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Republican Primary Nomination poll

Started by Old Gobbler, February 14, 2016, 03:51:54 PM

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Who will you vote for for the Republican Nomination

John Kasich
Donald Trump
Jeb Bush
Ben Carson
Marco Rubio
Ted Cruz


QuoteIt should also throw up red flags to you that the establishment is now throwing their weight behind him.
Didn't the establishment back Ronald Reagan?  And didn't he have some more centric views early on? 

So what you are saying is not that he is weak, but he has waffled.  I will look into it and thanks.
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


Quote from: g8rvet on February 22, 2016, 12:07:10 PM
QuoteIt should also throw up red flags to you that the establishment is now throwing their weight behind him.
Didn't the establishment back Ronald Reagan?  And didn't he have some more centric views early on? 

So what you are saying is not that he is weak, but he has waffled.  I will look into it and thanks.
I can't answer the Reagan candidacy questions honestly because I was born during his term so it was a little before I was involved in politics. What I do know though is that even if the establishment backed him the Republican party was alot different back then, for that matter so we're the Democrats. Either way if Rubio is your guy, vote for him. I was just stating why I cant. If he is the nominee I will support him, but not in the primaries. And I do consider him weak on immigration. I think if someone legitimately changes their mind is one thing, but changes views to appease multiple times means you have no back bone aka weak. Just my opinion though. One thing I give him is he is a great speaker which is why I think most like him......but so is Obama.

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Quote from: g8rvet on February 22, 2016, 12:07:10 PM
QuoteIt should also throw up red flags to you that the establishment is now throwing their weight behind him.
Didn't the establishment back Ronald Reagan?  And didn't he have some more centric views early on? 

So what you are saying is not that he is weak, but he has waffled.  I will look into it and thanks.


The establishment hacks attacked Reagan as being too conservative and said that he could not win.

Eric Gregg

What scares me more than anything is that you have a generation of millenials voting now that think that Socialism is a great idea.
A group of young, unemployed college kids who do not have mortgages and do not pay income tax yet are making decisions without even knowing what Socialism is, and, how it has destroyed other countries.
That lets me know that this next generation is primed and ready to embrace socialism.
Rich people are mean and greedy, let's take all their money so that everyone gets a "fair share" at life.
Great idea until they get a degree, go into a field expecting a large income, and are told that there is not only a minimum wage, but there is a social limit on how much they can make for the "greater good" of the country.
Politicians have capitalized off of minorities and young inexperienced voters for years to get to this point.

Old Gobbler

Quote from: g8rvet on February 21, 2016, 07:11:48 PM
Quotea Republican candidate will need 270 electoral votes to become POTUS , and this is impossible with out winning FLORIDA as we speak its neck and neck in Florida on the polls with it showing Rubio having a slight lead out of all of the contestants over Hillary Clinton its 46% to 46% right now and whomever wins the primary better darn well be able to beat Hillary in Florida
Amen! I also read a poll and this was a while back, that showed Rubio was the winner by a large margin when Republican voters were asked "If your favored candidate dropped out, who would you support".  About the same time, he polled the best among independents vs Hilary or Bernstein.  This was several months ago mind you, but he was the only R that polled to beat those 2.  That factors in and I will watch for that poll in the future.

May I ask, not trying to derail, but I have read on here several times that Rubio is bad on immigration.  How exactly?  I freely admit that my attitudes on immigration tend to lean to the middle (I guess really left) of the most of my opinions like gun control and fiscal policies.  What holds some of you up on Rubio's policies?  Don't get me wrong, I would be ecstatic with a Cruz presidency, but right now I have Rubio with a slight edge were I to vote today.  My daughter loves Jeb, so I may be able to politic her vote too!


As I speak , before the debate , I predict in Nevada ......rubio will barely surpass Cruz in Nevada primary votes and will almost tie with trump , Cruz will take a beating for that doctored  video that he fired his staff over ,  and I think many voters that liked Jeb ,and kaisich (sp) will gravitate to rubio and Cruz

Trump didn't do so well in sc as he did in new Hampshire and is slipping , and as contestants drop out he is not gaining in popularity,  this isn't a opinion , it's what's going on. Trump lost a good portion of his  of his vote from new Hampshire to sc

It's anyone's game ...but I see the nomination eventually going to Cruz or rubio

Rubio is portrayed as being weak on immigration,  this may be true, but take into mind this is a long term GOP stay ago to capture Latino voters that are critical to some swing states

After Nevada if more people drop out , it will change the game

:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



Quote from: Old Gobbler on February 22, 2016, 09:54:42 PM
Quote from: g8rvet on February 21, 2016, 07:11:48 PM
Quotea Republican candidate will need 270 electoral votes to become POTUS , and this is impossible with out winning FLORIDA as we speak its neck and neck in Florida on the polls with it showing Rubio having a slight lead out of all of the contestants over Hillary Clinton its 46% to 46% right now and whomever wins the primary better darn well be able to beat Hillary in Florida
Amen! I also read a poll and this was a while back, that showed Rubio was the winner by a large margin when Republican voters were asked "If your favored candidate dropped out, who would you support".  About the same time, he polled the best among independents vs Hilary or Bernstein.  This was several months ago mind you, but he was the only R that polled to beat those 2.  That factors in and I will watch for that poll in the future.

