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Public land insanity

Started by Spitten and drummen, March 29, 2014, 10:04:15 AM

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My hackles are down.  Good luck to you this spring brother.  May the gobblers all be huge and dumb that you encounter.
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


You too. Double bearded 25 pounders with a deathwish.
Momma said "Kill that turkey"


You know, there's nothing all the anti hunters @ anti gun folks like better than to see us law obiding hunters and outdoors men fighting among ourselves, we have enough trouble just hanging on to our right to enjoy this great  sport, so let's  just try to keep things in perspective and let this petty stuff go!!!


Sounds to me like you people pass the hunting spots down, based on pecking order or family. You can try to belittle me all you want, It is not working,  The majority of post on this forum have been about running people off when they park near or next to you, and the only way you can do that is to sit in your car waiting for them, when you should probably be hunting turkeys, you have no legal right to tell people to move on.  Not on public land.  Then there has been a lot of Implications about letting out the air of turkey hunters cars or damaging the hunters cars.  Along with your ethics (rules).  Oh you don't run people off, you just intimidate them, good move.  This thread has come to the point where it is going in circles, I am generally addressing the thread.  you generally state what has been said, I will address your post as such.  I don't know you or what your action or ethics are, I am addressing this thread don't take it so personal.  Indiana I will address you personally, where did you hunt private or public land and what part of the state did you hunt, I hunted quite a bit of it deer hunting, turkey hunting, and running my beagles for rabbits all on public land and not all in the same place.  To my knowledge you park in parking designated areas, and I would be so bold as to say all of indiana is like that.  The reason for that is four wheelers would park on the side of the road and leave large ruts getting out.  Or they would pull off the road into a logging trails and block it.  For you to have such parking privileges in Indiana I would say you are the exception to the rule.  Because you surly didn't park in hunter designated areas.  I don't think you were big enough to run all the other hunters out of the parking area.  Get real.  I said it before and I'll say it again, give me one regulation from your state that says one can run off other hunters because you don't like them parking next to you. Also quote one regulation dealing with public land that says you can let the air out of parked cars, or damage their vehicles.  Also I wonder if they know public land is blocked up by the pecking order method, that would be interesting.  Maybe it is about time for public land to be hunted with lotteries.  I guess you people really hate out of state hunters that don't know your ethics, (rules).  Keep it coming guys, at first I was Aggravated but now I am starting to enjoy this.  I keep wondering how the next post is going to Justify breaking regulations for public land hunting, could be federal, or state regulations.  buy the way sometimes I am up a couple of hours early in the morning. 


^^^^  Still whoopin that horse  :deadhorse:   ^^^^^^^^

Geeez...go scouting or hunting or something. This childish arse arguing thats ate this forum up the past few weeks is gettin on peoples nerves....OG....drama free.......there, I said it. You're welcome.  :icon_thumright:


OK brother, You win, I give.  It is not like you will ever be near me, nor me you.  We will all hunt the way you hunt in Indiana, all stacked on top of each other.  Let's all sing Kumbuya.  Enjoy your season, I will mine. 
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


My hackles were never up, I just find it hard to believe what I have been reading, still no hackles.  I just want a little justification for what people say other than their opinion.  The regulations that govern the use of public land is not opinionated.   I am just glad I never had the money to hunt much out of state public land, no telling what other unwritten rules are out there.  I use to think I could check with fish and wildlife and get their regulations of a particular state before I would hunt, also in each state if you are going to hunt WMA's and such you have to get their regulations also.  Lets not forget the federal land.  after reading the posts to this thread I just wonder if these unwritten rules should be posted in the regulations also.  It is hard to hunt with using one set of regulations and then wonder about unwritten rules based on a buba plan also.


