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Personally feeling the impact of "obamacare"

Started by lightsoutcalls, May 23, 2013, 10:19:01 AM

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Turkey Trot

Quote from: Muzzy61 on May 23, 2013, 08:43:33 PM
I work in the medical field. Distribution manager for a orthopedic implant manufacturer . We sell and ship nationally and to 40 foreign countries. Part of the Obama care is a medical device tax. To avoid a tax that would take one third of our profits we are moving our foreign sale and distribution over seas. I'm having to lay off 10 guys with families. We will lay off 7 to 10 more in customer service.

Is it an American company?

Is production of the devices done in America?

I certainly hope that the company will publicize its decision so that the idiots in the country that voted for Barry and Joe and support their policies receive an education on the law of unintended consequences.
Until The Turkeys Have Their Historians, Tales Of The Hunt Shall Always Glorify The Hunter


Quote from: Turkey Trot on May 24, 2013, 10:16:31 AM
Quote from: Muzzy61 on May 23, 2013, 08:43:33 PM

I certainly hope that the company will publicize its decision so that the idiots in the country that voted for Barry and Joe and support their policies receive an education on the law of unintended consequences.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. There is no cure. They can not be educated. No matter what happens it will not be there fault. People who voted for him the first time but not the second time will vote for someone just like him in the future. They voted aganst obama for one reason or another, not aganst liberals. Don't be fooled. The pubicans in office have no intention of changing anything. They just want control of it. "well...they repealed obamacare 5 times" OH HOW SWEET. They would have you believe the House has no power. And looks like most people do. And there are plenty enough pubicans to help democrats stomp any conservitive that gets any traction. And how many people who claim to be conservitive fell for Romney hook, line, and sinker.  " Houston, we have a problem" :help:

Tail Feathers

Quote from: nystrut on May 24, 2013, 08:06:18 AM
my local hospital just anounced that they are laying off 80 full time employees due to obama care.

Yeh, THAT ought to help our healthcare. ::)  This is already the largest single tax burden placed on the American people, as defined by the Supreme Court.   :help:
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Quote from: Turkey Trot on May 24, 2013, 10:16:31 AM
Quote from: Muzzy61 on May 23, 2013, 08:43:33 PM
I work in the medical field. Distribution manager for a orthopedic implant manufacturer . We sell and ship nationally and to 40 foreign countries. Part of the Obama care is a medical device tax. To avoid a tax that would take one third of our profits we are moving our foreign sale and distribution over seas. I'm having to lay off 10 guys with families. We will lay off 7 to 10 more in customer service.

Is it an American company?

Is production of the devices done in America?

I certainly hope that the company will publicize its decision so that the idiots in the country that voted for Barry and Joe and support their policies receive an education on the law of unintended consequences.

It is an american company. Our founder is an orthopedic surgen who started his buiness in his garage 26 years ago here in North Florida, and still operates 2 days a week.. We have grown to a 350 million dollar company with 8 global offices. We produce the implants and instruments here in the USA. For the last 5 or 10 years some of the Directors have tried to get him to move some of the manufacturing over seas to save money. He has refused every time. But this damn medical device tax has finally forced him to. It's really sad....
Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr


REP have gas and  DEM have healthcare between the two the working class people are screwed.  If you think this is bad don't ever close your 401 account. I had to and talk about taking it MAN you really get screwed but hey look what we get from it. High cost of living, less money in the pay check, gay rights and more workers coming. My wife worked most of her life and due to medical issues can't work and more but was denied disability said she didn't meet their requirements, but a crackhead,dope smoking, drunk is good to go.   It's a great system we have. More like a  :TrainWreck1: :TrainWreck1:

Old Gobbler

Its gonna get much worse  -Sad part is that your level of service will be steeply degraded , and your costs will go sky high

Waiting rooms are going to be slammed full with all same folks that have been exploiting welfare for decades very soon - In Canada , you have to wait months to get critical operations performed on you -brace yourselves for the biggest scam to ever be perpetuated on the taxpayer -

I think as the law starts to set in , votes will start to peel off the democrats , hopefully we can get enough conservatives in there to throw this bill away  - until that day happens heathcare will become more and more expensive and will degrade in service level - except of course for the spongers of society ,  - heathcare just got a whole lot better for them 
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



