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leaf scratching

Started by letsgohunting, March 21, 2014, 04:26:54 PM

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How far away do yall think turkeys can hear a hunter scratching leafs in the woods


depends how loud the leaves are and how agressive you get in them. Generally its a they are just out of range or in range but somethings in the way and i just need to give them the confidence to come a few yds closer
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If I'm within 50-75 yards of a gobbler it has been a deadly tactic to seal the deal.  First time I did it I was amazed at the reaction I got.

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I called in a band of jakes from over 100 yards away with nothing more than scratching in the leaves.
Deadliest call in the spring woods, IMO.


I would guess 50-75 yards.... It can be deadly.....


I'm not sure. I can tell you I have scratched at turkeys that were 50 yards away and they paid no attention at all. Scratched at others that were even farther and they came right in. Maybe depends on the terrain?

El Pavo Grande

Not sure, but a pretty long ways when dry.  I scratch in the leaves a lot.  Sometimes it may be the only call I make, especially on hard hunted ones.


100 yds and in im trying it


Well they say a Wild Turkey can hear a mouse squeak at 200 yards. I know they have excellent hearing, better than most people would think.

I'd say on a calm morning they could hear it from over 100 yards away and if the biologist are correct about their hearing 200 yards.


While your scratching, pick up the bugs and loudly crunch them between your teeth, that will bring em in. :OGani: :TooFunny:

Sorry couldn't help it.  :morning: :morning:

Scratching ha worked for me too 75 yards they heard it.


I have used a forked stick to really get aggressive when a bird is a little farther away. 

You know like you're under the corn feeder  :popcorn:
2025 NWTF Booth 235


A lot further than you think, same for wing sounds especially if you're already calling from that location.   Always amazed at what they hear and will respond to once contact is started.


Pretty far....plus its the best FREE tactic there is...in my opinion!  It can be deadly!! Has worked many times for me.  I can remember the first time I ever seen my dad do this when I was young just getting into turkey hunting I thought he was crazy...I sure didn't anymore after I watched that turkey flopping at 25 yrds!! 

God Bless
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens


Last Spring we were getting set up on a gobbler and a different gobbler flew to us. The only thing I can figure is that he heard us walking and flew toward the sound looking for us. I have called them in scratching lots of times in both the fall and spring. They can hear it a long way off. From my experience they generally come in slipping and looking. I can't really remember one ever coming to scratching and be gobbling. As for their hearing I am convinced they can either hear better than a human or they can hear some weird turkey frequency that we can't hear. Kind of like those silent dog whistles. Reason I say this is because I had hen sitting in a tree about thirty yards from me tree yelping and I could barely hear it and there was a gobbler about 200 or more yards away that gobbled at her every time. He would cut her off. She finally flew out to him and he quit gobbling. I am convinced that lots of turkeys we hear early are actually gobbling at things we can't hear. I have a friend that said he was hearing turkeys gobble at nothing. He was gobbling at or for those half doesn't hens standing around putting in the trees all around him.


Quote from: chatterbox on March 21, 2014, 05:28:45 PM
I called in a band of jakes from over 100 yards away with nothing more than scratching in the leaves.
Deadliest call in the spring woods, IMO.
SHHHHHHHHH dont let the word out. dont you know you gotta have an expensive custom call to kill a longbeard. lol