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God Help us.................

Started by pappy, December 14, 2012, 01:44:23 PM

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This morning I was floored about the news of 18 children killed and 8 adults killed in a Connecticut Elementary school. The shooter just walks into the office shoots them and then walks out shooting those young babies. Of course the coward shot himself in the end, but to tell you the truth death in that way was not good enough for him, he should stand and faced his accusers and faced punishment suitable for his crimes. Twenty - six lives are gone as many families destroyed.....I believe in right to bear arms, but I also believe that our schools systems need to take note, it is NOW the time to increase security in our schools, this school had a lock down time of 9:30......it should be as soon as school begins....security measures need to be upgraded to official police people on the premises to protect and search those in and those coming in to our children's schools...God please give these babies a safe journey home to their eternal rest and help these families through this....
my new email is paw.paw.jack@sbcglobal.net


I agree with you in regards to not being able to comprehend what would go through a person's mind that would make them o.k. with taking the lives of innocent children.  I differ in my thoughts about facing his acusers.  Had he not ended his life, there would always have been the possibility of him getting off with an insanity plea, etc.  Although it is natural to want "human justice" done on such a person (we likely all could think of ways to make him suffer), he did not pass GO, nor did he go directly to jail.  This person went directly to his Maker.  I have no doubt that he will receive his due from a just God.
It makes me sick to think about what so many families may be going through right now.  They definitely need our prayers.  Something that Christians need to do is to take the time to learn from tragic situations like this.  There will be many in the families, friends, neighbors and acquaintances of those killed that will ask questions such as:  "If God is good, why would he allow something like this to happen?"  How would you respond?  Please don't respond with cliche's like "God must have needed them more than we did." 
The fact is, we live in a "fallen world".  From the moment that Adam and Eve made an informed choice to disobey God, this world has begun to suffer the results.  Many times the results seem unfair.  I won't pretend to know all of the answers to the hard questions of "why"?  I simply accept that God is sovereign, and that His reasons often go beyond my comprehension. 
I don't pretend to understand the extent of the grief that these families may be experiencing.  I can, however, acknowledge that their pain is real and that their emotions and thoughts are genuine.  I can pray that God will be that place where they can go to find comfort and resolution to these thoughts, grief and emotions.  I can pray that God will become as real to them as the tears rolling down their cheeks and the loss that they are experiencing. 
Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


We need all the help we can get! Lord please extend your hand of comfort and peace to us. 


Very sad news, My thoughts and prayers go out to their families. I just dont understand why you would kill innocent little babies like that.... Just sad..


I believe Mr. Lightsout hit this squarely on the head.


A horrific tragedy for sure.  Prayers for the families!
If you must smoke, please use BLACKPOWDER!


Horrible.. Unbelievable.. Incomprehensible. Another nut job trashing the lives of so many unknown to him..
I am beyond trying to figure this stuff out.
I pray for the victims, the families of the victims, and the poor little kids that will have to deal with this the rest of their innocent lives.
This is a travesty that go down in infamy. Never to be forgotten. What a stinkin' waste.

This one really got to me.

May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.


Mr lightsoutcalls
Could not have said it any better


Well said, Wendell.. God bless you for being able to communicate, to the masses, what we all are thinking. :cross2:

May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.


PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT I WAS NOT IMPLYING THAT THIS MAN DID NOT MEET JUSTICE AT GOD'S HAND I was implying that he should have faced the families of those children and the others whose life he took. He should have had to stood up in a court room and hear the atrocities he committed from the mouths of those who have lost their world through these people.  I agree with Wendell on the judgement call from God and the heartaches and anger mixing together in the spirits of these families and friends, but I cannot for the life of me agree that this person who took "the easy way out" by putting a bullet to his head is fair. I know he had to stand before a Just and Judgmental God,  no doubt in my mind, and that those babies are in Heaven as I type, covered by the Grace of God, it is my human side that is crying out for true justice for these families. " I can pray that God will be that place where they can go to find comfort and resolution to these thoughts, grief and emotions.  I can pray that God will become as real to them as the tears rolling down their cheeks and the loss that they are experiencing.  " What Wendell has said is best, we should seek out God's help with all concerned, there is no easy answer .... my heart just breaks and it hurts....
my new email is paw.paw.jack@sbcglobal.net

Turkey Trot

Apparently, the shooter was the son of a teacher that shot his mother first and then went to the school and shot it up.

Another nut attacked people at a school in China and injured a bunch of people.
Until The Turkeys Have Their Historians, Tales Of The Hunt Shall Always Glorify The Hunter


Words can't express my feelings. I'm stunned and sick to my stomach.God help us. :cross2: :cross2: :cross2:


Those precious little children. I pray and believe in faith that the little ones were delivered swiftly into the Saviors hands and they didn't suffer.

So many lives lost in one moment to pure evil.


This is the absolute worst thing that I can imagine. I have 2 daughters with one being in 1st grade and the other in 6th. I can honestly say that I have no idea how these parents are going to get through this and I pray that I never have to. I am absolutley heart broke about this tragedy. I don't know what to say but I felt that I needed to say something. Cherish those you love and never take them for granted. I will hug my girls extra tight tonight.  :'(
Jakes are like scotch. They are not worth a darn until they age.


Sad day indeed. All of us who are parents have difficulty comprehending how horrible this must be for the families of the victims.

As for the shooter, we may never know what prompted the killing of his mother, or the slaughter of the children, but I'm not sure it really matters anyway, because a normal, sane person can't really understand the thought processes involved in such an act. As for his fate, I, personally, am glad he is dead. It is too bad he didn't die a horrible, slow death, but at least we won't have to endure seeing his face on the news as he is put in protective custody and escorted into a courtroom somewhere. It might make us as humans feel better to see him confronted by those he wronged, but in actuality, he was more than likely a sociopath, unable to feel empathy for anyone, so the idea that he would have to "live" with his actions the rest of his life, is probably not a valid one.

I recall seeing the boys, I think, from a school shooting several years ago in the South (Kentucky?) being interviewed for a news program. To me, at least, it was obvious they had absolutely no remorse about what they had done. They should have just popped a cap in their heads and saved the taxpayers a lot of money that is now being spent on their incarceration.