I can say for certain that my hc premium increases (10% last year and 7% this year) is a direct result of obamacare, the insurance companies received a hell of an increase in profit margin.  Health insurance companies are making money hand over fist because of this travesty. There was nothing wrong with our healthcare prior to this idjit being elected, the problem was and is with insurance companies, especially when they dictate to a doctor what care they will provide to a patient.
For years the insurance companies were protected by republicans and now they are in bed with the democraps the worst part is they (and the oil companies) are also in the back pocket of every American who has investments, retirement plans or a pension. We demand our investments grow so we gain wealth, money in one pocket, and in order to do that the insurance and oil companies must make a profit from their consumers (us) which means money out of the other pocket. Meanwhile beaucrats in Washington have exempted themselves from paying for insurance, are involved in insider trading and have the ability to vote themselves raises.
Until 'We the People' rise up and take back our government and set it to operate as the founding fathers initially established, we will continue to erode. This sounds like the end-all-be-all solution but the problem is our population is too large and we would never be able to agree on the best course of action.


That is a enough to make a guy puke.  Sorry to hear this.  I just hope we don't get another one just like him.  If you weaned out welfare, foodstamps and all the other federal income that the democrats shell out to those folks that are basically living off the gov't these guys like Obama would'nt come close to getting elected.  That is what is wrong with America.  Too many folks living the good life for nothing.  Well hell no wonder they vote for guys like Obama.  And we the people that are the working class pay their free ride.  It's time it ended. 


If you don't have enough brains to take care of yourself, you're supposed to die. Its the way this world is set up. Its the way other species survive. But along come the liberals. Oh we have to take care of these people and make sure they have food and water and shelter and medical so they can lay up and screw and make more idiots to vote. I never saw anybody that worked hard and tried to do right become dissabled and nobody would help them. Good people will help good people. If it was left that way good people would survive and bad people wouldn't be able to multiply so fast.

El Pavo Grande

Quote from: ILIKEHEVI-13 on May 26, 2013, 02:12:14 AM
That is a enough to make a guy puke.  Sorry to hear this.  I just hope we don't get another one just like him.  If you weaned out welfare, foodstamps and all the other federal income that the democrats shell out to those folks that are basically living off the gov't these guys like Obama would'nt come close to getting elected.  That is what is wrong with America.  Too many folks living the good life for nothing.  Well hell no wonder they vote for guys like Obama.  And we the people that are the working class pay their free ride.  It's time it ended.

The frustrating part are the folks that are directly effected negatively by this administration also voted for these jokers.  It just makes no sense!!!  But, not much is rational when dealing with the liberal mindset. 


"If You Call Them,They Will Come."


Obama is a disaster, enough said. Anything he does or stands for is bad medicine to this country. He attacks everything most of us stands for and what our grandfathers, fathers, brothers, sons has fought and died for. Just my 2 cents.
Mossberg 835 Ulti-Mag


Quote from: Turkey Trot on May 24, 2013, 10:16:31 AM
Quote from: Muzzy61 on May 23, 2013, 08:43:33 PM
I work in the medical field. Distribution manager for a orthopedic implant manufacturer . We sell and ship nationally and to 40 foreign countries. Part of the Obama care is a medical device tax. To avoid a tax that would take one third of our profits we are moving our foreign sale and distribution over seas. I'm having to lay off 10 guys with families. We will lay off 7 to 10 more in customer service.

Is it an American company?

Is production of the devices done in America?

I certainly hope that the company will publicize its decision so that the idiots in the country that voted for Barry and Joe and support their policies receive an education on the law of unintended consequences.

They won't learn anything.  Any being capable of rational thought would not have voted for them, they are hopeless.

Sent from a gnarly phone with a kickstand


Back to the original post: What needs to happen is for all the drivers to quit. If you can't make money, there is no point in doing it. Let the corporation purchase and provide vehicles and employees to drive them, and see how that works out for them.

As for Obamacare being the "reason" for these changes, I suspect in reality, it is more of an "excuse" to do so. As always, corporate America is trying to pay for increased expenses by taking it away from their employees, never the stockholder or management.


I have been feeling the effects of "Obama" care since 2008!!!!