Spring Gobblers are just like us men. Breeding is formost on our minds and food is second. If the gobblers have been using your property since you have been hunting it to breed and the hens to nest they are going to continue, what they need is there. Sure it may pull a few of the birds but not all of them are going to jump ship, what they know has been bread into them for years. I have killed numerous gobblers from the exact same tree, year after year because that it where they go to breed. I always put it like this to new hunters that are just starting turkey hunting. If you go out for a night to a club and you get lucky there with the ladies, what do you think your chances are that you are going to go back and try to get lucky again?? YEP!! Well gobblers are the same way, they know where the hens are going to go to be breed and they will be there. I wouldn't worry too much, what the turkeys know has been bread into them for many years.