Well, I thought I would just let y'all know. I've heard this and I've heard that about bottomland so I decided to just call mossy oak and drake waterfowl(ol Tom/mcalister/rut wear-non typical). The lady at mossy oak said absolutely not , there still making bottomland strong. She said its just a hot item, and doesn't stay in stock long at all. I then called the drake company. For 2014, drake will not run bottomland in there clothing line. It will be replaced buy the original mossy oak shadow branch, and Max 5. However, rut wear, wich now is apparently "non typical" , will be made in bottomland. They said ol Tom will definitely make bottomland in there line again, but most of it is simply out if stock, and they have no more as of now for this year. They said it was an extremely hot pattern, and basically went before anything. My buddy's and brother laughed at me because I actually called them to see about bottomland lol but I wanted to know. So as long as they are being truthful, bottomland will be semi easy to find. There y'all go
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