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Wild Game Nat'n...It's an embarassment...

Started by sixbird, March 29, 2017, 07:18:25 PM

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Yeah, so I'm watching Wild Game Nat'n   (forgive me, it was the only turkey hunting show on at the time). Matt the moron is on. He talks about how he'll shoot every hog he sees. He'll throw lead, arrows, bullets...Doesn't matter. Next thing you see is him shooting a couple of feet low and skipping and arrow into a hog's ham. He's all happy. Better lucky than good he says. I'm mad! Don't ask why...I know he does stuff like this all the time...
Next he's rigging a turkey fan to his bow. Senior moron gives the thumbs up. Great idea!
Well, next scene moron Jr. is trying to call some gobblers in. He does...Takes a shot and guess what? Yeah, he shoots a foot low and skips an arrow in the poor gobbler's a$$. Of course he runs away wounded. They run him down and the scene cuts to the back slapping. Moron Jr. carries on and makes a fool of himself...
THEN, the prostitution to the equipment companies. One of those included, "That's why we use Rage broadheads...When you shoot poorly, like I always do..."
WHAT???!!! I could have come out of my chair! Can you imagine what a viewer who is ambivalent regarding hunting would think? Can you imagine what ammo that is for an anti? I mean it peed me off and I'm all for hunting!
Man I'd like to shake those a-holes!


I would have never seen it, I quit watching them almost as soon as I started... The "Busbice's" are not doing us hunters out here any good, IMO just a bad "Show" and can't see why their sponsors pay them for what they do...



I'm with ya' brutha'! I get weak sometimes since turkey programing can be scarce this time of year.
And yes, you're right, you wonder why sponsors don't pull away from them. We all know it's about the money but you'd think they'd have a more long view on what that type of thing does to public opinion...


Those guys rule

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When I turkey hunt I use a DSD decoy

Greg Massey

Agree, some shows are better than others. Some do a better job of promoting safety while hunting. Some go to the xtremes in taking game. I think the majority are bad for hunting because by and large they don't portray what most of us are all about. That being said there are some good shows out there as long as you keep it in perspective. A lot of these shows do a good job of promoting our 2 Amendment and protecting our environment.  A lot of these shows promote Wounded Warrior Hunts, Helping men, women and children with disabilities these are just a few. Take Cuz from Mossy Oak, he is always helping Vet's and taking Vet's hunting. Without some of these shows people like these may never get to have a hunt of a lifetime. So while most shows are bad, lets not forget the good they do also...

Tom Threetoes

Those nuts are an embarrassment to all hunting. I can't stand 'em, the channel is changed instantly if those guys come up!


TV game farm hunters have done more to harm hunting than anything any anti group ever has. All the younger crowd thinks if you don't shoot a monster you're not a real hunter. They have taken away all the tradition that us older crowd grew up learning from our elders. Where I'm from back in the day the #1 priority was the freezer and learning true woodsmanship. I was in the hunting/fishing business for 20+ years and have met a few really good celebrity hunters but I'm telling you, they are rare. I had a conversation with a very popular (in his day) TV hunter at a show one time. I propositioned him to hunt where I do and film a P&Y kill and then let me hunt where he does and we'll do the same. Needless to say he declined the offer. They're all about the product they promote to feed their ego and bank account. Now, with all that being said.....the types venues Greg mentioned that are truly about helping those with disabilities always get my attention. A BIG thumbs up for them.

Old Gobbler

Cable TV hunting shows have done more to destroy hunting culture and ethics than anything

Why oh why doesn't someone just produce a show with qualified hunters that doesn't come off as watching a hsn, Billy Mays infomercial

:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



I saw that crap come on tv the other day and I as always instantly change it when they come on. I can't stand those guys. I will watch any type of turkey hunting show over and over again through the off season that I recorded but can't stand the site of those guys. I like some of the other comments think there are still some good shows out there that teach value, ethics and sportsmanship. I've been hunting all my life and I still pick up info or tips on some shows. Where I deer and turkey hunt we have some strict rules about harvest criteria on bucks and does and some of the tid bits I've picked up on those shows helps me better judge a deer sometimes and helps me to ultimately pass younger, less mature or smaller deer for harvesting deer at their peak and prime. To me hunting is about one, respecting the game you hunt and realizing it's one of Gods creations and enjoying being closely tied to them in a sense and two about understanding the habits, lifestyles and true potential of each animal and basing a hunt off of enjoying the chase. A lot of these clowns on tv now days just want to kill something on film bowers it takes and I'm not about that. I still think Primos and Drury are the best shows out there after all the years.

I'm glad this topic came up bc I knew there had to be a large number of hunters who thought those guys are jokes too


I agree!!! The Wildgame crew is a total disgrace to our sport and  represents everything most ethical sportsman never want to become. It is hard to believe that sponsors support the garbage they put on TV. I intentionally avoid supporting their sponsors !!! Hopefully others will start doing the same and the sponsors take them off of the air.


The only thing worse than Wild Game Nation is that hideous sounding guy with the scratchy voice saying it Wiyald Gaammmme Naashuuuunn!


The Busbys are a disgrace to the state of La and real hunting. Sadly most of the La hunters I come across look up to idiots like them.I'm glad the duck commander phase is finally  dying out but there will always be more to take there place.
If you make everything easy how do you know when your good at anything?


I do not watch any type of outdoor entertainment on cable TV.. most of it is as bad reality TV garbage

A few shows I will watch online this keeps commercial junk to a minimum as well
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Quote from: Old Gobbler on March 29, 2017, 09:33:44 PM
Cable TV hunting shows have done more to destroy hunting culture and ethics than anything

Why oh why doesn't someone just produce a show with qualified hunters that doesn't come off as watching a hsn, Billy Mays infomercial
Absoltulety correct!

Spitten and drummen

The whole family is a bunch of sleeze bags. I am down here close to where they live and know them all. They are some of the most arrogant clowns that you will ever meet.