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Found a willing participant this morning

Started by Tom Foolery, April 02, 2011, 09:10:51 AM

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Not taking orders for calls at this time ,,,but my have some on hand  ,,,I Dont sell strikers
I do like copper pot calls,,,,Get them While u can
My YouTube

Tom Foolery

Thanks guys, it does feel good to get last seasons monkey off my back. 

He did eat good, I grilled the breast for lunch, mmm, mmmm, good.



He's big enough to ride in my truck!

spur collector


Congrats on your bird, and good luck with the big one!!

Tom Foolery

Well, it's hard being stupid.  Out early this morning, right under ol'bigguns roost tree.  Then he gobbles about 500yds away.  I knew where he was but I convinced he wasn't there he was over here.  I hot foot it over that way and he's quiet.  I knew he was on the other side of the lake but I was so sure he was on the side I was onI wouldn't move.  1.5hrs later he sounded off, on the other side of the lake.  Get up and hot foot it across the dam.  I could have went up the road, no, too smart.  Let me crawl through this briar thicket, yeah good idea! 

I finally emerage from the valley of thorns to the edge of the field.  Hmmm, no birds, let me lay my gun down, BACKWARDS!  I laid it down with the barrel facing behind me.  I look up and there he his, and he is big.  He has 7 ladies with him and genius me is sitting behind some briars with my face mask down and my friggin gun pointing the wrong way.  Of course they walk straight at me, it's only a 25acre field.   ::)    I am slowly easing my gun up, but I still have to figure out how to flip it.  Sure enough right about the time I go to turn it a hen sees me, he gets nervous, I am not a field hunter so I have grossly misjudged the yardage.  I'm 100% sure he's 55, farther than I want to shoot, but I know I'm good for it.  BOOM!!!  He just walks a few steps and flies off.  I am just about to literally beat the crap out of myself for pulling the shot.  I figure that would not be good, and it would be a touch weird, so I decided to step it off.  It's embarassing to say how far off I was, but it was way over 55, all I can figure is I was all shook up and I just flat did not do a good job of judging the yardage.


Give Thanks Unto The Lord,For He Is Good,His Love Endures Forever!


You did better than me, didn't even hear a gobble this morning. Go back and get him... :icon_thumright:


Tom Foolery

I have never spooked a bird by shooting and missing, will he hang around?