I was part of the first wave of Marines that invaded Iraq. My MOS was 1812 M1A1 tank Gunner. I have personally seen 18yr old men that stepped up and did things that most wouldn't have the courage to do. It takes a special breed of person to fight day and night for 6 months to a year periods. Having said this, I would still sign up again if I could (it was extremely hard for my family and I had promised my wife I would get out at the end of my 4yr contract (she was very upset when I got stop lossed and was held for an additional 4months)).
I don't think people realize just how much you sacrifice day in and day out. It's extremely hard on the families. The only communication that I had with my wife while I was in Iraq was snail mail. You can just imagine how the lack of personal contact between us affected her as she learned that Lt. Brian McPhillips had gotten killed (he used to be my tank commander before we shipped out and was switched before we left) and the realization of what I was involved in sank in.
To all that have served, I personally say thank you for your service. God bless.
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