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All AR Style Rifles Have Been Pulled From The Shelves !!

Started by vaturkey, December 18, 2012, 09:26:06 PM

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The second amendment was not put there to make sure we have sporting guns. It was put there to make sure we have weapons to protect ourself. An 1100 won't do you much good aganst a gang with AKs. Reason don't fit in anywhere. Thats why we're in this mess. Last time I looked, cocane was aganst the law. How much do you want? Nobody at that school had a weapon to protect themselves. That was the problem. But we're supposed to be good little liberals and vote for some more gun laws. Evil is here,always has been and always will be. We should be able to protect ourselves aganst it. What is a criminal anyway? Somebody who don't care what the law is. Sorry about the rant. Maybe turkey season will be here soon.

Addicted to Gobblin

FYI to the left wing liberal idiots in Washington: Gun control is not the issue, Idiot control IS!!!! They should know best because idiots that are out of control is the reason this country is in the shape its in!! Just my 2 cents worth.


Well stated Rev. You made some good points. I read once that if guns cause shootings, then pencils cause mispellings. The general public needs to understand that.

Hope you and the rest of us old gobblers have a very Merry Christmas.


I have heard the argument about the 2nd ammendment relating to muskets, not assault rifles.  That argument doesn't hold water.  The 2nd ammendment related to citizens being able to protect themselves from any threat from aggressors.  The point was made in this thread about the weapons that modern day aggressors might have. 
It amazes me that people who call themselves "progressives" or "forward thinkers" would rely on such a completely ignorant argument about "assault rifles" not being protected by the 2nd ammendment. 

When the "AR" argument comes up, my first thoughts are about a gentleman I am proud to call my friend.  He is retired from the Arkansas State Police and was a sniper/counter sniper.  You will not meet a more humble, gentle and accomodating man.  I have enjoyed having numerous conversations with him about building predator calls, which is one of his passions.  He owns and uses AR rifles to hunt predators.  He has commented that no other game animals give him the challenge that predators give.  I also had the privelege of going on a predator hunt with him on a high fence ranch.  The operators were having problems with predators killing their baby goat and deer species, which cost him considerable potential income.  We were invited to stay on the ranch for a weekend at no cost for the purpose of hunting coyotes/bobcats.  We went through numerous "setups" on different parts of the property with no success.  We were in our last setup of the day.  Myself and another guy were just about to get up and gather our gear to head back.  Joe made a quiet noise to get our attention and motioned for us to get down. He pointed ahead of where we had been watching.  A coyote "loped" over the ridge about 80 yards in front of us and turned, hesitating for less than a second when BOOM!  Joe rolled the coyote with a .204 Ruger AR. 
Let me tell you...  If it was a playground "choose teams" scenario of picking who I would want to protect me and mine... Joe would be my first choice. 
I think about our government trying to round up "assault rifles".  Here is a man who has served his state and country by putting his life on the line.  He has stories to tell...  I can't imagine someone trying to take his AR away from him.  They would need to bring military grade equipment...  Back to our coyote hunt...  The coyote that Joe "sniped" at 80 yards lay with its head rolling around as a nerve reaction.  He said "I can't stand to see that."  He pulled a little North American Arms .22 mini-revolver out of his front pocket and said "cover your ears".  He dispatched the coyote quickly.  I remarked "I always wondered what those little guns were good for."  Joe looked me in the eye and with all seriousness stated "5 men", then turned to pick up the coyote.  You know what?  I believe him. 

As others have stated, banning specific firearms or high-capacity magazines will not stop the problem in this country.  It sickens me that liberals would stoop to using raw emotion from such a tragedy to advance the agenda they have had all along.  The problem is the heart of man...

Genesis 6:5 MSG
The Message
God saw that human evil was out of control. People thought evil, imagined evil - evil, evil, evil from morning to night.

This verse was just before God flooded the earth and destroyed all but one family...  Sadly, I think we have come full circle.

Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


There are a lot of hunting opportunites on the AR platform. .458 SOCOM is perfect for deer and hogs. .223 is great for coyotes and other varmints.

Just because you try to limit the number of guns sold in store to law abiding citizens doesn't mean criminals can't get their hand on guns. Organized crime in the UK formed a very lucritive business after their ban. They starting importing guns from Germany to sell to criminals and made tons of money on the deal.

The biggest problem with ARs is the name. The media runs with the Assault Rifle title and makes it look like a fully automatic weapon. Next thing you know is my Ruger 10/22 will be banned since its a semiautomatic weapon. I'll be shooting squirrels with my bow.
Hoosier Hunt n Fish


My Walmart was sold out of AR's and 223 ammo. They will get more in has they come available. I love my AR-15. It is a fun rifle to shoot. It is cheaper than my 270 to shoot. Plus I hunt with my AR-15. I hunt coyote and deer with mine. My 12 year old daughter took her first deer this year with my AR-15. I plan on building another one if the parts become. A buddy of mine took two deer with his new Colt AR-15. His Dad took 3 deer with his this year. My buddies neice took a deer with his Dad's AR-15 this year. AR-15 guns are a good hunting rifle. Wish I would have gotten one sooner. 


I found to metion I am see alot of AK-47's and SKS semi-automatic rifles still for sell. Those are fun to shoot too.


