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YouTube and public land

Started by PaytonWP, April 11, 2020, 11:53:38 AM

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Quote from: CALLM2U on April 16, 2020, 12:18:20 PM
Quote from: LaLongbeard on April 15, 2020, 06:35:10 PM

When the THP and Penhoti project first started it was a new and most would say better version of the hunting shows. Now 3 years in most aren't worth the time anymore. THP filming dusting hens being shot and the other goofy ness that wasn't part of the early shows, and then there's the crawling project not much better. Point is things change and not always for the better. You must be star struck or near sited the gate filming wasn't a passing shot or back ground footage everybody but you and Ray Charles saw it lol. And on top of the filming and giving away locations several people have posted about them parking right next to them on this forum and others. I guess if I only got to hunt 3 days a season or maybe had trouble killing one Gobbler every other year I'd be enamored by the Youtubers but to me there just other Turkey hunters except they have the attention of all the fan boys that can cause issues if careless. This whole thread has been about feelings and opinions lol.
   What about the locals that only have time to hunt close to home which just happens to be in the area they drawing attention too? Wonder what they think of your feelings and opinions, cause nobody cares about theirs.

Now 3 years in most aren't worth the time anymore. - This is your opinion stated as a fact.  It proves nothing.

THP filming dusting hens being shot and the other goofy ness that wasn't part of the early shows, and then there's the crawling project not much better. - Again, your opinion.  Most believe that Pinhoti has gotten better over the last couple years. 

You must be star struck or near sited the gate filming wasn't a passing shot or back ground footage everybody but you and Ray Charles saw it - He said he was from out West where they don't have gate numbers.  It's not complicated to understand if you can comprehend that not everyone is exactly like you.

And on top of the filming and giving away locations several people have posted about them parking right next to them on this forum and others.  - So if it's on the internet, it's got to be true? 

This whole thread has been about feelings and opinions - Exactly. Except you're arguing that your opinions are facts.

  What about the locals that only have time to hunt close to home which just happens to be in the area they drawing attention too? Wonder what they think of your feelings and opinions, cause nobody cares about theirs. - Not that you ACTUALLY care about people's opinions that differ from you, but I fall into that category and I agree with him. 
So to be clear. Everything in green is YOUR opinion only, stated as facts.....basically the same thing you said about my post? You went to a lot of trouble for nothing lol. Next time use red it may make YOUR opinion matter....not really
If you make everything easy how do you know when your good at anything?


Some of you guys need to try the "ignore user" button.  Makes your life better and the reading of the forums easier. 

Oh, you can still see their posts if someone quotes them, but not anything can be done about that.  just confirms what you already know.
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


Just to play devils advocate (I don't disagree with a fair amount of what's been posted on this topic),  If you were to go to google and type in "public turkey hunting in _________ (whatever state you wanted to look at)"  or something similar, the majority of the search results that pop up are from outdoor writers, the NWTF, and forums just like this one. I'm not bashing this site or any other for that because larger sites get ranked higher by google and search engines (which means google is more likely to pull these sites up early in the search results) so when a discussion about a public place gets brought up on a large forum, google is more likely to find it. It's just the way search engines work. The problem is, people don't understand that so they just assume that they are replying to a post on a thread that 5-10 other guys are going to see and it's in a vacuum in that isolated topic they're replying to... In reality google stores that thread, and the words associated with it, so when Joe Blow goes to google and types in the name of a WMA they've been wanting to hunt, that thread topic will pop up...even years later. We're talking about a search engine that see's an average of roughly 3.8 million searches per minute... that's not an exaggeration.

Not saying youtube doesn't play a role but any time something is posted on the internet, particularly in a large discussion forum, those threads are out there to be found by the worlds largest search engine. All that to say, yeah, the youtube videos probably expose information that wasn't available 10-15 years ago but they are just one channel for information to be spread over the internet...If it's posted on-line, google will find it and it will become very public, very fast. 


good post redleg, you are correct. I noticed this a longtime ago. Once you's put it out there it's open for the entire world to see. If you use your area (state)  in your screen name you get hits too. I'm guilty too, but we shouldn't post anything that you wouldn't want on a billboard

Spitten and drummen

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Videoing hunts are now the thing and more and more info about public areas will be popping up. The world is constantly changing and thats the way it is. Turkey hunting will continue to change with it and its nothing you can do about it. I learned a long time ago that hunting spots you have will most likely not remain yours unless you own the property. We get complaceant and believe that we are locked in on a spot that we have had for ten years only to find out at a drop of a hat that we have to move on because its leased out from under you , sold , clear cutted into a parking lot or someone found it and showed a buddy who showed a buddy. I have learned to enjoy my spots now because next year it may be over ran or completely lost. Don't take your spots for granted because things will for certain change. Just the way it is. You have to adapt and overcome or make adjustments in the way you are hunting. I hate it , but have come to accept it. It was wrong to show the gate with the number on it but they can do as they please rather we like it or not. Its not gonna get any better fella's.


