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3rd Party Photo Hosting

Started by FullChoke, January 29, 2018, 12:47:41 PM

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As you have probably seen and heard, Photobucket has changed their market approach and now no longer offers free photo hosting service. You now have a few options to choose from for posting photos on the board. You can pay Photobucket subscription upgrade fee or use one of the other free 3rd party photo hosting sites such as Flickr (https://www.flickr.com/) or Imgur (https://imgur.com/). As I have only used Imgur, I can't speak to Flickr's operation, but I have read that it is an apples to apples choice between the two. 

In imgur, create an account for yourself. Saved your digital photos to your computer, open your account in Imgur and download selected photos to the site. You can then click open the photo and the site will show a number of coding options to the right of the photo. Click the blue 'Copy' button next to the BBCode option. Open OG and you can then download the coded photo link directly into your post. Check that everything is working correctly by clicking 'Preview' at the bottom of the posting page. You can change the location of images in your post by moving the entire code for that photo to a different location in the post.

You can be as simple or sophisticated as you want by manipulating the photos and posting. That's up to you.

If you run into any problems using the 3rd party sites, post on here and we will try to find a good solution for you.

Cheers  ;D


Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.



There are still a number of you who need to make the switch over to another 3rd Party Image host. This will make it possible to load the Team banner onto your profiles and also to upload photos of you, your gobblers and their interesting parts for the contest. If you hit any snags with setting up an account and/or navigating it, please send me a PM and we will thrash out the details.

Cheers  ;D


Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.


Hey guys, We are getting closer to having everyone able to post photos and displaying the team banner. There are 4 team members left that still need to make that shift. Please take a few minutes to create an account with Imgur, Flickr or Tinypic and position the banner in your profile.

If you are having trouble getting stuff set up, please PM me and we'll work it out. That's one of the reasons I'm here.

Cheers  ;D


Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.


Let me test this out.....

Got it! Thanks!


Let's find out if I know what I'm doing.



Are those Merriams?? Man, those birds are beautiful.

Yes, you appear to know exactly what you are doing.

Cheers  ;D


Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.


Yep! This pic is from 5 years ago out in SD. This was on a mixture of tribal and state grounds. The ranchers land we hunted on, and still do, has 25,000 acres of land to roam on. 22,000 acres of tribal and 3,000 acres of state. Problem is now that the tribe hasn't had a season for 4 years now do to a massive blizzard 4 years back that wiped out a ton of their birds on the reservation as a whole. The area we hunt still has birds. The state still lets us hunt in that zone . I have been hunting this guys place for 20 plus years now and have become very good friends with him and his family. He has some of the best land on the whole reservation to hunt upon. Back when this picture was taken we could take 2 birds on state and one on tribal.   


Sorry Norman, but I just have a real problem with having my pics out there in the cloud like these third party sites seem to require by way of log ims and permissions.  I don't know what to do, but I do know I want to get my banmer up.  Just a little reticent about doing it third party sharing.  I don't even allow my phone to access the cloud. 
Big Al's "Take-em" Style Silhouette decoys Pro-Staff.

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind te most.


I posted a photo last night using Photobucket that I have used for years. I noticed my photo was gone this morning. Does Old Gobbler still allow Photobucket to be used when posting photos? I am sure this topic has been discussed before, but I have been off the site for the last couple years. Thanks


Sometime in the past year, Photobucket changed their policy concerning 3rd party hosting. It is no longer a free service. You can upgrade your account for a fee and it will work just the same as it always has. OG accepts files from any 3rd party photo hosting site. If you don't see your photo on here, it is due to the hosting site. You can set up an account with others such as IMGUR.com or tinypic.com and download photos just as you did with PB.


Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.