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Poachers just about make me want to quit!!!

Started by busta biggun, April 13, 2014, 08:17:27 PM

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busta biggun

I have been hunting turkeys for 28 years.My uncle has a farm 30 minutes from my house. I have had so many amazing hunts there and so many wonderful memories of spending time there with my dad that I even thought about being buried there some day. I have killed so many turkeys there and most years I rarely even hear or see anybody on the neighboring properties.

I went out scouting last Sunday and while sitting against a spruce and not calling, had 5 different adult gobblers walk within range. I was at an important business meeting all week so I missed the first three days in Kansas. Saturday morning I went out with my heart pumping with excitement. That ended quickly when I heard a blast on my piece of property right after sunup. I was furious but knew I wouldn't be able to get to where they shot before they were gone so I just sat tight. 30 minutes later I hear two guns blasting away, closer to me this time. I got up and ran to where they were shooting but they were gone. I was so upset, but figured I have all day to hunt so I went to the far opposite edge of the property and waited for things to calm down. An hour later I hear three more blasts. I just about threw up I was so upset. As I was walking out I could see a big pile of feathers from a bird that was shot earlier in the week.

These idiots are basically coming in off the neighbors land and blasting away at anything they see. It would be bad enough if they were sneaking in and harvesting a few birds. When you hear all of the shooting they were doing you know they are wounding lots of birds. they weren't single shot kills. I am so upset I didn't even go out today. Don't even feel like going out there. I just picture these scumbags bragging about these birds they "rolled" and thinking they are so slick for getting away with it. They must have no idea of the damage they do. Nobody could be that heartless. Regardless, I am so depressed I feel like sitting this whole season out. I have never been so upset and felt so violated. Not sure if any of you have ever had this happen to you.


Find where there parking and cut there tires lol I probably would >:(


Happens a lot around here anymore so I feel your pain. The problem we have is a couple of properties that we hunt are surrounded by subdivisions now. These people think for some reason they can come on in and shoot our deer and turkeys along with riding their 4 wheelers. We had someone come in last year riding their 4 wheeler shooting deer on the run and then stole 4 stands. I did not witness this my buddy did (the riding and shooting part so we assume it was the same person that stole the stands). He called me and I went straight over there and luckily mine was still there. He couldn't get to the guy in time and honestly I'm glad he didn't because that would have turned into a bad situation. Most people anymore have zero respect for people's property and hunting guidelines. There have been plenty of times I've seen game over the property line but never have I shot or crossed over. I just sit and wait (or cry..lol) or try to call them over if I know no one is hunting them. Don't let it get you down because it seems like this happens more and more every year. Get out there, call'em in and knock'em down!
"Wolves don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep"


Contact the local game warden and see if they can help you out.  If they get away with it this year they may consider it the thing to do and keep at it or expand onto more properties.

Old Gobbler

Call the police bud , felony trespass with a firearm is no joke , even if the law doesn't get them , I'm sure they will snoop around in a high profile way , seeing the law cruise down the road a few times asking questions is poacher repellant

Spread some rumors in town that the game wardens are sitting on the fence line etc.... News like this spreads quickly , and your problems will soon disappear

Get some game cameras and mount them high from a tree , get up some new trespass signs , all these things work 
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



Deputy 14

Being a deputy sheriff I handle these problems myself which helps a lot because no middle man and I can devote all the time I need. However, I frequently tell people how to handle these problems without a middle man if you get my drift. Trespassers are not very well liked here and a fine from the court is usually not nearly enough to deter them from doing it again.


That happens so much around here. Caught a guy on a 80 acre farm I alone hunt and he said there are no birds on our side of the fence. WTH!! I'm on 80 acres and his family owns 300 next to this!!!! I see birds in a bottom on them almost every evening.
East TN Beard Buster


I understand your frustration and deal with the same thing. However, I have to hold you accountable in managing and taking care of your property rather than abandoning it.

To sit it out is foolish, get out of your pity pond.

Unfortunately, as some say, "tresspassing" is the joys of owning or having land.

