North Carolina used to have an experimental Fall turkey season in five counties in the middle of the state that shared a border with Virginia, where the population was highest. Taking a hen was also legal, but you had to spend one of your Spring gobbler tags to do it. Killing hens always seemed counter-productive to me. If you're hunting for meat, why shoot a bird that weighs half of what a mature gobbler does? My grandfather used to tell me that you should never kill your egg layers or immature gobblers, because you were just stealing from your future.
I hunted our Fall season (which was more like Winter) and I had hens and jakes in easy range. I kept hearing my grandfather's words in my mind and never took the safety off. I'm too addicted to the Spring gobble I guess. The N.C Wildlife Resources Commission eliminated the Fall turkey season, so it is not legal to hunt turkeys in the Fall here anyway. I'm o.k. with that.