May I ask, not trying to derail, but I have read on here several times that Rubio is bad on immigration.  How exactly?  I freely admit that my attitudes on immigration tend to lean to the middle (I guess really left) of the most of my opinions like gun control and fiscal policies.  What holds some of you up on Rubio's policies?  Don't get me wrong, I would be ecstatic with a Cruz presidency, but right now I have Rubio with a slight edge were I to vote today.  My daughter loves Jeb, so I may be able to politic her vote too!


As I speak , before the debate , I predict in Nevada ......rubio will barely surpass Cruz in Nevada primary votes and will almost tie with trump , Cruz will take a beating for that doctored  video that he fired his staff over ,  and I think many voters that liked Jeb ,and kaisich (sp) will gravitate to rubio and Cruz

Trump didn't do so well in sc as he did in new Hampshire and is slipping , and as contestants drop out he is not gaining in popularity,  this isn't a opinion , it's what's going on. Trump lost a good portion of his  of his vote from new Hampshire to sc

It's anyone's game ...but I see the nomination eventually going to Cruz or rubio

Rubio is portrayed as being weak on immigration,  this may be true, but take into mind this is a long term GOP stay ago to capture Latino voters that are critical to some swing states

After Nevada if more people drop out , it will change the game
I do agree as people drop out those votes will go to Cruz and Rubio. I think Trump has everyone he's going to get. If your drawn to Jeb, Kasich, or sleepy Carson, then chances are Trump isn't on your radar.

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Trump carried a large part of the evangelical vote in SC last weekend, which is hard to understand.  The country is in a strange place when social conservatives do not consider character and morality high on the list of qualifications.  That is usually the starting point and litmus test for social conservatives, and if they fail that, the vote does not follow.

If Trump is the nominee, we will have a fine candidate for Commander In Chief.  He survived the STD war in New York as a highly accomplished seducer and fornicator in the 1980's and deserves a medal for it.

Out-*******-standing, Private Trump!



Quote from: southern_leo on February 22, 2016, 01:56:58 PM
Quote from: g8rvet on February 22, 2016, 12:07:10 PM
QuoteIt should also throw up red flags to you that the establishment is now throwing their weight behind him.
Didn't the establishment back Ronald Reagan?  And didn't he have some more centric views early on? 

So what you are saying is not that he is weak, but he has waffled.  I will look into it and thanks.
was just stating why I cant. If he is the nominee I will support him, but not in the primaries. And I do consider him weak on immigration.
Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
That is exactly what I was asking. I wanted to hear some opinions. I was not debating, I really wanted your opinion.  Thank you.
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


Quote from: Swather on February 22, 2016, 04:25:21 PM
Quote from: g8rvet on February 22, 2016, 12:07:10 PM
QuoteIt should also throw up red flags to you that the establishment is now throwing their weight behind him.
Didn't the establishment back Ronald Reagan?  And didn't he have some more centric views early on? 

So what you are saying is not that he is weak, but he has waffled.  I will look into it and thanks.


The establishment hacks attacked Reagan as being too conservative and said that he could not win.

Thanks. I read up on that and you are correct.  I was too young to vote in the 80 election (by 4 days I think, or less), so I was not really following it as well as I did in 84.  By then, Reagan WAS the establishment, so it was a very different race.  I was actually a registered Democrat (Dixiecrat) at the time and finally said to heck with local elections, I wanted to align with the party that was closest to my opinions. 
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


Robert Reich makes the case for voting for Ted Cruz.

And he did not even meant to do it.  But like Jimmy Carter, he elucidates how Cruz is what conservatives say they want.  (He, like others, has his weaknesses).

Reich is an unabashed leftwing moonbat that was in the Clinton administration.  Reich was on one side positioned against Bob Rubin, Sec. of Treasury, moderate and fiscally responsible by Dem standards and former Goldman guy.  Rubin won Clinton's favor, and Clinton was pragmatic since he lost the Congress to the Repubs.  Reich felt marginalized and left the admin because Clinton did not follow his advice and pursue his whacky leftwing policies. 

