Followed Clark's advice on my brand spanking new BPS and deep cleaned the bore. It was bought new, fired all of 10 or so times to pattern with a bore snake between each shot, and fired three times on birds and the amount of junk that came out of the bore was unreal. I can't wait to see what it will do on paper now all spickity span. The question I have is when you guys deep clean, do you use a bore guide? I do use a one piece Tetra coated rod for the occasional patch, just have never done the full deep clean on a shotgun. Are there the same concerns for shotguns as with rifle barrels as far as bore damage? I tried to stay as perfectly straight as I can but when scrubbing I did make contact with the bore occasionally and the brush sometimes ran out the end of the barrel and hit against the outer opening/"crown" of the barrel and had to be pulled back through. All of which I know are concerns with a rifled barrel, just sure about a shotguns smooth bore. Thanks guys!