I hate it when people tell me that I dont need that. I may not need it,but maybe I just want it. People dont need a Corvette,Lexus, but they want one.I find it troubling that a fellow hunter and gun owner would say it wouldnt bother them if they banned all so called assult weapons.I dont own a vett but if they decided to ban them, then it would bother me.These people who couldnt tell the difference between an 870 or a 22 bolt action are deciding what we "need".I will tell them,when the tyrants in washington turn theirs in, so will I. The 2nd A is NOT about hunting,it is to insure we as a people keep free fom tyrants like we have now.We the people better wake up or these "little"steps will affect every one of us and our families.Never trust a Gov.that doesnt trust you.


Quote from: Turkey Trot on December 20, 2012, 01:22:42 PM
Dick's never sold assault rifles.

They sold semi-auto rifles that the liberals and media have erroneously labeled as assault rifles.

Thank you.  That term drives me nuts.  Before the Brady Bill that term was a military term used to describe select fire (full/semi-auto) rifles.  Since then the anti-gun crowd has adopted it in an attempt to make guns sound scary...assigning it to pretty much all tactical looking guns.  They have effectively made the term so commonplace that even some of the most passionate gun owners are using it. 
Save the Little ones for the Little Ones.


Quote from: Oconeeguy on December 20, 2012, 06:27:13 PM

So why do we NEED them anyway?

Simple.  Because the bad guys have them. I want to be at least on the same playing field.

If you can assure me that a Semi-automatic weapon will never fall into the hands of a bad guy again, then and only then, consider getting rid of mine. If you can convince me that bad guys will never get their hands on a magazine holding XX number of rounds again, I will then and only then consider getting rid of mine. 
Save the Little ones for the Little Ones.


Quote from: Oconeeguy on December 20, 2012, 07:47:03 PM

Why don't our second amendment rights apply to fully automatic guns?

It does.  it is perfectly (in most states)legal for you to own a fully automatic gun.  In TN all you need is to pass a background check and buy a $200 class 3 stamp.  (then 6-12K for the gun that is the hardest part for most of us) No if you want to deal in full-auto guns its a whole different ballgame(inspections, certifications etc...). 
Save the Little ones for the Little Ones.


Quote from: Oconeeguy on December 20, 2012, 06:27:13 PM
Personally, I don't want or NEED an assault rifle, and I won't miss those particular style of guns if they are outlawed. Two friends have them and i have had fun target shooting them before. You never saw firearms like these when i was growing up in the 60s and 70s. Friends, relatives and I read outdoor magazines, hunted and shot at targets (mostly paper targets, bottles, phone books, milk jugs with water, etc.), but I never knew anyone that had an assault rifle. So they are a fairly recent addition to the firearms that are available.

So why do we NEED them anyway? Why do we need access to any darn thing that goes BANG? I have always thought that fishing with a hand grenade or RPG might be fun and productive, and it would certainly be great for "self defense", but do i have a legal right to have one, and more importantly, should I?  NO

I have hunted since I got a BB gun at age 5 (over 50 yrs ago) and will continue to as long as i can.
To clarify, these ar style guns have been around for 50+ years. Why all the sudden are they bad?

Second, do you turkey hunt with that same bb gun?


Quote from: Oconeeguy on December 20, 2012, 07:47:03 PM
Sorry, but assault rifles are not necessarily semi-automatic sporting rifles. It seems that many folks think that our second amendment rights apply to anything that goes BANG. Why don't our second amendment rights apply to fully automatic guns? An assault rifle with a high-capacity magazine can fire almost as fast as fully automatic version. Very little difference. I have shot one about that fast before.

We need to get beyond the political rhetoric that we have been feeding ourselves for the last 20 yrs or so, or the anti-hunting, anti-gun general public will outlaw REAL semi-automatic hunting guns like the Remington 7600, or 1100 shotgun. Where on earth does reason fit into this discussion?
So far reason hasnt fit with anything youve said...

Tell me why the color and shape of a gun dictates it's usefulness as compared to the ones you mentioned? Why are the ones you mention any more qualified to be a hunting gun and not an evil assault weapon? Others will view those guns as bad too bud and they will want to unjustly take them from us too. Believe it!


Quote from: rev on December 20, 2012, 10:00:03 PM
What is the difference between a sport aka assault rifle like a AR15 chambered in a .22cal LR and my Ruger 10/22 ,nothing except the looks of it.

But what I'm afraid is, you give them a inch, they will finally take a foot.
I remember when they started a smoking ban,
First it was ONLY going to be banned on airplanes,
Then it was in restaurants.
Then it was the bars.
Now in some places it's in public.
What's next, you can only smoke in your bed, under the covers, with the lights off, and can only use a flash light?
When do you finally tell the government, to quit telling me how to run my life , OH wait a minute they know how to run my life better then Me, I forgot
Sorry, I like driving my full size pickup, I can't pack my stuff in a volt when I go turkey hunting
But my truck maybe against the law here pretty soon
We got enough gun laws, we just need to enforce them
The government will allow you to buy fully automatic rifles,but you have to have a classIII lic
You said it exactly. I don't agree on the smoking because it's basically up to the businesses to decide. That's fine with me because I like my family and I to breath while we eat. I see the point you are making though and agree.