Though we should not have to, we have to do everything in our power to protect what is ours. Posting signs, painting boundary lines, and putting our own foot prints on the soil, and prosecution of those we find tresspassing, is necessary these days.

Word spreads quickly when someone is prosecuted. And word spreads quickly of whose property is maintained, rather than abandoned.

Not trying to be a rear end, but holding you accountable for what you have.

God Bless,
David B.


I look at things like trespassing/poaching as being similar to theft. Theft, 90% of the time, is a crime of opportunity. Someone leaves their laptop in the car, their garage door open, etc. In other words, they make it easy for the thief. Just as it is impossible to completely prevent theft by a determined individual with a plan, it is impossible to totally prevent trespass by those determined to do so, but there are a lot of things you can do to make doing so much more difficult.

If you haven't already, post the property on all sides pursuant to the rules in your state (purple paint, signs at specific intervals, public notice in area newspaper, whatever). That will help law enforcement if it comes down to actually filing charges against someone. Talk to neighboring landowners and find out if they are having problems, or, if they are creating problems by allowing the trespassers to hunt on their property. Ask them to please pass along the information to anyone they let hunt on their property, that your uncle's property is specifically off limits.

Last, but not least, you need to get some type of regular presence on the property. I realize your time is limited, but if people find they can hunt a property and have little to no chance of running into someone, they will. Our son leased 120 acres for a few years about 15 miles from here. The owners lived 150 miles away, and seldom visited the property. The problem was compounded by the fact that it bordered public land on 2 sides. The first year was a nightmare. Nearly every time I went out there, I caught trespassers. I was never threatening, just approached them and told them we now had the place leased, and due to having several family members that like to hunt and fish (2 large fishing ponds on the place as well), I would really appreciate them not hunting or fishing there. If I found a tree stand, I'd just hang a nice note on it, with my contact info, asking them to call me. I never had any real problems, most people were apologetic, and I never saw them again. The worst problem was actually not from hunters, but people joy riding ATV's. I got a little hot with a gal in her 20's when I caught her after cutting brush and blocking the regular access points for an ATV and putting up NO trespassing signs in the middle of the road.

To be honest, it was somewhat of a relief when the owners sold the property and we lost the lease, but by that time, after 3 years, I was noticing very little evidence of trespass. Someone needs to have boots on the ground, especially opening day and weekends. If you can't be there, see if someone else in your family, or perhaps even a hunting buddy or two, in exchange for hunting there, would be willing to act in your behalf.

Whatever the solution, don't let it bum out hunting for you. I've known people who let one bad incident taint the whole outdoor experience. My Dad always wondered why there were more horse's asses than there were horses, and it is just part of life that we must deal with dishonest, disrespectful people throughout our lives.


Man i hate it for you. Hope you can catch thses pieces of crap.
Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr


It's easy to get frustrated and quit but remember it's always best to get ahead instead of getting even.  You've been given some very sound advice and it's time to act upon it.
NWTF Booth 1623
One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.

busta biggun

Hey guys, thanks for all of the supportive (and chastising) comments. I understand I can't give up and trust me, I won't! I was just very upset on Saturday. These idiots cannot realize how much damage they are causing. Regardless, I am talking with my uncle. He knows all of the landowners around him and will find out who has had access recently. Trust me, the word will get out. If that doesn't work, I will step up my diligence. I won't let the lazy blood-suckers win!!!


What you need is some well placed trail cameras .You need faces to all the noise your hearing.  Don't give up!  Don't let Em win... Get out there and kill a big bird.
SuperX3 12Ga
SuperX3 20Ga
Mission MXB 320
Parker Tornado F4


Quote from: Old Gobbler on April 13, 2014, 09:01:20 PM
Call the police bud , felony trespass with a firearm is no joke , even if the law doesn't get them , I'm sure they will snoop around in a high profile way , seeing the law cruise down the road a few times asking questions is poacher repellant

Spread some rumors in town that the game wardens are sitting on the fence line etc.... News like this spreads quickly , and your problems will soon disappear

Get some game cameras and mount them high from a tree , get up some new trespass signs , all these things work
:agreed: Last year I did just this at my wife's grandmothers and haven't seen anyone back since....