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What guide in Mississippi?

Started by MACHINIST, May 26, 2014, 08:46:24 PM

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J. Adams

Quote from: chcltlabz on May 28, 2014, 01:00:18 PM
Why don't you ask about hunting public land so you can get a lecture on where to park and how to avoid conflict with the locals :TooFunny:

Always block the road when you can, and bring plenty of beer and a spare cooler, they will steal the first cooler, but wise public land hunters always carry backup! :funnyturkey:


I used to see more Arkansas tags when they could apply for WMA draw hunts for no charge. Now a Non Resident has to buy an out of state license and enter the license number to submit an application for draw hunts. I think that has made non residents think twice about coming here.


Yessir deadbuck, it sure kept me from applying to hunt the Mississippi WMAs this year. Hard to pay close to $180 for a 5 day license and WMA permits when there was no gurantee you would get a hunt. Us Arkansas boys are slow but that pretty much was a no brainer for me. I am sure that hurt the Mississippi hunting revenue. I had been down there for about 10 years running, staying in motels and eating in restaurants, but no more. I am not sure what you mean by applying for a WMA hunt for no charge. If a non-resident drew one of those hunts he still had to pay for the WMA permit and buy a liscense when he got there. 


They changed it this year. In the past a non resident could put their name in the hat for the draw for a $5 fee, get drawn, not show up for whatever reason, and effectively bump somebody out of getting to hunt. Now, you must buy a hunting license to enter drawing but the $5 fee is waived.


Yes, you now pay clse to $180 for a 5 day spring turkey license so you can apply for a WMA hunt you may or may not draw. No guarantees and no refund if you do not draw the hunt. I think a lot of non-residents stopped applying this year. Maybe that was the intent all along. Next spring I will go back to Mississippi but just not apply to the WMAs and hunt them after the draw hunts.


Quote from: hunter22 on May 28, 2014, 03:56:05 PM
Yes, you now pay clse to $180 for a 5 day spring turkey license so you can apply for a WMA hunt you may or may not draw. No guarantees and no refund if you do not draw the hunt. I think a lot of non-residents stopped applying this year. Maybe that was the intent all along. Next spring I will go back to Mississippi but just not apply to the WMAs and hunt them after the draw hunts.
I like the fact that they made a license # a requirement this year. In the past, like deadbuck stated, any person from any state could apply whether they planned on attending the hunt or not (filling spots that others would have been thrilled to have been drawn for). From what I understand, the main reason they did this was to deter anti-hunters from applying for draws. At least if they do it now, they have to have purchased a license.

As for the draw, don't feel bad. I applied for ONE WMA this year and didn't get drawn. I am a lifelong resident of MS (34 yrs) and have bought a license + wma permit every year for 18 yrs now. I also know of a guy or two who were drawn for 6 or 7 and some were for the same days even though the WMA's were 100's of miles apart! Now that's ridiculous!  It is what it is though...


Quote from: JBIRD22 on May 28, 2014, 05:19:39 PM
Quote from: hunter22 on May 28, 2014, 03:56:05 PM
Yes, you now pay clse to $180 for a 5 day spring turkey license so you can apply for a WMA hunt you may or may not draw. No guarantees and no refund if you do not draw the hunt. I think a lot of non-residents stopped applying this year. Maybe that was the intent all along. Next spring I will go back to Mississippi but just not apply to the WMAs and hunt them after the draw hunts.
I like the fact that they made a license # a requirement this year. In the past, like deadbuck stated, any person from any state could apply whether they planned on attending the hunt or not (filling spots that others would have been thrilled to have been drawn for). From what I understand, the main reason they did this was to deter anti-hunters from applying for draws. At least if they do it now, they have to have purchased a license.

As for the draw, don't feel bad. I applied for ONE WMA this year and didn't get drawn. I am a lifelong resident of MS (34 yrs) and have bought a license + wma permit every year for 18 yrs now. I also know of a guy or two who were drawn for 6 or 7 and some were for the same days even though the WMA's were 100's of miles apart! Now that's ridiculous!  It is what it is though...

It's past RIDICULOUS !!!!!!!!!   The draw hunts are putting less pressure on the WMA's for the first two weeks but, there is three times the pressure the rest of the season. Everybody runs to the WMA's because they think the birds haven't been hunted that hard.

Pressure means less gobbling and less gobbling means more folks tromping through the woods and driving the roads with there yelping,cutting and blowing peckerwood calls.  It has turned into a circus in the WMA'S in Mississippi.

I have been turkey hunting in or around WMA'S for over forty years in Ms and we have turkeys. They are here, but, i have heard less gobbling since the draw hunts started than in the lean years where we didn't have many gobblers.        sorry for the rant but, this strikes a nerve with me!!!!!


Quote from: chcltlabz on May 28, 2014, 01:00:18 PM
Why don't you ask about hunting public land so you can get a lecture on where to park and how to avoid conflict with the locals :TooFunny:

Knew that was comin' !!  :TooFunny:  :TooFunny:  :TooFunny:  :TooFunny:


Mississippi gobblers are tough as all get out.  They hatch with a crook in their necks.  I wouldn't have it any other way.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game

Houndstooth Game Calls

Check out the www.calyxstarranch.com you can also ask Mike Miller on here about it can't remember his name on here, let me know if ya need any more info on it.... It's in MS...Hands down best southern hunt you will go on!


Quote from: MACHINIST on May 27, 2014, 09:04:00 PM
Lots of great info,Hows Illinois for birds,Greene county to be exact?I went there on a guided hunt in 2004 for deer and the outfitter has spring turkey hunts for a really good rate and you stay at his cabin.

Not sure how Greene county is but IL is a sleeper state.  I've had some awesome hunts here and have had more birds around me than on hunts in NE, KS, OK, MO, and WI.  I personally would look elsewhere than Greene county but then again some of the counties I hunt aren't big and don't have huge numbers, but just the right properties.  Your outfitter might have a good property or two and be loaded with birds. He might also have just an average population of birds but little or no hunters which makes for a great hunt as well.  My biggest complaint about IL is the draw and their seasons.  Makes planning for a hunt a pita.


I hunt in MS and love it.  Just started hunting turkeys 3 years ago. I killed my first 3 turkeys this year. I want to hunt other states but saying another state is easier to hunt isn't much of a turn on for me. I enjoy chasing a bird for hours and just being in the woods. I'm sure having a quick hunt is fun but I like the challenge. If it was that easy, I'm not sure I would be addicted to it like I am now. March 15, 2015 can't get here fast enough.