It is public land...people can do whatever whenever they want. Props to anyone making great videos to post on YouTube. Are we really mad some standup individuals enjoy creating video content to share with people? They have talked about people finding spots before...they certainly don't want that happening themselves. Not so much their turkey hunts, but many of their deer hunting spots they revisit often. They definitely try their best to hide any easily identifiable information that would clue people in on where they are. At the end of the day though if someone wants to scan a topo map for hours to find the same topo features that really isn't their fault. Do you go to the gun store and blame them if they sold a gun to a murderer? No, of course not.

Lazy people are always going to find ways to mooch off people putting in the work. Someone watching a YouTube and finding a good spot is way down my list of concerns. In 99% of public land people stalk my car, follow my footprints, ask me detailed questions about where I was hunting etc....that is the type of thing I worry about. I think people attract attention to their spots themselves a lot of times. Last deer season one guy pulled out a nice buck and sat there for hours showing it off the people driving by. Another guy bragged by putting the nuts on a tree by the trail. Don't know about anyone else, but when I shoot something I am getting it to my car and getting out of dodge before anyone sees.


 Last deer season one guy pulled out a nice buck and sat there for hours showing it off the people driving by. Another guy bragged by putting the nuts on a tree by the trail. Don't know about anyone else, but when I shoot something I am getting it to my car and getting out of dodge before anyone sees.

I don't get why people would do that.  I am with you and try to get out quickly and unseen.  I make sure to pick up my empty and if I can find it the wad along with any large clumps of feathers especially if the bird was shot in a field.  I don't want anyone to know but me that a bird was killed there.


Quote from: Plush on April 22, 2020, 08:44:29 AM
It is public land...people can do whatever whenever they want. Props to anyone making great videos to post on YouTube. Are we really mad some standup individuals enjoy creating video content to share with people? They have talked about people finding spots before...they certainly don't want that happening themselves. Not so much their turkey hunts, but many of their deer hunting spots they revisit often. They definitely try their best to hide any easily identifiable information that would clue people in on where they are. At the end of the day though if someone wants to scan a topo map for hours to find the same topo features that really isn't their fault. Do you go to the gun store and blame them if they sold a gun to a murderer? No, of course not.

Lazy people are always going to find ways to mooch off people putting in the work. Someone watching a YouTube and finding a good spot is way down my list of concerns. In 99% of public land people stalk my car, follow my footprints, ask me detailed questions about where I was hunting etc....that is the type of thing I worry about. I think people attract attention to their spots themselves a lot of times. Last deer season one guy pulled out a nice buck and sat there for hours showing it off the people driving by. Another guy bragged by putting the nuts on a tree by the trail. Don't know about anyone else, but when I shoot something I am getting it to my car and getting out of dodge before anyone sees.

First off you can't do whatever you want on public land. Most public land you can't target practice or even camp unless it's in a designated area. Why? Because it affects the other users. When someone has thousands of followers, they hold the power to physical affect areas for other public land users for years. States set game seasons and bag limits for a reason. Can you go out and kill whatever you want when you want because it's public land? No, that would affect the other users. If a place doubles in pressure because 50,000 people watched a video and turns the place into a circus, I would say that has negatively affected all the other users that found the area the right way. That's how areas get put into a draw hunt or some other system to handle the hunting pressure. All I'm saying is people need to realize the platforms they have can positively or negatively affect the communities in the areas they visit.

You are also correct about them hiding their deer spots a lot better than their turkey spots. For some people turkey season is the only season they hunt. They should guard all of their spots because the spots the hunt are other public users spots as well. I would feel terrible if I turned some working dads honey hole into a magnet for idiots especially if all I had to do was not video a sign to prevent it.

Btw I'm with you on not showing your kills. Lol. I'll hide my turkey in the woods and make sure the coast is clear before I through him in my truck.


YouTube videos certainly aren't the only technology to make hunting tougher on public land. Now I am not that old, but I bet hiding spots was way easier before people could watch areas 24/7 with a trail camera to know what was in the area or google earth. Not to mention people learning what is or isn't public land easily via an app like ON X. As someone else said you just have to adapt if something like this truly caused more pressure in your area. It won't be the last thing to change hunting on public land.

People are going to do what they want to do. If it makes them happy, is legal, and they are respectful I just tip my cap to them. I may not agree with what some people do, but I can't control them. I go elsewhere or figure out how to turn an inconvenience into an advantage.


Public is public, that says it all. It is owned by anyone who wants to go there. If you buy a lic you can hunt there. Sounds like a bunch of cry babies. First off if you only have one spot to hunt turkeys you are not a real'turkey hunter.' Second I have in the past went to a heavy hunted area two weeks after opening day and bagged a gobbler. I know some of you have too. What's all the fuss about? Just expand your horizons. Third do your homework, Dave Owens does. If I found him in one of my favorite public honey holes, 'good luck' and I would go to another spot. If I got there first, 'hi, nice to meet you' and I would tell him where I'm going and hope I don't see ya there and he would RESPECT that, that's the kind of guy he is and I can say that without ever meeting him from watching his videos. You see Dave is a 'turkey hunter' and doesn't cry. I will apologize ahead of time if I fuffled any 'feathers.' Just my  :z-twocents: worth, just my opinion, like butt h...s, everyone has one. Good Luck to everyone still hunting, my opening day is this coming Monday, low forties to start. :you_rock:
We wait all year,why not enjoy the longbeard coming in hunting for a hen, let 'em' in close !!!


Loose lips sink ships. Count on it.....


I agree that youtubers (especially those with thousands of followers) should be secretive if at all possible with video locations. With that being said, I think there is a heavy dose of butt hurt on this thread to the point of being pretty whiney. Making fun of a THP guy for wearing a women's turkey vest...c'mon man, to me that's comical. I think some guys are just mad that some dudes that look and sound like surfers are out there successfully killing gobblers on public land, and having a whole lot of fun doing it. It breaks the mold, it's inviting to newcomers, and, honestly, I think the personalities and experiences are a lot more representative of reality than all the hardasses scouling in videos of the past. Maybe the old videos with the gritty, dramatic country song intro and cheesy lyrics were less threatening to everyone's secret spot though.


Quote from: Borsy on April 22, 2020, 10:48:34 PM
I agree that youtubers (especially those with thousands of followers) should be secretive if at all possible with video locations. With that being said, I think there is a heavy dose of butt hurt on this thread to the point of being pretty whiney. Making fun of a THP guy for wearing a women's turkey vest...c'mon man, to me that's comical. I think some guys are just mad that some dudes that look and sound like surfers are out there successfully killing gobblers on public land, and having a whole lot of fun doing it. It breaks the mold, it's inviting to newcomers, and, honestly, I think the personalities and experiences are a lot more representative of reality than all the hardasses scouling in videos of the past. Maybe the old videos with the gritty, dramatic country song intro and cheesy lyrics were less threatening to everyone's secret spot though.
I'd say you nailed it

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Quote from: Borsy on April 22, 2020, 10:48:34 PM
I agree that youtubers (especially those with thousands of followers) should be secretive if at all possible with video locations. With that being said, I think there is a heavy dose of butt hurt on this thread to the point of being pretty whiney. Making fun of a THP guy for wearing a women's turkey vest...c'mon man, to me that's comical. I think some guys are just mad that some dudes that look and sound like surfers are out there successfully killing gobblers on public land, and having a whole lot of fun doing it. It breaks the mold, it's inviting to newcomers, and, honestly, I think the personalities and experiences are a lot more representative of reality than all the hardasses scouling in videos of the past. Maybe the old videos with the gritty, dramatic country song intro and cheesy lyrics were less threatening to everyone's secret spot though.



I have loved watching the Pinhoti Project and have watched a few THP shows.  While I hate THP basically gives clues as to where they are, the one thing I like from both of the channels is that they they show the etiquette that should come along with hunting public woods.  See another truck, go to plan B, C, etc.   

I have had two instances this year of people walking up to gobbling turkeys crow calling, hooting, and yelping. All the while I'm set up patiently working the bird.   Now, I know things like this is bound to happen on public ground eventually.  One of these birds was running out of breath he was gobbling so much and I needed him to step out about 5 more yards before I could shoot. I heard the guy coming from a long way away and thought I'd kill the bird before he'd get close.  Well, the bird stayed put for a while gobbling at everything and here comes Ole boy crowing away.  After he bumped the bird I definitely lost my temper and ran to him to give him a piece of my mind about that damned crow call.  As I was walking off I was thinking to myself if that kid had watched more of Dave Owens he'd know that is not how you approach a turkey.   

My point is there are definitely good and bad things with all of the shows on YouTube and stuff, but I do believe if people paid attention to them it would help EVERYONE in the woods have a good day instead of ruining EVERYONES DAY by being ignorant. 

Ok, rant over. 

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