Quote from: Bowguy on May 10, 2015, 09:15:57 PM
Guys just a thought. Just because something is custom doesn't automatically make it better. Good call makers though have it all over someone like Zink calls or any production. High dollar isn't the measuring stick, sound is. Guess what I'm saying is all customs ain't created equal
A very true statement.There are alot of different opinions on custom calls as to the maker and the quality.Most guys have their favorites,as do I.There are some good callmakers out there, that are truly amazing craftsman.Not only are they builders,but turkey killers as well.They know what a turkey sounds like.
You just have to find the ones that fit you,and how you run a pot call.
There are some decent production calls around, and I owned a few years ago.But the customs that are good,are truly in a different class.Chances are you are not going to find the passion in a production call.that a custom callmaker puts into his work in most cases.