Well yesterday, my dad and I took my boat about 3 miles up a river to a place i've been wanting to deer hunt and hung some cameras. It's Corps of Engineers land that's land locked by private land on both sides, so the only public access is by the river. In that 3 mile stretch of river up and back down, we seen 15-20 deer and two groups of toms. The first group had 5 long beards in it that were just walking down the river bank maybe picking up gravel. They wasn't bothered much by the boat and just slipped off. The second group had 4 long beards in it that were up in a grassy cove, i assume feeding on grasshoppers and what not. Hopefully they make it through till next spring and that'll be at least 9 gobbling birds in that stretch of river. I'll definitely be accessing the land and gobblers by boat and i'm really looking forward to it. It'll be a new something extra to something i already love so dearly.