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shooting a jake

Started by dodger, March 21, 2011, 04:11:13 AM

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do you or do you not shoot a Jake?

I do not because

1st    its illegal for a hunter to harvest a Jake in MS, but is legal for a youth to harvest one
2nd   I want to kill a mature bird
3rd    the more Jake's means the more 2 year olds and 3 year olds down the road... and even    
        more 4 year olds too...

now I have no problem with a youth shooting a Jake as a first bird but I feel  that is the only acception


last day of season, no bird, I prolly would. depending on where I was. they show do eat good


I dont shoot them.. I dont care if others do, the faster they burn up their tag, the less their in the woods


It's all about the game, no the size of the beard or spurs....and if I have another tag , or If I hear a bunch of other birds...


I don't shoot Jakes, just wouldn't feel good about it.
Everyone has to decide for themselves.


Not for me. I agree with Tom. I have no issues if others choose to.
My only standard is a full fan.


In my own opinion..I believe whatever makes you happy..I have shot jakes as well as strutters..heck I have even shot Jake strutters!..lol! I have limited time afield as with most of us..so I say blast away and don't list a wink of sleep over it..its all about having fun..when  we lose that its starts to be like work! Just my .02..


I dont... because I'd rather shoot a longbeard and usually dont have any trouble killing my share of them  so there's no need for me to feel like Im "settling" for a jake.   

I dont care if others do if that's what makes them happy.   


I haven't shot a jake in a while, usually because I know there are longbeards in the area and generally have no problem killing them.  If others want to shoot them I don't have a problem.  I can't tell another person what a trophy is. 


I don't shoot jakes.  I did in the past when I was learning to turkey hunt, but several years ago I decided only longbeards for me! :you_rock: 

I don't care of other people want to shoot a jake though, it's their business. :icon_thumright:
Hook's Custom Call Prostaff, Ol'Tom's Elite Team, Vaportrail Archery Prostaff, KTECH Design Prostaff


I go home empty handed first.  I've killed enough birds to not need to shoot another jake.  I enjoy the hunt and working birds more than pulling the trigger, so I have no problem letting that jake walk.

I have no problem with anyone shooting a jake though. 
A veteran is someone who, at one point, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'up to and including their life.'
That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.


Quote from: shootumindaface on March 21, 2011, 05:49:51 AM
I dont shoot them.. I dont care if others do, the faster they burn up their tag, the less their in the woods

and if they use their tag on a jake instead of a mature gobbler...one more gobbler left to hunt.

Far as me shooting a jake. I hunt only hard pressured public land where jakes are probably bout as wild as a 2yr old in some places and if it's right at the end of the season and I don't have any turkey to fry I'll kill one in a heartbeat. I did pass up some last yr. and really wanted to christen my newest 20ga. flintlock...maybe I can get some turkey blood on it this yr.



Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.   I'm just not one to impose my standards on someone else.  I'll congratulate another hunter that shoots a Jake just as fast as I'll congratulate someone that shoots a Longbeard.    


My first bird was a jake, and I have never regretted it.  That is the only jake that I have killed.  I dont have a problem with anyone that does shoot one, as long as its legal for the area.  The success is measured by the hunt, rather than the measurements of the bird taken. If its late in the season, and my fryer has been empty, a jake still makes some nice table fair!


Quote from: cassga on March 21, 2011, 10:04:29 AM
My first bird was a jake, and I have never regretted it.  That is the only jake that I have killed.  I dont have a problem with anyone that does shoot one, as long as its legal for the area.  The success is measured by the hunt, rather than the measurements of the bird taken. If its late in the season, and my fryer has been empty, a jake still makes some nice table fair!
:agreed: very well said