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turkeys for tomorrow


Started by Old Gobbler, January 04, 2015, 10:33:54 PM

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Old Gobbler

                                2015 Turkey Contest TEAM Registration Thread

This is how it works for the 2014 Contest - If a group of individuals{up to 12} want to get together and form a team or the basis of one - this is the instructions to do so----

1) Coordinate amongst your selves and select 1 temporary Captain that will post 1 time to this thread

2) Your Captain and the Captain only  will list  all the team members  to be on your team on this thread - You will not have to register at all to the contest the captain will do it for you  Please keep the post to just the team members { including captain as one of the 12} {screen name only }and a temporary team name if you have that

3) If you want to register to the contest and want to be randomly placed on a team ,about 50% of the contestants choose this option- stop now and go register to the Random registration thread and I will assign you and other like minded random individuals to a team - you will get to hunt and make new friends this way - its fun  -

4)If you posted to the Random thread and now have now joined a team - edit your post on the random thread  to indicate and delete your picture off that thread so that you don't end up on 2 teams

5)Do not use this thread as a Hail Call to recruit members - only Captains are to use it to list their team members- I will be using this thread to make the roster - I will have to delete all posts that are hail calls or recruiting - to keep this thread simple and easy to organize

6) The Captain will update his team roster if needed - I will finalize your team roster towards spring, this thread and the members listed by your Captain will be your team or the basis to your team -  if you need more members I will add random members -

7  ) There is no post count or picture requirement for the TEAM registration thread - it is up to the team/captain to decide who plays on their team , make darn sure your members will follow through - there will be no adjustments or changes made to the roster after this thread is locked   ]

8 ) Easy on the banners!!!  No billboards guys, make them modest is size -

:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



Trumpet Thumpers.

1. Savduck....CONFIRMED
2. Jbrown....CONFIRMED
3. Slamman ........
4. Harvester.......CONFIRMED ( new for 2015)
5. Mero custom calls......CONFIRMED
6. CCleroy.......CONFIRMED
7. GSlam95.......CONFIRMED
8. Houndstooth......CONFIRMED
9. Vanhelden game calls......CONFIRMED
10. PaulD.......CONFIRMED ( new for 2015)
11. Alloutdoors......CONFIRMED
12. Blueribbon......CONFIRMED

Georgia Boy


1. nickhrp       Confirmed
2. Illini Tom.   Confirmed
3. Gooserbat  Confirmed
4. misfire.       Confirmed
5. ericjames.  Confirmed
6. turkey buster Confirmed
7. cphill.          Confirmed
8. sonofabuck   Confirmed
9. Whitney lewis Confirmed
10. NoMo.            Confirmed
11. footondaface  Confirmed
12. Bow.m3v.hunter Confirmed

God Bless the Outdoors


2015 Spur Collectors

1 - turkeykiller12
2 - SCGobbler
3 - davisd9
4 - trkehunr93
5 - WV Ridge Reaper
6 - dirt road ninja
7 - boomer
8 - turkeykiller22
9 - WNY Bowhunter
10 - C J Stahly
11 - Bustabeak
12 - bigbird
"A turkey hen speaks when she needs to speak, and says what she needs to say, when she needs to say it. So every word a turkey speaks is for a reason." - Rev Zach Farmer


2015 Roaring 20's Team Membership Roster

1 - FullChoke
2 - Jakesdad
3 - Surehuntsalot
4 - Xarcher
5 - Camocutie
6 - Gophert
7 - Gagry
8 - Mightyjoeyoung
9 - Irishwhiskey
10 - Hooter
11 - Pullit
12 - Eric Gregg

Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.

JuniorPre 360

2015 Team Noob (Still working on a team name)

1. JuniorPre 360
2. GomerPyle
3. mason3toes
4. Schemy
5. Bigeclipse
6. Efey
7. kevin2
8. bamagtrdude
9. Model 1300
10. Big Treble
11. AdamSean
12. ScottS


1. jblackburn
2. dlewis82nd
3. harleytom
4. turkey harvester
5. paintbrush
6. RIStruttStopper
7. Joe2Kool
8. rafsobbob
9. somedude
10. Hoss
11. cattail75
12. okiegobblers
Gooserbat Games Calls Staff Member


Genesis 27:3 - Now then, get your weapons—your quiver and bow—and go out to the open country to hunt some wild game for me.


2015 Gods of Thunder

1.  BowBendr
2.  DMP
3.  Derek
4.  CanadaTom
5.  Duke0002
6.  Chcltlabz
7.  MDbowman
8.  Fullfan
9.  BoWhoop
10. Whitelightning
11.  ScottyB
12.  Doug Lewis

Full team, ready to go



    1.   spurman             Captain
    2.   SheGotHoOks      Co-Captain
    3.   Onpoint              Co-Captain
    4.   Charley B
    5.   hotrod3h
    6.   Gobble!
    7.   chatterbox
    8.   West Augusta
    9.   doublegobble
    10.  longfield
    11.  Roughneck
    12.  hardthrowinlefty
Spring turkey hunting, I love it so.                FREEDOM IS NOT FREE


2015 Guns N' Hoses  :policeman:  :firefighter:
We're all in!!!! :icon_thumright:

1 - (Team Captain) RutnNStrutn - confirmed
2 - Turkeywhacker - confirmed
3 - Wildspur - confirmed
4 - Twowithone - confirmed
5 - Trackeysaurousrex - confirmed
6 - Hayudog - confirmed
7 - Blackmagic - confirmed
8 - VA_Birdhunter - confirmed (new for 2015)
9 - The Body - confirmed
10 - Fire Engine 70 - confirmed
11 - Deputy 14 - confirmed
12 - Mountainburd - confirmed


2015 Crusaders

1.  anthonyjhallen  CPT
2.  Gobblenut
3.  Hookedspur
4.  Thenatural67
5.  Snapper1982
6.  Boff
7.   American Struter
8.  honker22
9. vicksburg
10. Mark72
11. Cliff Owen
12. cmadams


Eastern Assassins

1. Willy 8457
2  eddie234
3  BigGobbler
4  makova
5. Bowmike
6. Bowhunter2k9
7. Ctburdchasr
8  Southrenthunder
9. FttFttvroom
10 MWR
11 Bigsho69
12 Pea_ridge


Quote from: nickhrp on January 06, 2015, 06:22:39 AM
1. nickhrp
2. Illini Tom
3. Gooserbat
4. misfire
5. ericjames
6. turkey buster
7. cphill
12. Bow.m3v.hunter

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Hey!!  count me in!! :z-guntootsmiley: :z-guntootsmiley:

Quote from: nickhrp on January 06, 2015, 06:22:39 AM
1. nickhrp
2. Illini Tom
3. Gooserbat
4. misfire
5. ericjames
6. turkey buster
7. cphill
12. Bow.m3v.hunter


Team name: "Tennessee Dream Team"
2015 Roster 
If you want to do it again PM me.

1. reflexl-confirmed temp captain
2. Tn Beard Buster-confirmed
3. calebb-confirmed
4. timberjack86-confirmed
5. Joe Alderman-confirmed
6. darn2ten-confirmed
7. chunky-confirmed
8. Mimosa Gobbler-confirmed
9. Volsjp-confirmed
10. thcconst-confirmed
11. TNTRKYHunter-confirmed
12. Trevor2-confirmed