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God was in on this one: Some downs, some ups and a unique find.

Started by Strick9, April 30, 2016, 11:12:37 PM

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So old Stumpknocker a buddy of mine drove about 3 hours to hunt the National Forest with me this morning. I took him to a spot I knew to have 2-3 birds. I had tinkered with them a couple days back. Right off the rip at 0610 the dominant bird hollered and we headed out on a long round about walk ending up where I had known him to strut two days before.

Long story short I pointed to a big pine and stayed back about 40 yards to call. About 3/4 of the way to the tree a Tom jumped out and flew off right over his head. I was pretty disheartened knowing I should have played it a little more cautious maybe. Shortly after his hens stared putting yelping and creating a general ruckus. I guess he had either limb hopped his way to the big pine by the hens from where we had originally coursed him.

Shortly after calling there for a bit, we made a move up to a knoll and I owled real loud and the one of subordinate birds lit off about 400 yards deeper and from the far opposite side of the bottom. I guess this one was afraid to brake the territory gap for fear of taking a butt whipping. We had him around us occasionally gobbling off to left for about 30 minutes and then it went dead. At any rate we left empty handed but fun was had.

Forward to later in the day. I went to another block after Stump headed home and met up with my buddy who had struck a bird on my way up to meet him around 2pm. We went in called for an hour or so, moved a little called some more and nada. So we picked up and moved to another corner.

No sooner than we had parked at the new block than another truck pulled up caddy corner to us. The owner got out then leaned inside and layed on his horn! I was immediately like WTH but a split second later I realized someone must be lost as the guy was wearing short, t shirt and flops and certainly not a hunter.

I walked up and laughingly said you got a buddy lost down in that big bottom somewhere don't ya?

He answered yes my 80 year old Grandpa took it upon himself to slip out this morning and go hunting on his own. He had managed to find some cell service around noon and told his grandson he had been lost since around 9am and needed out quickly as he wasn't feeling that well.

I asked if he could get him on his cell phone again and he called and got him. I told him to ask his grandpa to fire a shot a deadfall or something and he did. I heard the shot and was able to get a bearing on his location. I told him to put the sun hard off his left shoulder and keep it there while he walked and that he should hit the road just fine. I was standing beside him and heard the Grandpa say that makes sense. Got it will be to ya in just a second.

I gave the grandson my number and told him to call if he didn't make it out soon. I left with a bothersome feeling in my gut even though the grandson said thanks and that he could get him the rest of the way. My buddy and I went ahead and hit another spot without striking a bird. Something told me that I needed to go on back and check on them instead of moving on to try another location.

I headed back to where the Old timers truck was parked.. When I arrived the grandsons truck was parked and the grandson wasn't in sight. I parked got out and hollered down into the bottom and heard the grandson yell back about 200 yards deep. I got him back to the road and asked how it was going. He said he couldn't get a location on him and that his grandpa was even more turned around at this point. He said he had gotten another call to connect and that he sounded a little panicky and out of breath. I said try him again on the cell and he was again able to connect.

I asked to speak to him. Grandpa told me he only had one shell left and couldn't yell to loud because of his lungs. I handed the phone back and said to tell him to yell as loud as he could when waved my hand at him from about 50 yards down the road. I gave the signal when the wind died and he yelled I could barely and I mean barely hear him but got a rough point on him. I got the phone back and told him I knew about where he was and asked him what kind of turkey calls he had with him. I got the full run down on what he had and what he liked the most and the builders and how long he had owned them all, the full story lol. It was a reprieve of sorts for the old timer and I heard his voice calm down a little. I told him to get on his Lynches fool proof and to just fire it up as loud as he could about every five minutes that I was gonna come to him, don't move, just keep calling loudly.

Well after about 45 minutes I got in pretty good hearing range of his calling and whooped at him and heard him yell back. I Found him about 15 minutes later, got him some water and struck up a conversation with him. What a neat guy, born in 36.

He went on to tell me that he was 80 and had only been hunting turkeys for 30 years. He said that he hated that he had missed the first 50 years and was doing his best to make up for lost turkey hunting time. He told me that he loved turkey hunting more than anything else besides God and family.

Well Grandpa could only walk about 15 steps at a time before getting winded so I cut him a walking stick and about an hour later we were back at the road right before dark.

Great ending right? Well on the way home It dawned on me that had Stump killed a bird this morning I wouldn't have even gone back out this afternoon. At their trucks he said this was gonna be his last season. I said not if the good lord is willing and I can help. I gave him my number and told him to call me anytime he had the itch and headed back to my truck.

God sure does work in some mysterious ways, doesn't he? Turned out to be my best hunt this season by far I reckon. Sure hope to get to hunt with that feller next year.
Knowing Wildlife beyond Science
Genesis 9;2

Greg Massey

Man what a story and help you were in finding him. Yes the Good lord was watching over both of you today.



Good deal! Take him hunting next year, we all gonna get old if we live long enough!


Great story! It's not every day that you get to help someone like that and get that warm, fuzzy feeling that you did the right thing. You never know what God has in store for you when you head for the turkey woods!

Snood Life

I am so glad you went back!! Great story. God is so good!


The turkeys will still be there next chance to get to hunt. Great job on being a good Sam!! Bet you feel better helping out that old man than shooting a turkey would have made you feel.


Strick 9 your my kind of people ....thanks for sharing your story.. Its good to hear stories like this kinda helps you keep things in perspective,,, :jesus-cross:


Awesome story.  Hats off brotha.  There is not many many in this world who would have taken the time to do that. 

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Ol timer

It's nice to know there are still folks out there like you. Great story and write up it would be great if you can hunt with him and take a Turkey on that hunt.

Spitten and drummen

Great story brother. God puts us in certain places at certain times for us to do good things. You did a fine thing all the way around and I'm sure that you will be blessed for that.


QuoteWell on the way home It dawned on me that had Stump killed a bird this morning I wouldn't have even gone back out this afternoon. At their trucks he said this was gonna be his last season. I said not if the good lord is willing and I can help.
God had plans for you and you listened.  You are a good man in a world where that is harder to find at time.  God Bless you and your family.  God is Good.  All the time. 
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


Fantastic read! Made my morning!
It really puts into perspective what this world is all about!
God Bless You!


You did a very good deed for that gentlemen. Glad there are still people like you around.

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club