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Started by Steve, June 04, 2017, 05:30:07 AM

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Hang in there.  God doesn't close a door without opening another.


That's a tough row to hoe.
It's hard on anyone that believes in the foundation principles of marriage but sometimes we just don't have a choice and that sounds like the situation you're in.  Just move forward one step at the time with a positive attitude, talk sincerely with God and listen, and you'll be better off in the long run. That's what got me through it.


I'm also very sorry to hear that and wish you the very best. If you would have patched things up it would have been very hard to trust her again and youd probably be wondering if or when she was going to jump the fence again.It has to be very devastating,but things will get better in time. We're always here for you on O.G. and remember God always has a plan.

Double B

Sorry to hear the news, I hope you are able to move forward and get through it ok.   Stop in here and say hey, check in and visit once in awhile.  Good luck and keep your faith. .
Followed by buzzards

Greg Massey

Man, i hate that for you and your family...lot's of prayers my friend...keep your head up and keep the faith that God has a bigger plan for you....


Sorry to hear that. Will keep you in my prayers

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Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club

Tail Feathers

Dang that's a tough row to how.  Sorry to hear of your troubles.
Know that you are being prayed for during these times.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Steve I feel for you , i hope everything turns out FOR YOU ........
Sun Shine State { Osceola }

noisy box call that seems to sound like a flock of juvenile hens pecking their way through a wheat field


Buddy I'm sure it feels like the world is ending for you. Hang in there, life goes on and gets better again. Keep your head up


Steve, I don't know you personally but I do know that things will likely get worse before they get better BUT they WILL get better in time. I watched my brother and his wife of ~19 years go through a NASTY divorce a few years ago. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. However, a few years later and he's gotten things going in a much better direction. Hang in there!

tha bugman

So sorry to hear this.  Stay strong brother believe it or not God is still in control.  If you ever need an ear please shoot me a PM anytime.


So sorry to hear about your situation.  As many have stated, talk to God and listen to him.  I know it is tough and you did the right thing by asking her to fix it but it is impossible unless both parties want it to work.  I will pray for you and trust that God will lead you in the right direction.


Thanks a ton everybody...I really appreciate the support here. Unfortunately, this is not the first time she has been dishonest. Though the last time (3 years ago) was for something entirely different that ended with her on 7 years of probation and a mighty hefty restitution. I stuck by her side then and ended up losing nearly all of my friends over it. Some of these "Friends", and my wife, all profess to be "christians". I don't like talking religion, because frankly I've struggled with it for the past three years. And now this...my christian wife is out having an affair and asking forgiveness. That makes it okay?!?!? Really? Anyway, as you can see here I have a huge issue with any faith anymore. It has done nothing for me. I'm happy to talk about it if anybody wants to. Shoot me a PM and I'll get my number to you. I'm not saying I will never believe in any faith again, but it's really going to take an earth moving circumstance to get me there.

Again, Thank you for all of the support. I'm leaning towards selling off a minimal amount of NB items and going back to a skeleton work shop so to speak. I'll likely take a sabbatical until April and reassess
NB from there.  I may make calls again somewhere down the road, but it's doubtful it will be in the quantities I have been recently.



Buddy just something to think about, you're wife isn't God. He didn't let you down, she did. He gave her free will to do whatever she wants.
We can claim to be Christian and not live that way. We also aren't bound from going outside Christian values.
It's ok to feel hurt n let down but He didn't do it.
When my ex left I was really angry. I took a while,(years) but not forgiving her was weight I carried. Once I did I felt lighter. I could also mention her name round my kids without gritting my teeth.
I can't tell you it's gonna happen tomo, least I can't tell you how to do it so quickly. One step at a time brother. You'll get through it.