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South Florida Public Land Osceola Double (with pictures)

Started by birdman561, March 13, 2017, 09:51:51 PM

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Well my morning started off going to a longtime favorite spot of mine (that is quota only). Which started off by spooking what seemed like every hog in the WMA. I got to my spot sat down and began to listen to the woods come alive. All it took was a few soft tree yelps. Instantly i got a response from 6 other birds all around me. All but one went quite off the roost.

I had him coming in on a rope gobbling every 5-10 minutes. Until he got about 80 yards away he vanished into the palmetto flat. Then About 20 minutes later the action picked back up. I could hear him spitting and drumming behind me but never could see him. Eventually him came out of the palmettos to my right, no more than 8 yards from where i was sitting, in full strut. He was so close I had to wait for him to turn before picking up my gun. once he turned he got a face full of 5's. :turkey2:

So after my successful morning hunt I gladly went home to prepare myself for a nice afternoon nap. Then i got the call from a friend wanting to go out and hit the local romp and stomp WMA. I very hesitantly agreed to go. Ive never had much luck in this particular area before. I get setup begin to call and not 30 minutes in I hear him gobble. It almost seemed surreal realizing I might possibly tag out in one day on public land.

He gobbled once more, and came very wearily out of the bushes. Where all I could see was his bright red head. Eventually he proceeded his way out of the thick myrtle bushes onto the trail at 15 yards. (this is my favorite part) where he dropped like bag of rocks. :turkey2: But this story does have a sad ending. when I went to grab the 2nd bird he was void of a beard. But non the less, I was estatic of the days outcome.


it's not the harvest,it's the chase


<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="l4hWuQU"><a href="//imgur.com/l4hWuQU"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Turkey hunting is the addiction will cost you time and money and alienate those close to you. -Charlie Elliott

Greg Massey

Tail Feathers

Hope you have a fishing license too, cause your turkey season is over early. :toothy12:
Congrats. :icon_thumright:
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Congrats on 2 birds in one day, never give in it pays off :)

How good of spurs on that "limb hanger"?



Thought it was only one bird per day on public land in Florida?


Uncle Nicky

I'm impressed. Public land birds in Florida a re tough to kill!!! :icon_thumright:


The daily bag limit on these wildlife management areas is one turkey, and the season limit is two.


"I don't hunt turkeys because I want to. I hunt turkeys because I have to."



Quote from: BigGobbler on March 14, 2017, 03:11:06 AM
Thought it was only one bird per day on public land in Florida?
Its one bird per day for each individual WMA. With a state bag of 2 for the season.
Quote from: MK M GOBL on March 14, 2017, 01:26:25 AM
Congrats on 2 birds in one day, never give in it pays off :)

How good of spurs on that "limb hanger"?

1 3/8th