I give Clinton credit for listening to Rubin.  (To be honest, Rubin pushed for more financial restraint than anyone in W's admin.  Who knew we'd long for the days of fiscal prudence in a Democrat admin?)

Here it is:



Quote from: g8rvet on February 23, 2016, 12:45:15 PMThat is exactly what I was asking. I wanted to hear some opinions. I was not debating, I really wanted your opinion.  Thank you.

When Rubio was in the FL House he proposed a state cap and trade program on carbon because he thought it was inevitable at the federal level.  Instead of pointing out the obvious problems with AGW theory, the confounding variable of using temp measurement and reporting stations surrounded by concrete or asphalt, and the empirical evidence of satellite temp measurements showing no substantial change in temps as CO2 emissions rose, he just wanted to go with the flow to get the fight behind and not have to worry about facts and arguments.

Rubio ran for the Senate to rep FL and promised no amnesty.  That promise did not last.

He stated in Spanish on univision that if elected, he would not take immediate steps to reverse BHO's executive orders on illegals, including the dreamers.

He also served as a principal of the Gang Of Eight, which was a jointly retarded effort to betray the public and pass a bill loaded with amnesty.



As I said earlier in this thread, immigration is a boiling water issue for politicians and it is hard for them to take a position that pleases a plurality or even a majority of their constituents.  Then there is the top down pressure from the RNC not to alienate hispanics and latinos because they have a high birth rate and a growing population segment.

I have concerns whether any politician will get the issue right, and particularly hispanic/latino politicians.  Can they withstand the criticism and pressure from their ethnic peers?

No one seems to be courageous enough to admonish hispanics and latinos that they are in the wrong if they are siding with brown before all else and siding with foreigners over Americans.  A lot of hispanic/latinos don't see that for themselves.  But I do know that a lot of old line Tejanos in Texas do not like the illegal alien invasion mess.

This country made a big mistake in 1986 in granting amnesty based on the same old promises and platitudes we hear today.  The problem was in the magnitude of 3MM or so illegals.  Today, it is about 12MM illegals, but it is hard to say and probably depends on the time of year and amount of work.  So granting amnesty laid the foundation for a problem that is 4 times bigger than it was 30 years ago.  If we let them get away with granting amnesty this time, how big will the problem be 30 years from now?

The missing element in immigration is enforcement.  We have a visa system based on trust of compliance and self removal.  But about 40% of the illegals in this country are over-stays on expired visas.  It is said that there is somewhere around 40,000 Irish in this country illegally as stay-overs.  But you don't hear La Raza, the Pope, etc. advocating for the Irish to get to stay and keep coming in at will. 


Am I the only one now starting to become angered at Carson and Kasich? It is blatantly obvious they are unelectable at this point. They now are dragging out their base voters which robs those votes from the top three, one of which will win. I have a lot of respect for a candidate that knows when to quit and fight another day but at this point I believe they are causing damage. They continue to take contributions and have their base vote for them, essentially wasting both. While I realize this is all their perogative I see it as very irresponsible and almost pouting not to let it go. I think Carson is doing it out of inexperience, not really sure about Kasich. Then Kasich said in a speach his "purpose may not be to become president". What does that even mean? He was speaking from a religious stand point as in God's purpose, not a conspiracy purpose, just to clarify. But especially after Nevada I think Carson and Kasich need to leave before super tuesday.

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         Post-Houston debate...

   personally, I  still maintain that Senator Ted Cruz is the only man ,at this point , qualified for the Oval Office...
I will say,  that I believe  Trump has been good for this country in  one big  way.....his loud mouth and abrasiveness have awakened a lot of people ...and that's as far as it goes for him in my book


I'd really love to see a Rubio/Kasich ticket.

Too many people in this thread discussing an extreme, uncompromising brand of conservatism.  Wake up; the demographics of the country are changing and demographic changes mean constituency changes. You can't continue to alienate the ethnic minorities with unfavorable policies (I.e Latinos) and expect to win elections.  You can't continue to offend social progressives and win future elections when the country is indisputably embracing those positions.

The erosion of white, judeo-Christian political dominance is happening and if you want to have any efficacy you can't preach ideology that forces your values on other people.  Christian conservatives want to draw lines in the sand and the more lines they draw the more they make themselves obsolete.

Let's talk about reality. Trump will never beat Hilary in the general election and neither will Cruz.  The numbers just don't get them to the Oval Office.  It's time to realize that compromise and bipartisanship is the way to functional government and you aren't always supposed to win when compromise is involved. It's time for the far right to realize they need to rally around a more centrist republican candidate in order to ensure their interests are at least considered, instead of being ignored under a democrat President.