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What injuries did not keep you out of the woods

Started by tha bugman, June 12, 2017, 10:44:05 AM

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tha bugman

Turkey hunting is a very physical sport.  My personal injury list in pursuit of this majestic creature is as follows: Blown out ACL, (bolting to a turkey), knee surgery (I just went with my brace on and crutches), One year had a severe case of an in grown toe nail.  I just wore a house slipper on the that foot and a turkey boot on the other. Severely sprained ankle (again bolting to a turkey)  The worst was Good Friday 1994, I killed a turkey that morning.  My uncle wanted me to go with him that afternoon (just to call).  Around lunch I started hemorrhaging internally and did not tell anyone until I got back from hunting.  Consequently ended up going to to the hospital that night, collapsed in the ER from loss of blood and spent 3 days in ICU receiving blood transfusions.  Needless to say it was a few days before I was able to get back at it!


I've not missed any time because of injury.  I've had four shoulder surgeries (each one twice), both elbows (left one twice), right knee meniscus and acl, both hands, reattached bicep, kidney stone surgery, and broke my nose one morning with a scope(10 stitches) and went the next morning and killed another one.   Most of the surgeries were postponed until after turkey season.   Out of all of that the only one that would probably have kept me from hunting was the kidney stones ordeal, luckily it was in the summer time.    I'd have signed a contract on the spot that I'd never turkey hunt again as long as I live if they could have gotten rid of it immediately.
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
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Tail Feathers

Fortunately I've had none that kept me from hunting.  If I can walk and drive, I'm able to hunt. :icon_thumright:
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


39 seasons under the belt..A few major injuries due to sports. Did one season on crutches..and tagged out.

I make Kidney stones on the reg - and they are the DEVIL.. Hunted this year with kidney stone related pain.. just sucked it up and went.

Kokanee beer is a great thing to help stones.. LOL!! Killing two white tips on back to back mornings help.. On the second day in camp, I did walk into one of my friend's Pac Boot in the dark and bent my little toe to a 90 degree angle.. Just snatched it back into place ( somewhat) , taped it up and went .. fun morning.

Royal Slam 2008


I've hunted and worked through a buncha injuries.,to be honest men just do that. Two that I remember was one time I took some meds that I had an allergic reaction to.
As w poison ivy it attacked my crotch area n started n redness than numbness than the skin came off almost like blister skin., was a bit painful n I had to wear coveralls that didn't touch me.
One of our doe days I drove down to the farm, pants open alone.
Got into the woods n couldn't take sitting on the stand so I got down n held clothes off me. Looked up saw a deer n shot it.
Couple days later I was on opposite side, lying on my back trying to keep clothes from touching me. I was in a hedgerow, saw another deer n shot that.
Another instance I had an ulcer that was uncomfortable. It had burned a hole through my stomach n the acid was going onto my back muscles. I was sick but it thundered good n the next day I knew the birds would gobble. I called a bird for my buddy who body rolled em, ugh!
Getting older now, this year I had some issues that I had a harder time dealing with.
Lyme meds made me real sick n something really drained me. Called a bird one day that gobbled at me n I yelped than laid down til it got closer. Hey but I went.
Hopefully my other issues get resolved next week.
Forgot to add the torn shoulder that had my shoulder hanging n my than gf had to help me get off shirt. Went duck hunting n shot mostly one handed. Shot a few ducks too. God is good!


29 stitches in my left knee. Layed it open till I could see the kneecap and surrounding tissue. Watched them sew it up and was in the woods within 20 hours. Sucks to try and walk quietly when you can't bend your knee. It still gives me g it's from time to time but that's life. Other than broken ribs that's it.

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Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


Hunted this spring after having triple hernia surgery in late winter, first couple weeks were a little rough climbing ridges, but it improved some as it went on, was able to hunt the season on my favorite
ridges and hollows

2nd time out I overdid it going to a gobble, ended up getting turned around a little, and came out on a gravel road, knew where I was at then but still far from the truck, halfway to my truck I caught a most welcome tailgate ride from a kind hearted hunter. I was done in.

Shattered a femur and knee several years ago, that fall hunted bear on one crutch, hunted most of deer with a cane, and by spring turkey was pretty good.

That spring for going up a ridge and down in a bottom, like Toby Keith I was good Once as I ever was, but once was about all I could do


One of my pet peeves in this world are all the sissies. Thank God none are here. We all have dif pain tolerances I understand but we have an apprentice that cuts his hand w paper n freaks out. He hates paper cuts, another guy mid 40s cuts his hand w a razor knife n holds his hand over his head so it's above his heart n he don't bleed to death. Than he goes to hospital n takes a week off, all for a cut??
The world is too soft now


fractured my wrist when I fell carrying a turkey out of the woods, since I couldn't run calls in a brace or cast I finished turkey season before getting it in a brace

When I was 13 I had an appendectomy and all I carried about is if I could still go turkey hunting that opened two days later.. doctors told my mom No, But I went anyways with my dad hadn't even killed a bird yet and was hooked. 
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="l4hWuQU"><a href="//imgur.com/l4hWuQU"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Try a stroke on for size if you want to try on a game changer.   It ain't for the topwater.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


Quote from: silvestris on June 12, 2017, 01:21:14 PM
Try a stroke on for size if you want to try on a game changer.   It ain't for the topwater.

I'm glad your still here and wish you a full recovery

Greg Massey

Had the flu one time that cause me to miss couple days. Have to take Tylenol or something for the old bones sometimes ...  been pretty lucky myself nothing major ....


These posts brought back a lot of memories. What is it that drives us to the woods and fields to chase those birds when walking or even breathing is painful? Learning to live with pain seems to a part of the ageing process and I've learned we pay for the sins of our youth as well. Pushing our bodies when everything within us says "quit" and overcoming the pain and fatigue, allows us to go on when others might not.

I raced road bikes for 10 years. I did 6 day races, time trials, criteriums, 100 mile road races, point-to-point races and other devilish races that promoters devised. I've lost lots of skin, pretty much all over my body and destroyed several bikes but I never quit a race. I still remember an old coach who said. "The only hard race to quit is the first one, after that, they're all easy."

Just keep on keeping on until we hear that last gobble.

"If he's out of range, it just means he has another day and so do you."


All my injuries came from hunting. 1999, I fractured 3 ribs while Turkey hunting.(fell on a boulder). 2005 I ran straight in to a dead hemlock limb. That may not sound bad, but when your eye is the part of your body you run into it with, it's real bad. Till this day I have reoccurring cornea erosion. 2006 I fell 13 feet out of a tree stand (I learn the hard way). Thankfully I got away with a cracked hip socket. I still hunted those years, although the eye injury set me back awhile.


Forgot one. A big one though it happened right before turkey season. I was in a wreck. The vehicle rolled three times and I was ejected out the drivers side window. The vehicle was totalled and I was found laying unconscious in the road. Layed in the hospital three days in a neck brace. They thought I had a broken neck and I had a lot of head trauma (that explains a lot). Once they realized my neck was not broken I was released. I didnt realize how powerful morphine is till i got off of it. I was stir crazy and turkey season was coming. It hurt just to walk but I hobbled out and patterned my gun anyways. Every shot hurt bad but I got through it. I was back at work exactly 10 days after the wreck and even though rehab sucked it was made better by meeting a lovely young lady and later on after I was cleared I started dating her and eventually she became my wife. The Lord works in mysterious ways. I should have died but I came out of it better than I was before it. It took almost a year to fully recover from that one.

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Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club