If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen


Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


I don't do you tube, if you have anything to add to this discussion say it.  I don't expect people to give in to me ! If you don't have anything to say stop posting.  I expect people to post something that will change my mind.  Right now that would be a hunting regulation for the state and public land that they hunt, saying what they do is legal.  I don't care how many times some one wants to post that they don't want people parking next to them on public land, and they talk to other hunters in a reasonable manner telling them to move on, or flat out state that they stand over hunters and talk in an abusive manner telling a hunter to move on, then if that doesn't work infer that they will let the air out of other hunters tires or damage their car in some way.  It is my opinion right now that the state you are in needs to clean house on the public land, and make room for new blood, be it in state hunters or out of state hunters.  I didn't join this forum for nothing, I joined it because I felt I could help some new hunter break in to hunting, to give my 2 cents worth along with everyone else.  My problem is when I hear BS I just can't let it go.  In my opinion what people have stated that they practice, and passing on hunting spots to friends and family like a pecking order is BS.  When you read my post It is very clear what I am saying.  People try to belittle others who have a strong case against them.  They think it strengthens their stance.  It doesn't, why don't you people address what I have posted.  There have been a few post in this thread saying they would agree with me if there was designated parking where I hunted public land, I could probably have let it go at that, if it were not for all these ethical (rules) hunters trying to belittle me.  The more I learned the more I found out it was BS and I am calling it.  Now I'll continue this discussion as long as it takes, If you don't have anything new to add just stop posting, I have heard it all.  If you are abusive and try to make me look bad, you need not post, I will ignore you.  I am looking for post that will support the actions as stated in this post, which I think summarizes the thread.  If I am wrong some one chime in.  I really like this thread, it gives new hunters a new understanding of what goes on in this world of hunting.  Don't think it doesn't go on with deer hunting also.  Also there are probably a lot of seasoned hunters getting an ear full.  Myself I had no Idea stuff like this existed.


d.windsor, nobody is trying to change your mind, because (generally speaking) you are right (about the one type of instance that you keep bringing up). When there are a limited number of designated parking spots then of course multiple people are going to use them. NOBODY IS ARGUING AGAINST THAT. Nobody is talking about trying to stake out a parking lot made for 20 vehicles and claim it as their own.

What people are talking about is pulling off at some random spot on the shoulder of a road in the middle of nowhere and having some other yahoo pull up behind them and follow them into the woods like a stupid puppy dog when you could literally drive a mile down the road in either direction and not find another soul. In cases where there is plenty of land to go around there is absolutely no reason to do something like that. If you honestly can't see the problem with that behavior then I can only assume you are one of the puppy dogs.

Nobody is trying to bully anyone out of a spot. The part you don't seem to grasp is that the people who are upset by that type of behavior are upset because it's something they would never do to someone else. It's not because someone is hunting "their" spot. If they drove up and found someone already parked where they wanted to hunt they would just go some place else, all they want is the same respect in return.

You asked why people aren't addressing what you have posted, and frankly it's because your posts have mostly been nonsensical rants against a straw man position which you alone have created. Here's a hint: there's a world of difference between joking about letting the air out of some jerks tires and actually doing it. Feel free to keep fighting the good fight against all the evil tire deflators that you think are on this forum though...   :deadhorse:


I was not talking about someone pulling off the road, as I said you can't do that where I hunt.  No one said they pulled of the road to park.  I am not worried about being bullied out of a spot.  I have never seen a puppy dog, in Indiana, they have laws for people that interfere with licensed hunters,  I would say the puppy dogs are breaking the law.  Nonsensical rants, straw man position, evidently you have not read this whole thread much less my last post, or you really don't care.  As far as your hint, it didn't sound to me like they were joking, about the tires, cars or running other hunters down the road.   I specifically remember a LOL about other hunters cars, in one post.  I appreciate your post but other than a few well placed jabs, I didn't get anything out of it.  I know why people are not addressing my post, they have been to busy belittling me, trying to justify their position, by trying to make me look less than intelligent, so it would make their position stronger.  They have no defence for their posting I don't think anyone said they were kidding.  Your post is trying to justify everything they said, in any context, including a few well placed jabs yourself.  I know what posts were placed and the context that was put forth.  I am not going to get into a battle of words with you, My last post stands as written.  The context of my last post is not out of place, read the thread.  Now see I didn't try to belittle you or jab you once.


Sprinting past a guy that's on his way to a spot just to beat him there may not make them a law breaker or an unethical hunter but it 100% makes them an..........


 No one said a sprinter was not unethical as for a law breaker you will have to talk to a Conservation officer.  If the guy was on the main trail walking in, he has no gripe, he could sprint too.  I don't think the sprinter would have any idea where the guy was going.  Unless the sprinter was the guys friend then you would probably be right.  If he was set up I would say you have a point.  In any event I don't think I can help you. 


I turkey hunt public land 99% of the time, deer hunt it 1% of the time, and hog hunt it 100% of the time and I'm tired of this thread.
A man fires a rifle for many years, and he goes to war. And afterward he turns the rifle in at the armory, and he believes he's finished with the rifle. But no matter what else he might do with his hands, love a woman, build a house, change his son's diaper; his hands remember the rifle.