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I'm GOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Started by mfd1027, March 04, 2011, 09:35:55 PM

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Yep.   My buddy just called and said his boat trip got canceled so we're goin huntin' in the morning.   He's picking me up at 3:45.
Hopefully we will be a little ahead of the main crowd.    :z-guntootsmiley:

The wind is blowing about 20 mph rt. now but maybe it will lay down for a few min. rt. at dawn.   I'm actually kind of glad we've got bad weather this weekend.    We're taking the campers out on Mon. afternoon and we're planning on staying until Fri.  If I just hear one gobble I'll be happy.  lol  

I'm tempting fate too.   I just got out my dig. scale and the face is melted!!   If I do get lucky I'll put that son of a gun in a cooler and go buy a new scale tomorrow!!!   Anything to up my odds.  :z-winnersmiley: :z-guntootsmiley: :you_rock: :z-paddy-smiley113:

I've got the Encore ready, fanny pack loaded, call's onboard-including our travel call, hat, mask , gloves and my camera.  Should be good to go!! :wav:        

TURKEY WARS 2011 WILL START AT 06:45  TOMORROW AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND IT'S GONNA START WITH OUR TRAVEL CALL   :z-winnersmiley: :turkey2: :fud: :newmascot:

I'm killin us a turkey this week!!!!


 :happy0064:  :happy0064:  :happy0064:

DO IT AGAIN DAN,,, fire that first shot and get that first bird on the ground. Good luck to you two and be safe,,,,,good hunting...
Before all else fails,talk to Jesus




Good luck Dan get us on the board


 :anim_25: Hope you get us on the board. runnin and gunnin

latimer shedhead

 Good luck Dan!!!! Be safe and have fun!Put some luck on the travel call :fud: :newmascot:


Good luck Dan, have fun and be careful.  Sign that call in turkey blood.


go get'em Dan be safe and good hunting


Alright, Good luck Dan!! Get us on the board. Can't believe somebody is already getting started.  :anim_25:


Guess what I heard this morning???    Geoooobbbbbbblllllleeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    I was so shocked I couldn't believe it.   When we got to the parking lot at 5 this morning it was FULL!!!!!    I thought oh sh--- this is going to suck.   Anyways we got the buggy cranked and headed to our spot.   We had Brad's son with us and one of his buddies so we had to drive them to another spot first and then we headed over to the new spot we found on Wed.   Brad dropped me off on the trail and headed about a 1/4 mile farther up the trail.    It was a nice morning and the wind was calm so I just stood where I was and listened.   This area is a wide open prairie with pines behind me and cypress heads in front of me.    The grass is about like 3 ft. CRP.  There's a ton of buggy trails out there and the grass gets mashed down from the buggy traffic and that how the birds get around.    Anyways,  I didn't hear anything on the roost so I headed to an intersection of several trails where it was matted down and dried mud which made for a nice opening.   I had seen a lot of track's there on Wed.   It was daylight as I headed over there and sure enough there was some nice gobbler track's in the rd.    I found a nice spot to set up and I sat down and started calling.   I did start with the travel call but switched pretty quick to the ol Secret Weapon.   I let out a series of cutt's followed by some helping and boom one gobbled off in the distance.   I was blown away. lol   That's the first gobble I've ever heard in Big Cypress!!   I fired back at him and he answered again but man was he a long way.   Probably not as far as I thought but I jumped up and hauled butt toward him.    The area is a maze of buggy trails and that's how you get around and sometimes you take the wrong one and then you have to do a cross country to hit another trail.    I closed the distance quite a bit and now had him tearing it up.   I was actually afraid somebody else would hear him but thought what the heck so i kept calling and moving trying to figure out how to get over to where he was.   There was a big cypress stand between us and it was like a jungle in there and I got hung up and had to retreat back to one of the trail'.s   To make a long story short I couldn't figure out how to get on his side of the head and he wasn't going to cross it either.    I messed with him a while longer but he finally shut up.    I did hear some hen's coming to  him so I think he wound up with some ladies out of the deal and I wound up empty handed.    Brad heard a single gobble too and his son and friend heard one so I'm pretty excited about our odds this yr.   Only problem is he can't go back until next Th. ??? ???   I think I'm going back Mon or Tue and I'm going to ride my bike.   This is the first time I've hunted out there when it was this dry.   I know I can make it back there on my bike.    The ride is only about 7-8 miles so it won't be too bad and I should be able to aver. about 6-8 mph so I'll plan on leaving the parking lot about an hr. and a half before sunrise.   I'm excited about the deal.    BTW!!!  We didn't hear one single shot.    I counted 21 trucks in the parking lot with 3-4 4 of them having to park in the restricted lot (no trailer's allowed)   There is no walk in hunting done in this area.    Not that you can't just nobody does it because the first 2 mi. or so is usually flooded.    I took some video of the buggy ride and I'll post it later.    Man, I'm whupped!!!!


awesome dan i hope you can close the deal on a good'un :z-guntootsmiley: BTW rick and i checked out some new land today that place is huge there hasd got to be birds on it


You guys are going to be into em big time this year. Wes!!!


Quote from: gob09 on March 05, 2011, 04:46:27 PM
BTW rick and i checked out some new land today that place is huge there hasd got to be birds on it

Dang it man, thats great. How many places you got to hunt? How many acres?


Man that is cool Dan, glad you got one to hammer at you, gets exciteing don't it.
  Yeah we checked out some property I aquired last summer, there is 1000 or so acres on one side of the road that has alot of timber and mountain side then across the road is around 500 acres of bottom land and creek bottoms, we're pumped about his place, next week we hope to scout it alot better.
Before all else fails,talk to Jesus


Sounds like a good start Dan! Glad you had some action. I wanna see pics of you hauling your big ol bird out on your bike next week  :bike2:  :TooFunny: