I'm 83 years old, been around turkey hunting since the 1960's, when it first became legal in this state. I watched and joined with many fine folks and entire families as they came to NWTF and were dedicated to the cause, for many years. When turkeys were spread out over more country, hunters flocked to NWTF by the hundreds. We couldn't do enough, fast enough for the organization/that's a personal thought! I quit the committee after a few years, giving others their chance to make it even better. Now, some 60 years later, it's all gone away, sad to say.
Oh, there's still lotsa hunters, that call turkey-hunting the grandest sport, and they're right. We're all thankful for God's grandest creation, each time we enter the woods and sit by that favorite tree.
Come next spring, God willing, I'll be back, listening for the master of the woods to call-out from his tree!
All the best to each and every dedicated hunter