Woke up to a cold 31 degrees today, but for once, the wind was not blowing. Got back into where I wanted to be to listen at first light, and heard two different birds gobbling. The one I had apparently walked past on the walk in. I went to the one that was gobbling the most which was the other one. When I got back to where he was, I realized he was roosted high on a steep ridge that was thick between me and him. I tried to close the gap but ended up spooking him out of the tree from 100 yards out trying to get tight. I watched him soar way above me down into the valley.
I started covering ground back in that direction but wasn't hearing anything. I decided to head back toward where I had heard the first bird I walked past, when all of a sudden a bird gobbled where I had just come from. I beat feet over there and when he gobbled, I believed he was across the valley on the point across from me. I decided to give a call and it sounded like he had dropped down below me and was comig. I quickly set up and called one more time, and he gobbled below me and was closer. I putt he call down and waited.
About 3 minutes later I hear drumming and see his fan pop up over the rise at 30 yards, but he was over my weak side and I needed to swing. Luckily he stayed in strut and went behind a tree, and I swung on him, and he popped back out again. I cut with my mouth call real quick, and when he popped his head up, I dropped him at 30 yards at 7am. I believe he may have been the same bird I spooked in the morning but I'm not certain. I had another bird coming into me as well that was closing the distance when I shot him.
He's not an upgrade but a great feeling. I've been hunting all week, and the days the turkey decide to be turkeys again are very few and far between.