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DSD decoys worth the money?

Started by Bobby5, March 18, 2020, 10:23:28 PM

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  I searched on here and seems like DSD decoys are what everybody is recommending. How do you carry them seems like they would be a pain to carry since they dont collapse.  How long have you guys had yours? Is the paint and everything on them hold up? If i could only get 2 decoys which ones should i go with? Sorry for all the ??'s but i wanna do my research before i drop that kindve coin on some decoys.


I've had my DSD jake for two seasons.  Paint has held up well.  My son hit him with some shot while killing a gobbler and you can hardly tell by looking at him.   I use him with some less expensive Flextone hens.  Have gotten tremendous response from gobblers, they ignore the hens and come straight to that jake more often than not.  Yes, he was worth the money in my opinion, but the price of the DSDs is why I only have one DSD! 

He is a little heavy.  If I am running and gunning,  he stays at home and I carry a single Flextone hen. Hope this helps!


I have a Jake & upright hen. Bought them about 5-6 years ago. Outside of a small scuff here or there they look new. The first few times out they can be kind of a pain to carry, but you figure out how & what works for you. I put the hen decoy(in it's bag) in the with jake decoy so I only have to carry one bag. I bought the upright hen so I can use as a regular upright hen or stake it low like in a breeding postion.


Quote from: TonyTurk on March 18, 2020, 10:43:47 PM
I've had my DSD jake for two seasons.  Paint has held up well.  My son hit him with some shot while killing a gobbler and you can hardly tell by looking at him.   I use him with some less expensive Flextone hens.  Have gotten tremendous response from gobblers, they ignore the hens and come straight to that jake more often than not.  Yes, he was worth the money in my opinion, but the price of the DSDs is why I only have one DSD! 

He is a little heavy.  If I am running and gunning,  he stays at home and I carry a single Flextone hen. Hope this helps!
i was looking at the flextone hens at walmart and they dont look half bad for a 1/3 of the price. didnt see what the flextone jake looked like.


I have a DSD hen, and an Avian X Jake...

No doubt the DSD is more durable.  Realism is similar.  The Avian Jake is lighter...

I do think the DSD decoys are worth while...  Mine will last much longer than I do...

I think that Deception Decoys, and Replica Decoy Company (RCD) make decoys of similar quality and realism...  Were I to purchase two decoys, I would get a hen and a jake from DSD, Deception, or RCD...



Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


Yes. I have a hen and jake decoy and both have been beat down and/or mated numerous times and still look good.
"I don't hunt turkeys because I want to. I hunt turkeys because I have to."

310 gauge

I have several Deceptions. Caught a couple on a good sale and now am able to split them up with my son or put out a flock...lol. There's a couple of DSD's in the classified, if that interests you. Good luck this season!


Yeah i tried to buy the pair in the classifieds. I guess there really isnt any cheaper place to get them is there they all look like they run about the same price?


I've got 5 DSD hens and a Jake. One of the DSD hens is their original hard body, guess I've had it for 10 years or more now and looks as good as the day I bought it.
I will say besides them being a great decoy, if by some random chance you had an issue their customer service is second to none. I had the lead hen and a little paint was flaking around her beak I sent it back and within 2 day I had a brand new one.

They'll last you a lifetime I wouldn't consider anything else to be honest.


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Hooks Custom Calls Prostaff member

NWTF Diamond life member, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Life Member, NWTF Nationals Hunting Call Competition Judge, Hooks custom calls striker builder, WI, MN & IA State Friction Calling Champion.


They're worth every penny and I see no issue carrying them. I just throw em over my shoulder. The again is good but air filled. It stays blown up so essentially the same except it can't take shot and can leak.
I use the jake and I have 2 hens, I don't use both. One is upright for better visibility the other feeding. When I say more visibility I mean in rolling mountainous areas. I don't use as somewhere to focus on as I can't tell direction. I'm not a field sitter but I fo need the birds to come up to the dekes do I know where they are. If I need the head to stick up more that's what I use.


The cost is far more than the monetary amount, far more. 
"One can work for his gobbler by learning to communicate with him, or one can 'buy' his turkey with a decoy.  The choice is up to the 'hunter' " --William Yarbrough


I have been killing gobblers for 35 years, decoys are not required. The high dollar decoys are meant to catch the hunter, just like red hooks or fishing. Setting and waiting with a flock of decoys to me is not hunting. But that is just me.
Don't gobble at me...


When I do use decoys on certain property with fields, I have had success with one Avian Alert Hen, and the Avian Quarter Strut Jake. The gobbler always goes to the Jake. These are bulky to carry around.... be safe.

Greg Massey

DSD are fine decoys , little on the expensive side , but you get what you pay for. Lot's of people like both the DSD and Avian X are pretty nice also. Just all depends on your style of hunting and what you want to carry.  People have opinions , you don't need decoys or yes i use decoys. Just remember it's opinion , so buy and use what you want , just be safe ........


Quote from: Bobby5 on March 18, 2020, 11:10:57 PM
Quote from: TonyTurk on March 18, 2020, 10:43:47 PM
I've had my DSD jake for two seasons.  Paint has held up well.  My son hit him with some shot while killing a gobbler and you can hardly tell by looking at him.   I use him with some less expensive Flextone hens.  Have gotten tremendous response from gobblers, they ignore the hens and come straight to that jake more often than not.  Yes, he was worth the money in my opinion, but the price of the DSDs is why I only have one DSD! 

He is a little heavy.  If I am running and gunning,  he stays at home and I carry a single Flextone hen. Hope this helps!
i was looking at the flextone hens at walmart and they dont look half bad for a 1/3 of the price. didnt see what the flextone jake looked like.

If you can wait til near end of season, Walmart may well have those Flextone dekes on clearance for $20.  That is what the stores in my area did last year.