstances.