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Anybody else pretty much give up deer hunting?

Started by jakesdad, January 03, 2014, 03:57:23 PM

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CA don't have many deer. So I just put in for an archery draw. When we draw a good zone we usually have a good hunt. I do elk hunt and talk about weighing to much. You can't even turn them things over by yourself.

RIP Marvin Robbins



I gave up Wednesday. Last day of the season. Can't wait til mid September.


Love to hunt deer almost as much as thunder chickens. I get just as pumped over a fawn as a mature buck. No horn porn here. I just love hunting. Deer may weigh more than a turkey, but I can eat on Bambi a lot longer than a bird.
Certified Wildlife Biologist


I still deer hunt.   Basically the archery opener out of tradition and then the rut for 5 or 6 times.  I them will rifle hunt 2-3x.  When I gun hunt I  am mostly covering new ground and scouting for spring gobbler season.  I really don't stand hunt with a rifle.   One thing is for sure---when deer hunting spring gobblers are on my mind!   

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Cluck more, yelp less


 I love archery hunting for deer. I will never give it up.

stone road turkey calls

I will stop deer hunting one day, because i will be dead. until then i will enjoy it as much as i can.
Stone Road Turkey Calls / Gary Taylor
2013 Norseman 3rd place pot call
2013 Grand national 6th place pot call
2014 Midwest 3rd place pot call
2015 Midwest 5th place HM Tube call


I do it, but like with a lot of guys on here, it's for the social aspect. Pretty tough hunting around here, and we have mostly buck only where I hunt for rifle and muzzleloader seasons. I sat in a stand, and watched 5 does walk right under on the last day of the season. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed watching them, but I hate the cold, and walking a mile in the dark to my stand to "deer wait" for a buck to walk by, isn't much fun.

The other reason I do it, is my son loves it, and it's important to stoke that fire.

There is nothing that compares to turkey hunting. I just wish NH fish and game would open their eyes, and let us shoot at least 2 birds.


I absolutely love to bowhunt mature bucks,  not so much gun hunt anymore.  Its amazing how when a tom is coming in gobbling my heart is pounding as hard as when a great buck is sneaking his way in by my stand.  Scoot


I deer hunt and enjoy it. You might say I'm strictly a bowhunter. This is my 26th year and have only taken 4 deer with a gun...all with a muzzleloader. I will admit that it has become less enjoyable. I enjoy my time in the stand, but I'm getting tired of all the commercialized crap that goes on now...."can't shoot a buck unless he's at least 4 1/2 years old" & 140+", "have to shoot does to manage the herd", "have to put in food plots to grow good deer", etc....you are almost looked down on if you don't follow these "rules". Also it's coming to a point that, not long from now, if you don't own land you will: 1) lease land to hunt. 2) hunt public ground(with everybody else that can't afford to buy or lease ground) or 3) not hunt.

Old Gobbler

I was never into deer hunting , I do love eating deer though -- In Florida deer hunting is extremely difficult , there isn't many places to go public, the private property is out of the reach of the normal persons financial abilities

The best opportunities are with the bow hunting , other than that it's some steep odds as the deer get killed off, run off, or pressured to go nocturnal or onto adjacent properties

the years have gone by I just don't have he time to pursue deer hunting at all
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



I never thought the day would come where I would enjoy Spring Turkey, more than my Bowhunting deer, but it has came. Always loved bowhunting bucks, and over the years have taken many, but my quest here in PA nowadays is very difficult. After taking several that have made the Record Books with a bow, my goal now is only a 140in. plus buck, where I let many walk and eat many tags.

To the point where I feel I'm wasteing so much time, as these bucks are far and few between in my area, hunting only Public Ground. But the big difference between bowhunting and Turkey hunting is, on any given Spring day on Public ground, I know my chances are really good at taking a long beard. And my chances for a buck I'd shoot now, are slim to none, which has me now favoring Turkey over deer. And I never feel I'm wasteing a minute Turkey Hunting.


I hunt Turkeys, Deer, Hogs, Ducks, Geese. Just about anything I can get on or invited to lol. I just like being in the woods with friends. Turkeys are probably #1 with Ducks 2nd. Geese are fun when you have a couple hundred maybe over a 1000 circling Snows above you can be thrilling. Chief


Have to agree with quite a few on here, the QDMA, tv hunts, 150" bucks or no shoot or you get looked down on. Which is unrealistic ,at least around here.[north Missouri] Letting 130 " bucks go and hardly ever seeing any bigger, let alone getting a shot, just gets you down on the deer hunts.
Real glad we cant see spur length, can you all imagine not shooting that big tom you called into 30 yards and having to pass because the spurs are under 1 1/2" ? Or the beard is under 10"?


I am a Pro Staffer for Tenpoint crossbows and I love deer hunting; I will until the day The Good Lord calls me home BUT if I had to choose between deer or turkey hunting, deer hunting wouldn't have a chance; turkey hunting is my 1st love and nothing can take its place;

I will tell ya'll something though, "IF" I had the money I would kill my deer early (like 1st 2 weeks of October) then I would love to do nothing but travel the country and hunt quail and pheasant from middle of October till end of February, but that's just a dream.
God has always provided the tree, but you never read where he built the nest.


I am fortunate to live in an area with plenty of deer. I love to bowhunt the rut, it can be a crazy time to be in the woods. So every year I bowhunt from the Sept opener through mid November and then switch over to ducks for the remainder of the season. As much as I love spring turkey, I can't imagine only hunting then.